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Debate advice and style first 909 posts

Home Forums BUGS SWARM Debate advice and style first 909 posts


  • This topic has 0 replies, 77 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Anonymous.
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    1.Someone dropped the N-word.
    2.An anti-White responded with the usual
    3.I called him out on the ad Hominem

    Here is the response I was given: “Yes, I don’t like their opinion, but not because I’m being pointlessly antagonistic, but because this person actually believes that another race is inferior, and that accepting them as partners and lovers is something shameful. Apparently I’m a disgusting stupid whore and a dirty trash heap for pointing out that they are racist. Racism is not just a word to shut someone up; it’s a work to shame them, and show them for what they truly are; a self-entitled hateful bigot with dangerous ideals. ”

    How do I turn this around?

    Henry Davenport

    @ Crazylvan, how about this:

    Anti-whites wield the R-word only against whites to club us into submission to white genocide.

    African countries aren’t being flooded with non-Africans and Africans forced by law to integrate with them so as to “assimilate,” i.e. intermarry and be blended out of existence, and then any African who objects to this genocide being clubbed into submission with the R-word!

    Asian countries aren’t being flooded with non-Asians and Asians forced by law to integrate with them so as to “assimilate,” i.e. intermarry and be blended out of existence, and then any Asian who objects to this genocide being clubbed into submission with the R-word!

    Anti-whites target only white countries for genocide.

    The say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white!


    Thanks Harumphty, but I don’t think I was clear with my initial explanation. I want to know how I can wedge the mantra into a conversation that has nothing to do with it.

    Some random idiot made a comment on youtube and an anti-White started calling him a racist. The idiot responded with more racial epitaphs. I interjected into the argument by pointing out the r-word. Now I want to know how I can turn that into a discussion about White Genocide whilst keeping him on the defensive.

    Essentially, I want to know how I can butt into conversations, even shouting matches full of ad Hominem and turn it into a discussion about White Genocide.


    Bring a real example you see to the table and we can work with it.
    There is method but we need an example so we can display the method.

    Daniel Genseric

    QUOTE ‘r-word?’ You mean retard? UNQUOTE

    See, most people aren’t going to make YOUR synaptic leap….. I’ve tried explaining this to you before, but now you have others following you down that road. Oh well, I can only show you the door. YOU have to choose to walk through it.


    Sorry guys I’m not trying to be off topic, I wanted to know how I can jump into a conversation and turn it into one about White Genocide instead of sending out bait and hoping for nibbles.

    Genseric, are you quoting me? I never said retard. I am confused what are you talking about.

    Henry Davenport

    Be it officially noted that, in one of our rare disagreements, Genseric does not share my view on suppression of the R-word.


    Daq, “No one is forcing anything on anyone here”

    Ask them where in the world whites are allowed to say no to mass immigration and “assimilation”.


    Bring a real example you see to the table and we can work with it.
    There is method but we need an example so we can display the method.
    We can deal with R-words and racist whilst we deal with a real example.


    Six gun, I did bring a real example I saw.

    Some guy was making comments trying to convince an anti-White how bad blacks are. The anti-White was shouting at him and calling him names. I interrupted the shouting match by pointing out that racist is just a word used to shut people up. Then the anti-White responded with this:

    “Yes, I don’t like their opinion, but not because I’m being pointlessly antagonistic, but because this person actually believes that another race is inferior, and that accepting them as partners and lovers is something shameful. Apparently I’m a disgusting stupid whore and a dirty trash heap for pointing out that they are racist. Racism is not just a word to shut someone up; it’s a work to shame them, and show them for what they truly are; a self-entitled hateful bigot with dangerous ideals. ”

    What I’m trying to ask is how do I interrupt a conversation like that and turn it into a productive one. Sorry if I don’t understand very well, usually I have to re-read what is being posted here on BUGS a few times before it clicks to me.

    EDIT: I also wrote “the r-word” in my previous posts because I thought we’re not supposed to their language. Then Genseric throws the muddy old boot and says retard and I don’t understand. I’m not trying to be a hassle I just get confused by the way you guys talk sometimes.



    That anti-white with it`s “hate” line has invited you to jump in with:

    “Do you support the mass immigration and “assimilation” imposed on ALL white countries and ONLY white countries which is genocide according to international law?”

    I never use “R-word”,it`s totally unnecessary and I would say counter-productive.


    You have already entered the conversation, I was imagining you observed something going on and you wanted to get involved in a positive way.

    First you must decided what the purpose of your interjection would be.
    Remember you are playing to an audience not the person you are talking to.

    When you decide what the purpose is, then you can work what process by which you will arrive at that destination.

    So what is your purpose?


    Six gun, my purpose is:

    1. Stop the white guy (the one making obscene comments) making a complete ass of himself by talking to the anti-White myself.

    2. Point out to the anti-White exactly what he is. (My audience is the white guy making an ass of himself. I want him to know that anti-racist == anti-White.

    3. Turn the conversation into a discussion about White genocide. Again to educate the audience.

    So far in my attempts, #1 is easy, #2 I have trouble with wording occasionally. #3. Even more so in this scenario.


    I would ignore the White – make this person one of your audience. The White is simply expressing his feelings in a way that is counterproductive. It is probably partly the programming he has sustained from the anti-White system.
    The White will usually fall back when he sees you being more effective and will learn.
    Don’t waste time making a spectacle of the White. This is what the anti-White system wants you to do – so don’t.
    So #1 and #2 are completed as they are rarely started.
    Even if the White continues – I would tend to ignore them.

    Now the woman – I see her as a brainwashed White, but we can say anti-White.

    You – I would say to her Why do you think that guy reacted that way?
    A-W – She will say he is a racist and a bigot and a hater. She is programmed to say this.
    You – No but do you understand why he reacts this way?
    A-W – ??? I thought I said?
    You – No you said what you have been told to say. You reacted the way you were told to react.
    A-W – No-one told me!
    You – No? How about…..we can drag her through all the A-W propaganda.
    [The conversation has been moved away from interracial relationships which you might struggle to make your point without alienating some of the audience]
    You – Why were you told to react this way?
    A-W – [She may be struggling now, this is going in a direction she didn’t expect]
    You – You can explore White genocide now. You see anti-Whites blah blah. but build up to White genocide, show the logicality of the processes leading to their purpose.
    You are showing the audience the processes and purpose and linking them in a logical way.
    …. And that why they call themselves anti-racist but all they are is anti-White.
    Anti-racism is a code word for anti-White.

    Obviously her responses will vary so you have to be flexible and you should be leading and she is following.


    Six gun, that’s EXACTLY what I was looking for.

    I want to interrupt A-W and brainwashed Whites to address the REAL issue but they are trained to bombard before you can even get a response in. (Or think one through). The only method I could think of is just to accuse them of being anti-White or dropping the mantra out of context. That’s the reason I asked for help.

    I apologize for my bad wording of the question. I tend to write the way I think and I think in two different languages at the same time. It made my English teacher’s job very difficult.

    Thank you.


    We need all our White people. The more White languages and ideas we have the better.

    I am so glad when I see our people from all our countries working together. This is too US-centric. There are many of us from the UK as well. There are White people to save outside the Anglo-sphere. Let us never forget all our people in all our countries, speaking all our languages.


    I saw this comment on youtube:

    AW – “Nazis don’t believe in a person’s intrinsic value. If someone is poor or a hated ethnic group or disabled they look at them as a burden on society instead of seeing intrinsic value. Society does not make a person’s worth.”

    ME – “I guess that’s why they called themselves national SOCIALISTS.
    Why are you regurgitating the same old wartime rhetoric? It ended more than 70 years ago.”

    AW -“If you studied it further you would realize they were social darwinists. I bring it up only because some people still hang on to the ideology.”

    ME – “You you’re upset that someone has a different opinion to your own?”

    AW – “No, upset that this “opinion” would be forced on me if it ever came into power again.”

    ME – “Well, can you see then how your opinion being forced on others might upset them?

    Every White country on the planet is forced to become multicultural and multiracial. Every White person who objects to it is immediately labeled a racist and a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionje­ws.

    Those pushing this call themselves “anti-racist” What they are is anti-white.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.”


    How did I do? 🙂

    Henry Davenport


    The first day I posted from this site almost a year ago, the first thing I was told, before I was even told there was a mantra (!), was, “we don’t use the word ‘racism.'” I could see good reasons for that, and in the wake of last September’s seminar I was soon writing posts about those reasons on SF and TOO. Since I’d been told not to use the R-word in a way that raised no question in my mind about it being approved policy, I collected several of those posts on the 1st and 2nd pages of “Are you new to BUGS Swarm?”

    I said in the first of those posts in the third sentence, “If anyone can direct me to anything Bob or anyone else here has written on the r-word, I’d appreciate it.” I wanted to know that my explanations of the policy were on track.

    There was no response at all, so for the next many months I assumed that while it was policy here, it had apparently fallen to myself to explain it.

    Months passed by without any indication from anyone to make me think that it might NOT be policy here, until Genseric wrote that he didn’t agree with it. I assumed he was a lone dissenter, but now I see Dungeoneer is also opposed to the practice that I thought was generally approved.

    They are both experienced (more than i) and able bugsers, and their views should be taken into account. As far as I can tell, Bob has never spoken to the issue one way or the other.

    My own view: sometimes it’s necessary to write or say “racism,” because to do otherwise would be stilted, distracting, or confusing. But MOST of the time, it works and is better to say or write “the R-word,” in order not to use anti-whites’ terminology whose very sound and appearance hammers home the anti-white messages that anti-whites have successfully associated with their anti-white terminology! I’ve written to exhaustion on this issue which seems to me freaking obvious, as it was freaking obvious to me when I was first given the instruction!!

    But of course I could be mistaken, as with anything. In the future when I have anything to say about it, I’ll try to remember to append a note that some experienced and able bugsers here disagree with what I’m saying, and apparently it’s not a policy approved by Bob or by consensus.

    In five or ten years, I hope I’ll be in agreement with Genseric and Dungeoneer, due to what seems to be a gradual weakening of the power of the R-word.

    I think our own contribution to that weakening should be to REPLACE the R-word in white minds with our term, “ANTI-WHITE,” and not to muddle our own sound-delivered and visual-delivered memes with anti-white sounds and anti-white visuals that deliver anti-white memes!

    Daniel Genseric

    I was merely giving an EXAMPLE of how our target audience can become easily confused when ‘debating’ anti-whites. AN anti-white will throw out something like my example, “‘r-word?’ You mean retard?” They do this to get you to tailgate and confuse the audience; maintain the consensus-based trance.

    We don’t PERPETUATE the word, we throw it back in their face and show the audience how much BULLSHIT it is. If you confuse it by giving it some nickname, you effectively render the DEVICE Bob constructed impotent? Ya dig? It’s counter-intuitive. Again, this is MY take based on MY experience of what works for me using MY style. Using the word ‘racist’ AFTER anti-whites have used it has NEVER hurt me (as far as I know). They merely STOP calling me ‘racist’ and try something else. Subsequently, I take what’s next in their Fischer Price arsenal and do the very same thing.

    Ambiguity is a TOOL of the anti-whites. Reporting such things is PRECISELY what coach wants. Go on, keep effectively censoring yourself. Don’t say I never warned ya.


    “I think our own contribution to that weakening should be to REPLACE the R-word in white minds with our term, “ANTI-WHITE,” and not to muddle our own sound-delivered and visual-delivered memes with anti-white sounds and anti-white visuals that deliver anti-white memes!” -HD

    We are effectively showing the audience that anti-whites have made synonymous the words RACIST and white, not anti-white (anti-RACIST is a code word for anti-WHITE). mmkay? WHY? Because they said so, not us. But, if they bring it, then I take it and shove it down their THROATS. I NEVER bring it up on my own. The CRUX of the whole bit is we are using their own words AGAINST them, big guy. That’s it. That’s all folks. End of. Fine. Other than that, I completely agree.  haha

    “I think our own contribution to that weakening should be to REPLACE the R-word in white minds with our term, “ANTI-WHITE,” – HD

    YES. This will be the end result.



    Well I saw the Nazi bit and I thought oh no – tailgating….
    AW is leading you straight into the Nazi routine.
    But then you did good.
    You don’t say what your position is and it panned out quite nicely in the end. The AW saying that would be forced to accept an ideology they did not agree with and BOOM BANG you got the AW with their guard down and ran them through like a good ‘un.

    It is dangerous territory but you did well. I would recommend you steer clear of the Nazi routine, the AW’s are happy to call you a Nazi.

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