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Debate advice and style first 909 posts

Home Forums BUGS SWARM Debate advice and style first 909 posts


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  • #23356
    Coniglio Bianco


    Henry Davenport

    why not just say WHITE?.

    “Nothing evokes the hatred that fills anti-White hearts so much as seeing a White in possession of the moral high ground.”

    It takes a genius to see the obvious. Thank you, Linux.

    There will be some confusion, but by our usage, let’s build the word “White” into meaning what it should mean.

    And let’s drop “pro-White,” for the reasons you and I agree on.

    Henry Davenport

    Linux, I’m excited. I have some posts up at WNN discussing Beefcake’s podcasts, and I was able just now to edit a sentence in one of them to now read (in regard to a sentence in the Mantra),

    How many people could include in a single sentence the terms “genocide,” “nazi,” “sixmillionjews,” and “kill,” and have that sentence work for Whites instead of for anti-Whites?!

    Before, I used the term “pro-Whites” instead of just “Whites.”

    I”m losing my feel a little for how the mainstream thinks, so please you or anyone else tell me if you think the sentence as I now have it written, with just “Whites,” doesn’t work for any reason.


    Interesting point about the term pro-White. Jews at ADL don’t say they are “pro-Jews” do they? And blacks don’t say “pro-black”, and the same is true for all the different race and ethnically based advocacy groups. Maybe just using the term White makes more sense in most situations. Even on the Tibet issue, I don’t think they say “pro-Tibet”, they just say Tibetan freedom or something like that. Good points.

    Henry Davenport

    WNN apparently lets you edit forever. All of my sentences below formerly had the term “pro-White(s)” in place of the words in bold. If anyone thinks any case below is NOT an improvement, please let me know.

    Anti-Whites present their System of Terror as a System of Virtue, by calling Whites who are normal, “evil-racist-Nazis-who-want-to-clone-Hitler-and-kill-six-million-jews.”

    Until recently, we Whites have only tried to defend ourselves against the anti-Whites’ terminology, instead of forcefully imposing our own White terminology!

    The standard White mode of debate is to respond to the anti-White’s challenges and tailgate the anti-White right into the territory where the anti-White wants to lead him, territory where the anti-White can easily dismiss him as a “Nazi” or “racist” in front of the audience of other Whites that the White wants to win!

    TheSeeker OfTruth

    Tsk, tsk, tsk! Two posts up someone mentions jews.

    Daniel Genseric

    When you say “anti-White” the audience already knows who and what you are. We are the opposition OF anti-Whites. We oppose the wholesale destruction of our race, the White race. We oppose White genocide. We don’t even need to say it. They already KNOW we are pro-White.

    No need to reinvent the wheel. Remember, you are here to DO a job. Not to debate the terminology we are already imposing. F-O-C-U-S.


    Why is mentioning jews “verboten”? I read the topic, “Are you new to BUGS Swarm?” and saw where it says not to talk about Jewish conspiracies or banking families. But what about mentioning that Israel is intended as being an ethnostate and their recent African immigrant problem?

    Henry Davenport

    Bob wants us to stay away from Israel completely, I assume because any comment from us about Israel could be interpreted as really a comment about Jews.

    When people like ourselves mention “Jews,” most whites have a trained reflex to consider us “anti-semitic” and to dismiss anything we have to say. I wrote a long post about my own views on that on page 2 or page 3 of “Debate advice and style.”



    Mentioning jews is not “verboten” it is off message in our mantra work to encourage the discussion of jews.

    We are different to the N+J crowd who do the jew thing to death.

    We focus on white survival.

    Henry Davenport

    Bob wants us to stay away from Israel completely, I assume because any comment from us about Israel could be interpreted as really a comment about Jews.

    When people like ourselves mention “Jews,” most whites have a trained reflex to consider us “anti-semitic” and to dismiss anything we have to say. I have a long post of my own views on that on page 2 or page 3 of “Debate advice and style.”


    @ Lily

    Hello and welcome!

    We avoid topics that hit a social engineering nerve. When we hit that nerve people go into their “NAZIWHOWANTSTOKILL6MILLIONJEWS” programming. A lot of the social engineering focuses on The Jooze.

    Also, we aren’t here for any reason other than to save our race from genocide, so it is off message to talk about anything else.

    There are a lot of places if you need to blow off steam, but the Swarm is for constructive things only.


    Thanks for the welcome and the responses. I understand, and don’t want to strike a nerve with people and give them an excuse to dismiss everything I say.


    What is the best way to respond to this>>>

    What a ridicul0us argument! Who is f0rcing you to mate with a nonwhite pers0n so that your kids come out tan or some other colour?!
    If you really lovey0ur c0lour so much then mate with a white person and youll have white kids which i’m sure you do

    As for others, what right do you or anyone have to force anyone to fall in love with only a person of certain colour/race so that their bl00d lines remain “pure”?!
    If someone wants to marry a black person or a chinese person, its their wish and their rights. Who are y0u or the govermment to st0P them?

    Genocide happens when someone forcefully destroys a gruop of people. No ne is forcing anything on anyone here. If you want to preserve your “race and culture” then marry within your “race and culture”. Someobe else who d0esn’t care about race 0r culture if free 2 do as they wish and no one can stop them.

    How the hel would an influx of pe0ple from different nationalities and culture destr0y the “whte race and Irish culture” wen no 1 is or can force all the white Irish pe0ple to mate with the “non-white foreign type”?

    Henry Davenport

    How about this, DagDa:

    You falsely claim that this genocide isn’t forced on us. Did you get to vote that white countries be flooded with non-whites? Did you get to vote that whites be forced to integrate with non-whites? Of course not! Both were done by force, and when peoples are forced to live together you know very well what happens! Don’t pretend that whites should be something that humans have never been! Forced assimilation is recognized worldwide as genocide, as in the case of Aborigines in Australia and China’s forced assimilation imposed on Tibetans in Tibet.

    And to ensure further that whites don’t preserve ourselves, our schools, churches, government, and media all preach that opposition to intermarriage is “racist,” so that no contrary message is allowed to have influence or even be heard. If a young White woman’s parents should try to talk some sense to her, their brainwashed daughter and anti-Whites like yourself will batter them with the R-Word!

    Television is especially used to press intermarriage…TV sells to White women the falsehood that minority men are strong, capable, responsible, intelligent husband-material that White women desire in preference to the bumbling White men that are shown. Just think how many commercials you see that pair a blonde White woman with a black man who is helping her choose the right product…him.

    Anti-whites like yourself and the anti-white institutions that rule us strive in every way you can think of to carry out White Genocide!

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white!


    Thank you Harumphty Dumpty…perfect mantra thinking.

    Coniglio Bianco


    Henry Davenport

    @ DagDa, thanks. But as I read my response over, I have the same reaction i have to a lot of what I write, that it may be at least partly TAILGATING. There are some near wizards here (aside from full wizard Bob) who seem able to take any anti-white statement and turn it back as a pure Mantra response that doesn’t have the flavor of arguing with the anti-white in the territory he’s set himself up in. One of them may have written sometime a much better response to that very common reply you got.

    Henry Davenport

    @ Dagda: The left is big on not “blaming the victim,” and I assume that’s entered the mainstream. So if you use what I suggested, you could also include this after the first paragraph:

    With anti-whites’ usual love for double standards, you’re very happy to “blame the victim” when it comes to white genocide, aren’t you, anti-white!

    Henry Davenport

    Actually, that sentence should go at the beginning and should be it’s own paragraph.

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