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The Life of Politics

Posted by Bob on December 4th, 2014 under Coaching Session

I hope your experience with BUGS has also brought you to a realistic view of politics.

I believe the ancient Greeks said, “politics is life.”

The greatest scare of my life was when I was sitting in the African bush and group of baboons suddenly came up behind me. They do not look cute at three feet.

Baboons have teeth that are perfect to rip a person apart.

In fact, the general realization that I got from that experience – after changing some articles of clothing – was how utterly harmless humans look.

I was comparatively dangerous, for a man. I had an automatic weapon. But not only did I forget it, but later I envisioned what would have happened to me if I had used it. What I did was to freeze in place and act like I wasn’t there. They had no interest in me. If they had run into another baboon on their land, they would have torn him to pieces.

A shot from my weapon and a wounded scream from one of them – and the smell of blood, would have made them take me apart.  photo tarzan2.jpg

Incredible as it seems now, Mommy Professor only came to understand animal politics shortly before I was surrounded, though anyone out in the bush back then would know better.

The Darwinist understanding of animals, which was ruthlessly taught as Gospel for a century, was that “nature, red in blood and jaw,” was a war made up entirely of individuals. As the hippies were still saying when I got my Baboon Shock, “Only humans have borders.”

That idea would have killed me.

As usual, you will find out about this insane crap only here. Mommy Professor instantly forgets his own errors. Otherwise we would see him for what he is. But right through the sixties, the official doctrine was that only man had organized societies with definite territorial borders. They would not only SAY that, they would ENFORCE that.

I wish to heaven it had been a Mommy Professor who sat there with those baboons going by.

They didn’t even SEE me. They were looking for baboons and I was looking for humans, for much the same reason.

  1. #1 by shari on 12/04/2014 - 5:34 pm

    White children and even young adults need grownups, especially grown men, I think, to patrol the border for them. I’m so greatful for those who can do so much more. I still do what I can though. I’ve gotten a few sharp things sent.

  2. #2 by Daniel Genseric on 12/04/2014 - 6:36 pm

    Politics has been my life for more than a dozen years.

    I have never felt as alive as I have since discovering BUGS. Armed with the truth, a clear conscience, the moral high-ground, and a consistent message this pro-white guerrilla warrior has never been so dangerous to the enemy as he now is.

    This seminar, its coach, and the subsequent experience it has afforded me has provided me with vision that I did not enjoy before.

    I don’t see everything coming our way, but my eyesight has improved more than I ever thought possible. With the right team, it’s hard to mistake a shot coming from the camp of our enemy. However – with that being said – I could drop everything, go dark and give the anti-whites the “treatment” they deserve for the foreseeable future, and beyond.

    It feels good to have camped with the saints.

    Thank you!

    • #3 by Jason on 12/05/2014 - 6:25 am

      Finding BUGS changed my world view. It makes me sick I didn’t know it about it before.

      • #4 by Mike M on 12/05/2014 - 11:35 am

        Same here. Thanks to Bob and all Bugsers work.

      • #5 by Benjamin Newells on 12/06/2014 - 9:16 am

        At the moment I can’t assess whether BUGS changed my worldview, but it eliminated most of the despair which I felt about our situation. It provides a solid, practical approach to doing something about our situation and provides clear and positive results that seem to dramatically increase as the months go by. I’m not sure what will eventually happen, but I’m confident it will be something good.

  3. #6 by Denounce Genocidists on 12/05/2014 - 6:10 am

    The world of animals and men divided forever.

  4. #7 by Denounce Genocidists on 12/05/2014 - 2:14 pm

    “Incredible as it seems now, Mommy Professor only came to understand animal politics shortly before I was surrounded, though anyone out in the bush back then would know better”

    That was the line one of my Leftist friends used, it can`t be like that because Mommy Professor might be a prancing Intellectual but would never go against the observations of naturalists.

    For context, this is the same person who says:

    “Well how useful is soap anyway?”

    and “There is nothing you can say that will change my mind” (on Globull warming)

  5. #8 by jo3w on 12/07/2014 - 12:54 pm

    When the stakes are high, even mommy professor knows the real story. That’s why they all live in majority White gated communities.

  6. #9 by Cleric_Preston on 12/07/2014 - 10:19 pm

    “They were looking for baboons, I was looking for humans”

    That goes a long way to explain why are enemy’s are mostly White Anti-Whites, and why ‘feminists’ don’t protest Moslem gang rapes but target ONLY White men for the ‘crime’ of ‘gender inequality’. Non-Whites are effectively a different species and don’t even register on their radar.

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