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The Old Stormfront Illusion

Posted by Bob on February 2nd, 2015 under Coaching Session, How Things Work

Please READ this draft, which I had to squeeze out of me.  It is one step in introducing a whole new realism, developing article by article.

The Old Stormfront Illusion

BUGSERS begin with a crash course in reality.   The ones who really got things started here largely came from Stormfront.   We were all familiar with what was then The Stormfront Illusion.   The Stormfront Illusion went this way:  photo whitedemonstration.jpg

Anti-whites, who they usually called Jews or liberals, were obviously wrong, so the way things worked was that righteous, heroic people like themselves should be out on the street by the million overthrowing the establishment and holding a Torchlight Parade after the Great Victory.

This is not a joke.  This is not even an exaggeration.  READ the old Stormfront and you would find every member yelling a demand for “everybody” to get out and Take Control.

This was the audience that Stormfront had to appeal to.   There were tens of thousands of people there having fun and doing nothing.

I came to Stormfront as the only person who had ever actually ORGANIZED mass marches which were neither leftist nor depended on my personal ownership of God Almighty like the pro-lifers, a real march of thousands in real cities.

For Stormfronters reality was a total turnoff.

Not one of them would actually get out on any street because the anti-white thugs would beat hell out of them.   Besides, why send money to group if you have to do the work yourself?   So they bitched and sent money.

Not one of the heroic Stormfronters would mention any fear of the anti-white thugs.

I deeply hope that Don Black’s attempts to make Stormfront get real are successful.

  1. #1 by Jason on 02/02/2015 - 6:49 pm

    Secret Squirrel made an observation a few days ago: Some guys like to play White Nationalist SimCity. There is a computer game called SimCity where you get to pretend you run a city (trains, tax rates, etc).

    Like a lot of guys, they pretend the fun games they enjoy are serious business. They get pretty huffy when you point out they are like kids with a train set.

    • #2 by -polydoros on 02/02/2015 - 11:20 pm

      Yes, that WN SimCity observation was classic!

      Jason, did you receive an email that Laura forwarded on an informal peer review for articles for whitakeronline?

      You said elsewhere that you’d written an article, but that somehow nothing happened with it… You’re one of our top writers, so it would be good to have your articles coming online too…

      • #3 by Jason on 02/03/2015 - 11:32 am

        Thanks … I don’t think I got that email. I don’t have anything right now but I am sure I will again.

        Peer review idea is definitely interesting.

        • #4 by -polydoros on 02/03/2015 - 3:20 pm

          That’s good. Hopefully Laura can forward that email to you and others again.

          Not that informal peer review will be compulsory of course, but for those who want to it could make writing articles less burdensome.

  2. #5 by -polydoros on 02/02/2015 - 11:14 pm

    ‘Please READ this draft, which I had to squeeze out of me.’

    I guess it’s a grind writing so many articles after all these years.

    So just to let you know. I have a handful of articles under construction, but I’m concentrating on work in the field at the moment. It seems you have a lot of important things to write about in response to what people have been writing here anyway.

    I should be able to write maybe one article every week or fortnight into the future, though it would be nice if others could write some articles too.

  3. #6 by -polydoros on 02/02/2015 - 11:32 pm


    Laura has approved of an informal peer review.

    As I wrote to Laura:
    ‘I’ve been thinking about Bob’s request for articles from BUGSers, and I’ve an idea. Considering it’s so difficult and such hard work to write a good article, how about we have an informal peer review?

    Obviously I’m leery about anything institutionalized, but what if a BUGSer has written an article and wants to get some feedback on it before sending it in for publishing on whitakeronline? This could help with the subject matter (if it’s accurate and important/relevant enough), style, and grammar/spelling.

    So if there were (say) a handful of people who could receive emails containing a potential article, and those in this informal peer review could then give feedback on it?’

    So for anyone with a draft, you can send it to Laura, and she can forward it to me (and maybe to certain other Bugsers) for informal peer review.

  4. #7 by WmWhite on 02/03/2015 - 9:58 am

    The doer, the man of ACTION, is always conscienceless; no one has a conscience except the spectator. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

    Disappointment of others actions and hurt feelings is for those on the sidelines …watching. The man of action sees reality for what it is and ACTS accordingly.

  5. #8 by Daniel Genseric on 02/03/2015 - 6:04 pm

    Anti-whites believe that they will escape “Diversity” and be spared if they simply stay Trendy and utter the “politically correct” narrative. They call this “being Edgey”.

    AMPW’s will swear on their first born child that they can BUY their way out of White Genocide.

    The cult of Political Correctness pledges its soul. The N&J-er does what any addict always does and offers its hard-earned resources to feed the beast. NEITHER of them ever bother with addressing reality.

    Hard work, consistently showing up with the message, and perseverance is the only way to win this war. Only a real BUGSer could understand this.

  6. #9 by Henry Davenport on 02/03/2015 - 11:02 pm

    Stormfronters are mostly a cargo cult:

    The below written in 1948 describes Stormfronters, and most of our readers at White GeNOcide Project too, IMO, since in both places they are ravenous for NEWS (the same news they read yesterday, yesterweek, yestermonth, and yesteryear, just with different settings and different details) and throng the news threads, but ignore activism threads:

    “The interested and informed citizen can congratulate himself on his lofty state of interest and information and neglect to see that he has abstained from decision and action. In short, he takes his secondary contact with the world of political reality, his reading and listening and thinking, as a vicarious performance…He is concerned. He is informed. And he has all sorts of ideas as to what should be done. But, after he has gotten through his dinner and after he has listened to his favored radio programs and after he has read his second newspaper of the day, it is really time for bed.”

    Quoted on page 144 of Ryan Holiday’s “Trust Me, I’m Lying: confessions of a media manipulator.”

    SF’ers and other pro-Whites apparently can’t imagine that anything will work because what they do doesn’t work. I still waste some time trying to reach them:

    I’m just getting warmed up, so I better stop here! 😉

  7. #10 by Henry Davenport on 02/04/2015 - 12:19 am

    Most humans when they go into a new and different place automatically raise their antennae and try to attune themselves to the norms there to fit in.

    That’s what makes SF and other White sites so deadly, is that their norm is inaction, that (often) poses as action.

    So newcomers who might actually do something if they were sucked into an activist site and adjusted themselves to activist norms, are instead sucked into do-nothing sites and automatically adopt those sites’ do-nothing norms.

    And except for a wonderful few, you cannot explain anything to most pro-whites at those sites (or at least I can’t)…they are as impenetrable as concrete.

    But at least they’re finally saying “anti-white,” and talking about “white genocide,” somewhat, so that with their huge number of casual visitors (Don says the majority of visitors EACH day are NEW!) they are now one more nodal point spreading Mantra at least very slightly.

    But as for action, most pro-white sites are training sites for inaction.

    • #11 by jo3w on 02/04/2015 - 12:35 pm

      I’ve never gone to Stormfront and read or posted anything. When I hear you guys talk about the behavior of the people there, I think, I have been to Stormfront, but it was disguised as American Renaissance.

      • #12 by Henry Davenport on 02/04/2015 - 1:10 pm

        “I’ve never gone to Stormfront”

        You’ve effectively added many hours, days, weeks, months, maybe even years to your life.

        “…it was disguised as American Renaissance.”

        Aside from BUGS and BUGS-related sites, if you’ve been to one pro-White site, you’ve been to them all, so far as finding much understanding of what principally needs to be done right now.

  8. #13 by Benjamin Newells on 02/04/2015 - 12:28 am

    Hopefully the newbies will now understand what we mean by “go back to stormfront.”

  9. #14 by -polydoros on 02/04/2015 - 5:02 am

    Laura, I’ve just sent you a new article I wrote for whitakeronline – “The Emperor has no Clothes”.


  10. #15 by Henry Davenport on 02/04/2015 - 11:22 am

    From an able and experienced (it’s their “experience” that’s the trouble!) Stalwart at SF who I do learn some things from about the outside world, I got a comment this morning that included these statements:

    “…can you BUGS people please stop BUGGING us. I know how to maintain a dialogue on racial matters, I’ve been doing it for years. I am trained in the art of rhetoric, and I am schooled in communications.I say the problem is the receiver doesn’t believe the message [HIS message — HD] and never will.

    I replied,

    Those two remarks taken together remind me of the tale of the old farmer who replied to the agricultural agent who was trying to get him to rotate his crops, “Young feller, you tryin’ to tell me how to farm, me who has wore out 5 farms?”

    Every month at White House meme-bomb time I get hung up at SF. Such a waste of time! I don’t understand the ego or whatever it is that keeps even (or especially?) the active pro-whites (like this fellow) doing the same old same old.

    • #16 by Henry Davenport on 02/04/2015 - 12:09 pm

      Another SF Stalwart whose great spirit was a big help to me for a long while finally did understand our methods (he’d been a Stalwart long before) after he saw some of the comments that were made to a media article about our petitions. After that he had great fun using “anti-white” in his yahoo postings.

      I remember that when he explained his conversion to me and the reason for it, I thought to myself, “Man, I’ve been explaining this stuff to all of you for many, many weeks; how could you not have understood before how it works?”

      Even with bright folk like him, explanations don’t usually work. That’s what we at BUGS are supposed to realize. But it’s taking me an extremely long time to understand it re intelligent pro-whites. For some reason it infuriates me that they remain like a concrete wall. I have to just give it up and live with my bewilderment at their apparent failure to understand. Even as they start using our terminology! Even though they are intelligent! Too weird, and I hate it.

      • #17 by -polydoros on 02/04/2015 - 5:55 pm

        People are attracted to success.

        So by us doing the hard work in the field and succeeding, the WN SimCity players will eventually want to join our bandwagon.

        At that stage they’ll claim they were Bugsers all along! ;D

        • #18 by Henry Davenport on 02/05/2015 - 12:09 am

          They been sayin’ “anti-white” since they was babies! 😉

          • #19 by -polydoros on 02/05/2015 - 3:02 pm

            Btw, HD, a while back I saw someone on another pro-White website posting a link to the White House Petitions; but then some WN SimCity player chimed in that it sounds only like pro-Whites doing it for their own satisfaction and that it would have no effect. Talk about projection!

            That MSNBC segment reporting about your petitions is gold.

            • #20 by Henry Davenport on 02/05/2015 - 3:26 pm

              Yeah, those TV folk enunciate the Mantra so beautifully! 😀

              What’s painful is that the 1000’s of visitors to SF could make that media attention ongoing simply by taking two minutes each month to add 1000’s of initials to our White House meme-messages.

              On the advice of a couple of you btw, just today I’ve quit the phrasing “the meme-bombs we explode each month at the White House” as perhaps not evoking the best image, and replaced it with the blander “the meme-messages we deliver each month to the White House.” I hope more of you will give me feedback on which phrasing you think is best in the title of articles on White GeNOcide Project, etc. I do want to get the word “meme” in there in hopes that in time that will help some readers understand what we are trying to do. But even understanding that we’re trying to hammer memes into White minds and into public discourse doesn’t mean anything to most pro-Whites IMO.

  11. #21 by -polydoros on 02/04/2015 - 6:02 pm

    WN SimCity players is what they are. It’s so true. They want ENTERTAINMENT.

    I don’t know exactly what you Bugsers with strong nerves are doing over at SF, but if you want to get WN SimCity players hooked on mantra work, then threads on “Your favourite anti-white lamentations” would be a good drawcard.

    After such entertainment, the WN SimCity players may want to try INTERACTIVE ENTERTAINMENT with the anti-Whites themselves!

  12. #22 by Yankee Rebel on 02/16/2015 - 9:00 am

    When I did the WMM activism last year by myself, I was aware that I could be attacked by the A-W thugs. I was a bit scared, but I held my ground. Fortunately, the A-W thugs only yelled from vehicles or from a safe distance away. I wish I could have garnered more publicity for the cause, but I also wanted to avoid attention being put on me personally. I did not want to lose job opportunities because of my activism, but nothing risked- nothing gained.

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