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Debate advice and style first 909 posts

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  • This topic has 0 replies, 77 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Anonymous.
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    Not that I`ve seen so far,it seems to be a case of get Tor and some other stuff installed on your machine and then configure it yourself,or get the Tor browser bundle from the Tor website which does have standard settings that should be all you need for anonymous surfing to check that comments are posted(which can also be done with another browser window using a free proxy website),but in my case Youtube did`nt want to play ball with creating new accounts.

    Henry Davenport

    Poster Lew on OO is pro-Mantra, and I asked him why the Mantra “had left him cold” when he had first encountered it on pro-White sites.

    This excerpt from his reply I intend to keep in mind:

    “People were showing up on White sites, posting the mantra without making any effort to link it to the topic, and then either leaving the comment stream or announcing something to the effect of ‘those of us using the mantra are having great success’! It always left me scratching my head. It was only later when I saw it being used that I realized the mantra variations are primarily attack tools. The impact was lost on me reading it on White sites, because everyone is generally on the same side, and there is no one to attack.

    I have to say though, when I saw it action, I really enjoyed watching those liberal hipsters howl and sputter trying to explain why Africa is for Africans, China is for China, but White countries should be for everybody.

    I think that on pro-White sites the mantra practitioners should generally limit themselves providing links and examples that illustrate how to use mantra ideas to attack and discredit enemy opinions that relate to the topic at hand.

    My first boldfacing shows where I erred: I assumed the readers on OO would see the mantra as an attack tool since that’s the way I see it. I failed to put myself in their position: to them it just appears on their threads as something addressed to THEM. And to make matters worse they are used to anything addressed to THEM as being in a very different style.

    Well, I didn’t err in the posts that WERE meant to comment directly to THEM on the article. The article was on the effect of demographic changes in the U.S., and I led by posting the full mantra, which is certainly an appropriate comment to the topic.

    One way I erred was in not being as diplomatic as I could be…I wasn’t discourteous to begin with, but just blunt. I was on topic, but was using pretty much bugster style…if next time in addition I take care to be diplomatic, then I’ll regard any negative reaction as being entirely their problem.

    I guess I’m still learning the hard way what Horus told me, which was (my words) that all I can profitably do is just bugster them. I think I’m doing that at Amren. Maybe the reason it ”works” there is that posts are pre-moderated there.

    The last part of the excerpt from Lew I think is an excellent idea when we can do it, that is, to give links to successful exchanges we’ve had online. I’m going to start keeping my eye open for exchanges on various topic and will catalogue them. But some of our best ones get wiped out just because they ARE so good.

    Henry Davenport

    (continuing) Yeah, from now on on pro-White sites, with rare exception I’m not going to explain anything, or display alternate versions of the mantra just to display them, or do anything except just diplomatically bugster, same as in the MSM except I’ll try to feel collegial rather than confrontational. That’s what I’ve been pretty much doing at Amren, and I’m having a rather happy time there. NOT so at OO!

    (If Horus reads this, he’s bound to think, “How long is it going to take this guy to understand?”)

    Truck Roy

    How do you segway from someone bitching about “White Privilege” into the Mantra, in one line sentence?

    Feu Denfer

    Do they mean the white privilege of giving away our countries, the white privilege of being called racist if identifying with your own group, or is it the white privilege of being the only race compensating other races for historical wrongdoings performed by every race?

    Daniel Genseric

    @ Roy

    No one is flooding Africa with millions of non-Africans and saying, “What’s with all this Black Privilege?”

    Peter Whiterabbit

    Nobody talks about “Chinese privilege” in China. Nobody talks about “Haitian privilege” in Haiti. Nobody talks about “Japanese privilege” in Japan. Nobody talks about “Somalian privilege” in Somalia. Antiracists talk about “white privilege” in white nations, ONLY white nations. They say they are antiracist. What they are is antiwhite. Antiracist is a code word for antiwhite.

    Henry Davenport

    @ Roy:

    Not one sentence, but:

    “No one is flooding Japan with non-Japanese and calling the resulting Japanese genocide ‘Japanese privilege.’

    No one is flooding China with…etc.”

    Truck Roy, I get so much good stuff from you and all the others on the Don and Derek show! It’s a pleasure to be able to tell you that!

    Henry Davenport

    Where any vestiges of white privilege might remain, they might be considered akin to a condemned man’s last meal. (maybe something could be done with that idea)


    @HD re:”pro-whites” carrying water for the anti-whites:

    “First, “gene-killing” is a more useful term for the consequences of miscegenation. It impacts upon the individual reader in a way that “genocide” does not.

    You must remember that the genocide we are suffering is soft and slow, and will be apparent only in the historical sweep. People do not readily see that, but they do see there are no mass roundings-up, no mass graves. We call down upon ourselves sensible objection when we use the word too freely.

    Second, Uncle Bob’s mantras are intellectually shallow. They have a place in the mouths and ears of those who are hypnotised by a word. Try readers of The Sun.

    The Telegraph reader, being more demanding, quickly knows when he is being fed a line rather than an argument. He does not like to be treated as an on-line commodity, but wants to engage his mind. He has to be treated with respect – more respect than is apparent in those who continually repeat the same linguistic formulae.

    Do the difficult thing and think instead of formulise.”


    Taking lessons on table manners from a baby in his high chair?

    The mantra is for “Sun Readers” LOL


    This is my reply to John Piggot:

    Do us a favor John,and leave the thinking to the grown ups.

    Anything the anti-whites or misinformed members of the public need to have explained to them will be explained to them.

    Africa for the Africans,Asia for the Asians,white countries for EVERYBODY!

    Article II: In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group

    “Genocide involves the attempt to achieve the disappearance of a group by whatever means. It does not have to be violent, it could be a combination of policies that would lead to a certain group dying out.”Malcolm Fraser (Prime Minister of Australia 1975-1983)

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

    Henry Davenport

    @ dungeoneer:

    “Do us a favor John,and leave the thinking to the grown ups.”

    It didn’t seem to me that he was a pro-White carrying water for the anti-Whites. It’s inevitable that people will respond to us by running their minds about our stuff in various ways, and as long as they aren’t offering active opposition, to me they are just more posts that include the term “White genocide,” and therefor are carrying water for us.

    But maybe I’m wrong…I remember being surprised when Bob wrote a coaching session not too long ago on the importance of (admitting to our own number, at least) people who can do it RIGHT. And I guess if our voices get drowned out by voices doing it wrong….hey, no, I don’t think it matters…if it ever gets so big that the media reports on it, they will garble it whether the people doing it have garbled it or not.

    I don’t know. Just thinking aloud, I guess.

    Okay, how about talking to pro-Whites like him a little more nicely and inviting him over to find out how it’s done? Boosting him in the right direction rather than damping his spirit? Just an idea…I”ve scarcely been out there yet, but as a general rule in life I find it almost always counterproductive to be the one who gets nasty first!

    Henry Davenport

    Here’s a post that is virtually by Gavin, being words he directed to me to correct a post I just did. I made his words a post for “out there,” and I think it’s a gem for any accusation that the word “genocide” is hysterical, exaggerated, whatever:

    It doesn’t matter if a particular person thinks it is “hysterical” or not, what matters is the law.

    We are pointing out an explicit violation of international law.

    Anyone can look up the genocide law for themselves.

    Anyone can see what is being done to our race.

    What if EVERY black country and ONLY black countries were being flooded with a never ending stream of millions of non-blacks?

    What if EVERY single black town and school were force integrated?

    What if establishing or maintaining a BLACK community, church, organization was demonized or outlawed?

    What if Blacks were being told to “assimilate” with these people and the people implementing all of this openly cheered about creating a “blended humanity” in only black countries and celebrated the fact that their country was becoming less and less black.

    Would you call a black man who pointed out this obvious genocide “hysterical”???


    In addition if you are dealing with an anti-White who has said something that warrants to “hysterical” response, you can add this bit to the end:

    Of course you wouldn’t, because you “anti-racists” are not anti-Black. You are only anti-White.

    “Anti-racist” is a code word for anti-White.



    I gently suggested he not avoid using the word genocide,then he gets all cry baby,starts ripping into the mantra and questions the intellectual capacity of people for using the mantra,even says “It`s a line being fed and not an argument” and you think I was the one one who got nasty first?


    Well,well,well, look what we have here as response to that last comment of mine:

    John Piggott
    4 hours ago
    As it happens, I am the owner of a significant American website that is the home of creative (ie, not merely analytical) thought in WN. You are in the process of biting off more than you can intellectually chew. Want to test that claim?

    My reply:

    “Whoever you are,and whatever your website is,I am on solid ground with my use of the white genocide mantra”



    One of the first comments posted on the story of Apartheid in Norway at the Telegraph was a full posting of the mantra which recieved 170 thumps up before it was deleted. LOL!

    Henry Davenport

    @ dungeoneer: I spoke too soon, sorry. Looking at more posts, I agree with you. Your post was a gentle suggestion.

    But, should we suggest at all? Maybe we should just model, especially on mainstream sites. I think that was what Horus was telling me to do even on pro-White sites. Maybe you and I are both finding out today that we are suddenly in a fight with tar babies when we do anything else except just model.

    Most people out there are VERY thin skinned. It has something to do with being isolated I think. I was like that when I first arrived here; I was frightened of how I was going to react when criticism came my way. Now I”m considerably less sensitive after just a few months, because I’m very conscious that we are working together for an end. Those people out there don’t have the benefit of that collective feeling, and are a LOT touchier. That’s my theory. Please don’t correct it! Lol! 🙂

    Henry Davenport

    @ dungeoneer: By “modeling,” I mean of course just bugstering, and letting people copy it as best they can if they wish. I think the most I would ever say to someone showing signs of almost being on the right track is a friendly, sort of joking, “We’d sure like to make a full bugster out of you. Feel welcome to drop by sometime”, without any reference to the content of his own posts.

    I don’t think I’d even say that much. I would say nothing. You just don’t know where someone’s head is at…why risk it.

    “Genocide” is a HUGE block to pro-Whites, I’m beginning to realize. They don’t like to come right out and say so because it feels not quite “pro-White PC” to do so, but if you say the word enough on their threads, their belief that the word is an exaggeration starts coming out.

    The first few days I was here I was in the middle of a struggle over that word, and was posting my back and forth thoughts about it on the working thread. It only took me a few days to think through it and be okay with it, but most people are NOT going to do that. The ONLY way they will accept the word is by having heard it enough (and having read superb posts like Gavin’s that I copied just above) and their mind beginning to shuffle a few things around without their hardly being aware of it, no matter how self-aware and analytic they kid themselves that they are.

    Henry Davenport

    It’s so easy to fall back into the human habit of thinking that other people will be reasonable by one’s own lights, if one just gives them the opportunity. They almost never are. Instead they just think that YOU are being UNreasonable!

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