These are the words I used to introduce the Mantra approach to the American Freedom Party Board.
It works as an intro.
What it means is that if you can’t breathe, the only interesting thing to you is not The Theory of Breathing, but “HOW THE HELL DO I GET SOME AIR!!!!!!!”
Obviously, once you survive, you go back and figure out the world picture that caused you to end up suffocating. But when your race is openly being done away with or you can’t get oxygen, no one is interested in the General Philosophical Picture.
Get air first, THEN into your explanations.
Few people will be interested in how the Illuminati or the Jews caused this. But if you shout loud enough, even the most thick headed will notice we are being suffocated.
THEN you have an audience. If we get them to pull their heads up and realize they couldn’t breathe but hadn’t NOTICED it, there is time to explain why hundreds of millions of people were simply blinded to the fact that they were being destroyed.
I used this line to introduce the Mantra approach at what turned out to be my last speech before a pro-white convention.
I used “If you can’t breathe, nothing else matters” with the American Freedom Party Board.
But this time I got rave reviews, because you BUGSERS have USED this approach and gotten RESULTS.
This is no longer THEORY, because of YOU!
#1 by Jason on 03/12/2015 - 5:23 am
“The Theory of Breathing” – that was funny!
#2 by Laura on 03/12/2015 - 1:04 pm
This is an excellent reminder, Bob and it does work brilliantly as an intro.
There is no topic more important than forcing the conversation on White Genocide.
“once you survive, you go back and figure out the world picture that caused you to end up suffocating”.
#3 by Daniel Genseric on 03/12/2015 - 4:44 pm
“But this time I got rave reviews, because you BUGSERS have USED this approach and gotten RESULTS.” – Bob
You want it? You got it.
RESULTS: Share in the excitement. You helped create it!
#4 by Bob on 03/13/2015 - 1:14 pm
You know you’re on your way when the enemy gives you grudging praise. We always looked for that on Capitol Hill.
The job of the SPLC is to expose danger to its anti-white program.
“Bob Whitaker of Mantra Fame” they call me, and our White Genocide Twitter statistics is showing a fact that no other anti-white wants to discuss:
SPLC warns that our ticket should not be ignored as the media are doing because:
“The Gividen-Whitaker ticket, however, marks a significant change in the profile the party is seeking to project. Gividen has fared poorly in his own campaigns, but he has some experience. Coupled with Whitaker’s proven ability to mobilize a somewhat sizeable, grassroots base, the ticket represents a disconcerting reminder of how popular the Mantra has become.”
SPLC is saying that The Silence is not enough to deal with The Mantra.
#5 by Rose on 03/13/2015 - 4:00 pm
“The Silence is not enough to deal with The Mantra.”
So we’re finally moving to step 1?
The truth in 3 steps is:
First, ridiculed.
Second, violently opposed.
Finally, accepted as self-evident.
So how soon does step 3 come?
#6 by Daniel Genseric on 03/13/2015 - 11:12 pm
After today’s NEW daily record of ~ 4.5 MILLION impressions, this year’s annual projection for twitter alone is > 521 million #WhiteGenocide twitter impressions. That number is going to SURGE on 3/21.
We are on track to make more than half a BILLION impressions in FY15 and we have largely done so on a shoestring budget. Thanks for everything you do, Swarm.
And thanks to coach for creating the meme monsters known as The Swarm.
Warning: Twitter is showing the beginning signs of succumbing to outside pressure and clamping down on free speech for whites. To prepare for this, you are strongly encouraged to:
1. Make sure to hit the “request archive” button under the twitter “settings” menu at least once per week. Put a reminder in your phone calendar if necessary.
2. Have an alternative twitter handle prepped and ready to go.
3. Set the alternative handle(s) up along with the associated email from behind a proxy server.
4. Tweet like a PRO with
5. Pass this along to vetted BUGSers
#7 by Benjamin Newells on 03/14/2015 - 2:15 am
What do impressions mean? Do they mean the amount of times #WhiteGenocide shows up in someone’s twitter feed or the amount of times it appears on their screen?
And do these numbers of impressions for #WhiteGenocide count the phrase “White Genocide” as well?
And also a question about the “projected people reached” statistic: Does the 240,742,276 number mean 240 million unique individuals? Or are some people counted multiple times?
#8 by jo3w on 03/14/2015 - 9:39 pm
There is a budget!?
Didn’t someone make a twitter tutorial for bugsters? I’ve been having a terrible time trying to post on you tube recently. Tried to start doing twitter, but I feel like I have no idea what is going on.
#9 by Bob on 04/01/2015 - 9:15 am
Rose, we have gotten to Step 1 because we have just overcome a SUBbasic:
To BEGIN the three steps to success, you must first make your concept well known enough to be ridiculed.
That takes at least a decade.