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Debate advice and style first 909 posts

Home Forums BUGS SWARM Debate advice and style first 909 posts


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  • #31008
    Henry Davenport

    I can’t find a thread on tailgating, so I’ll post this here.

    A couple of days ago I posted this to a fine bugser video (with very few comments to it btw) based on a good clip of David Duke:

    Dr. Duke is very much “on message.” I would only add an explanation that the low world-wide white birthrate of 1.2 children per couple is in large part a result of demoralization and insecurity. When we whites once again feel in possession of our own societies and our own lives, our birth rate will go up.

    Being taught since the first grade that one’s own race is bad has an inevitable effect on a person’s natural desire to have children, whether that connection is consciously felt or not.

    A few days later I realized that (once again!) I’d tailgated, and I went back and replied to that:

    “I would only add an EXPLANATION…”

    No, no NO!

    THIS is what I would add:

    If African countries suddenly had low birth rates, would you insist on flooding those African countries with non-Africans and forcing Africans to integrate with the non-Africans so as to “assimilate,” i.e. intermarry and be blended out of existence?

    And if any African objected to that genocide of his people, would you tell him that the genocide of his people was justified because of their low birth rate?

    So much better. I like to think it’s what Gavin would have told me to do if he’d seen my first comment.


    What are your thoughts on this?


    When you do a favor for a white person, even something as trivial as opening the door for them and they say “thank you”. Rather than saying “your welcome” say ” me a white rabbit, you a white rabbit.”

    Daniel Genseric
    Daniel Genseric


    I like it. I would only add that if they say something AFTER that, then follow up with “followthewhiterabbit” to whatever they say.


    I was just thinking for a couple minutes about all those people who try to say that America, Australia and Canada are not white countries. Pretty much all their arguements come down to “nation of immigagrants.” Let me know if I’m slipping here but I just came up with this little thing:

    Sir John A Macdonald wanted to preserve the “aryan character” of Canada. The FIRST law past by Australia was the white australia policy. The american constitution says “…For ourselves and our posterity…” How can they argue these are not white countries when the very people who MADE these countries defined them as such? Those same people admit Europe is for whites and still demand massive non-white immigration and “assimilation.” It sounds like they are trying to get rid of white people. It’s genocide. “Anti-racist” is a codeword for anti-white.

    What do you guys think? I know Bobs advice is to say that the anti-whites have already defined them as white countries by their deliberate targeting of them and that’s worked for me too. I’ve just been finding these random facts and found they fit together nicely.


    Sir John A Macdonald wanted to preserve the “aryan character” of Canada. The FIRST law past by Australia was the white australia policy. The american constitution says “…For ourselves and our posterity…” How can they argue these are not white countries when the very people who MADE these countries defined them as such? Those same people admit Europe is for whites and still demand massive non-white immigration and “assimilation.” It sounds like they are trying to get rid of white people. It’s genocide. “Anti-racist” is a codeword for anti-white.


    I like it, I’m going to use it from time to time when its appropriate.


    This may help other WN who don’t get BUGS to understand what we are doing.  Let me know what you thing and feel free to edit or improve on the thought.



    Bob counts cards

    Our enemy understands gaming.  They understand that as long as the the odds are tilted in their favor in the long run the will come out ahead,  if they have a slot machine, it is ok if pays out twenty cents for every quarter that is put in, because they know they will keep that nickel and very likely the other four nickels will go back into the machine as well.   It is just a matter of time.

    They work the same way with the genocide of the White race.  It is okay with them if only one in a hundred Whites race mix.  That one percent is gone.  Then they tilt the odds a little more towards genocide by having affirmative action.  Minorities on the upper margin are hired and promoted whites on the lower margin are unemployed or underemployed .  This creates an artificial spence that these Backs will be better providers.  Another  couple of percent to the genocide house.  Whites are encouraged to have smaller families.  Another couple of percent.  And on and on it goes always tilting the odds toward genocide.

    Now any one thing isn’t going to cause genocide.  They will say that no one is stopping White people from having big families.  They will trot out a white family that has 8 children, just as a casino will point out the one guy in a million that won big playing the slots.  “see the game isn’t rigged.  He won $50,000” they will say with same tone that say “see he has eight White children”.

    When you walk into a casino you know the odds are all tilted towards the house.  The game with the best odds for you is Black Jack.  If you are smart and know what you are doing you can put the odds in your favor by counting cards.  If the casino knows that you know how to count cards they won’t let you play.   That is why they won’t let Bob play.  Bob knows how to count cards.  That is he knows how to tilt the odds back in our favor, so they ignore him and keep him out of the news.

    Fortunately at BUGS Bob is teaching all of us to count cards.  While all the other White leaders are standing outside the casino trying to warn everyone that it is rigged, Bob is showing us how to go in and bankrupt the casino.

    Daniel Genseric


    That is a wonderful analogy! So simple even a N&J-er could understand it.

    This could make for a great outline for a video.


    Gator that is a great analogy using casinos.  I will use it.  Thanks.


    Is there a general consensus on the value of debating out-and-out anti-Whites versus the more bland “conservative” types who claim “not to see race”?

    The liberal anti-Whites seem to give better responses that I can use, because their hatred is more open.  You can work with that.  The squishy conservatives just take moderate positions (in online debate) that is hard to work with.   Conservatives are often more dishonest and more self-deluded.  Or just plain cowardly.

    Is the best sparring partner a livid anti-White or a lukewarm conservative.  Actually, I guess I just answered my own question.

    However, I do love exposing these holier than thou “conservative Christians” who claim not to see race, who parade as so good, and yet turn a blind eye and a heartless back on the genocide of one group – Whites.  Sorry, that was venting a bit.


    I have a question: Is it a good idea to “lockdown” (I don’t know how else to say it) on some threads rather than just move on? I mean,  is it good to keep hammering at the same thread (for days, weeks or as long as it takes) until no Anti-White dares to post another objection to your talking points?

    I’ve decided to try it, but I’m guessing a lot of people must have already tried this strategy. If so, is it worthwhile doing on some threads?


    Vale, that is a tactical decision which is influenced by:

    1. Audience numbers at the target site

    2. Swarm priorities


    Can those who are using the terms “Eurocide” in place of Genocide, and “AW” in place of anti-white please explain how such usage does NOT damage our consistent mantra message?

    J Locke

    dungeoneer, I have seen blacks steal our word genocide for black genocide and the mainstream media has repeated it. Eurocide can’t be stolen and has potential to be like “holocaust” is for jews. It is only being tested for now. I have not received any responses to the word.



    You can`t steal the word genocide, it is the black letters of the international genocide law.

    So anti-whites don`t contest Eurocide and that means it`s good?

    Come on John, you know about “The Silence” and the enemy going easy on stuff that`s good for them.


    I agree with dungeoneer. “Eurocide” is not a mantra word. Genocide is. We WANT other racial groups to use our words. The less EVERYBODY uses the enemies words, the closer we are to victory. The more EVERYBODY uses our words, the closer we are to victory.

    If you want to take “eurocide” for a test drive, you can do that but from the sounds of it, it’s already failed as anti-whites are not going to contest it. “Eurocide” is not an international crime. “Genocide” is.

    J Locke

    I have only used it a few times, to be fair. I still use genocide.

    J M C

    I think the key is that we need to consistently specify that the genocide WE are speaking of is WHITE genocide. We are not the only group that has faced genocide. We ARE the only group that has faced WHITE genocide. Given the population figures I would just laugh in anyone’s face who tried to counter my assertion of White genocide with  some obviously fictional ‘black genocide.’ Just like I would laugh out loud at someone asserting that pigs can fly.

    J Locke

    Dungeoneer asked, “Short memory John, why continue to test something which you don`t deny is damaging for our consistent mantra message and concentrate instead on the real thing i.e white genocide?”

    I didn’t think it hurt our consistent message personally, but since you think think it does, I won’t use it.


    John: “I didn’t think it hurt our consistent message personally”

    John we push the mantra because we agree that it is the best way to fight white genocide.

    The subtext in that statement is the correct wording corresponding to the actual name of the crime mentioned both in the mantra and international law is the one to use and any other word substituted for it would >have to< be injurious to consistentcy assuming we`re both using the same definition of consistent.

    Let me finish this with a couple of rhetorical questions:

    Would you like to see anti-whites revelling in an opportunity to wallow in a definitions debate about a non-existent crime?

    Would you like to see pro-white dissidents or white civilians using the incorrect word eurocide over the correct word genocide?.

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