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Debate advice and style first 909 posts

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    I’ve send out about 8 PMs on FR and got 2 positive replies back. I know thoses are small numbers but very encouraging.

    I just replied back to one of them and I’d like for the swam to look at my message back and improve on it. I hope to be sending out a lot more and I want them to be effective as possible.

    I didn’t write the last message I sent you. It is called Bob’s Mantra. It was written by Bob Whitaker a former Reagan appointee. (You can read all about him at his website It is call the Mantra because he repeats it every opportunity he gets to debate a Liberal an it is devastating. The Mantra is considered to be extremely subversive and racist, even though if you read it carefully there is nothing racist about it. I cannot post it openly on FR.

    You would think that a fairly high ranking Reagan appointee with website that many consider to be racist would be big news wit the Liberal media and the Obama campaign. Why do you think they haven’t mentioned Bob? The reason is they are afraid of this message.

    I am part of a small but growing group of international volunteers who are working to get the Mantra out there. We are beginning to see some success. One of our members is something of a celebrity in Iceland.

    I hope you will consider joining us. Everything we do is completely legal and nonviolent. We just debate anti-Whites using the Mantra and related concepts.

    Read Bob’s Blog at and if you have any questions, send me an private message.


    Just got this back from a Mantra private message I sent this morning. The guy is so close to getting it then he goes PC at the end. I don’t want to bother getting into a PM debate with him. I don’t think I’ll change his mind and no one else will see.

    We already know what would happen if whites moved into Black Countries.
    We saw that in South Africa. It became the Bread basket of Africa, It became a place to make money and we bought their bonds and invested there.

    When we turned it back to blacks they destroyed it within months killed or ran out the whites and now they starve.

    We integrated our schools. Wasn’t that a great idea. Now white kids do not know how to dress, they went down to the lowest common denominator, the grades dropped and white girls started breeding with blacks and producing Hybrids all around the country.The language has gone to the point where the F bomb is used in casual conversation as though it were a good part of the language.

    Every country in the known world with a population of blacks has the same problem with them. Theirs is not a culture that believes in working and being rewarded.

    We enable this culture by lowering our standards and affirmative action jobs, by paying out unemployment and Welfare. By paying them more as they have more illegitimate children.When has a welfare agency sought out the illigitimate fathers and made them pay up.

    I could go on for hours

    One thing we shouldn’t forget. There are black people and there are the N word , a vast difference in the two,but certainly as with any other race good and bad. Too bad we cater to the bad.


    Another PM reply. Not going to bother answering but it is an interesting look into the mind of a Respectable conservative. What twisted logic.

    The left views blacks as being a lesser species and as such they are expendable.

    They will use blacks as their foot soilders to start a war, but will turn against them in order to get absolute power.

    The left start a race war, then if they are in power as Zippo is now, they will use the military to go against both sides painting themselves as being in the middle.

    Everyone is under the mistaken belief that the military will be on one side or the other. Not going to happen. After all it’s a race war between white racist and black racist. Both sides are wrong.

    ot to hand it to them, it’s pretty damn clever how they are setting it up putting themselves in the middle.


    Another reply. This one is more promising and I’ll probably reply back.

    You’re right on every point. But to even mention it publicly (or to mention who is controlling this systematic destruction of white Christianity) automatically labels you as racist or anti-semite and then no one listens to you anymore.

    Peter Whiterabbit

    “The Mantra is considered to be extremely subversive and racist, even though if you read it carefully there is nothing racist about it.”

    Gator, this is a rookie mistake. “There is nothing racist about it” is respectably conservative. Our job is to strike away at the power of the word racist by associating all of those who say they are antiracist with how they really are antiwhite. Your statement further advances the power of the word racist by making it negative and giving moral authority to antiracists. They are antiwhite.

    Otherwise, well done.


    Thanks Peter,

    There are hundreds of White rabbits hopping around over at FR because it is the closest thing they can find to a home. When I see a post that makes me think they may be an awake White Rabbit I send them a private message with the Mantra. If the reply is positive I want them to join us.

    Keeping in mind that they have only been reading MSM, what would be the best reply to get them engaged?

    Peter Whiterabbit

    Gator, “there is nothing racist about it” was the only problem with your statement. If anything, take out that sentence or introduce them to anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.


    The more I’m on the FreeRepublic site the more potential I see. It is run by Respectable Conservatives, so one must be careful how and what one says publicly. On the other hand, it is teaming with awakened White Rabbits who don’t know where else to go.

    If you are interested in joining the fun on this site here are some suggestions to help you fit in and get off moderation more quickly.

    Don’t make the Mantra your first post. As a matter of fact don’t post the full mantra until we have at least half a dozen BUGSters off moderation so we can pick a time to make sure everyone who logs on that particular day will see the Mantra.

    Post what they call a vanity post. Just say hi, I’m new here and ask a question about something not related to Mantra or race. You’ll get a lot of responses and you can send a lot of short thank you replies. You want them to get sick of having to approve you polite little replies.

    Flirt. See someone of the opposite sex flirt a little. Again you want them to get sick of having to approve your replies.

    Keep your eyes open for pro-Whites there are plenty of them. You see one, send them the Mantra in a private reply. If they respond in a positive manor, talk to them. If their response is in anyway negative just ignore them. It is pointless to debate them in private and they will likely turn in your messages in an effort to get you banned.

    Start a PING list. List the names of BUGSters and pro-Whites from FR separated by ;s. (This is kind of cool because when I look at a ; sideways it reminds me of under cover lover eyes). Anyhow when you post some Mantra thought you can paste that list where you see the name of the person you are replying to. When you post all those people are notified.

    After you are off moderation be careful. You can get away with a lot of Mantra thought. I’ve posted anti-racist is a code word for anti-White several times already. With no problem.

    Let’s do some recruiting and build up a good sized swarm.

    This will be sweet. Respectable Conservatives are the worst kind of traitors. Swarming them will be fun.

    TheSeeker OfTruth

    We are not elites, we are weeds. If you know how barren earth is reclaimed you understand what that means. Weeds break the ground and provide nutrients for later growth, that is what we do. When we insult other awakened Whites we hurt our cause.

    TheSeeker OfTruth

    Incidentally wht does this page reorganize posts so they do not run over the links at right, but the mantra posting page does not?


    @Seeker of Truth,

    Simple, do not defend yourself, you are not George Washington, you are not Adolf Hitler, you are not Paul Bunion, nor are you Sir Garrteth the Honorable.

    We are not weeds, we are a HIVE.

    It is simple, you see many hornets in a hive yes? Well, now imagine them all stinging a bear, yes one or two will not land their stingers, but when THEY ALL ATTACK AND, ONLY ATTACK ,CAN THE BEAR BE TAKEN DOWN.

    As a god Propagandist once said “Do not defend yourself agaisnt the slander that comes from the night at all sides, simply strike back at your accuser to silence him and let the truth shine through the battle.”

    When I am called RACIST,

    I simply tell them that they are Useful Idiots, and that in THEIR OPINION, they are ANTI-RACIST. BUT IN REALITY, THEY ARE ANTI-WHITE.

    Another good example—

    When you are discussing an issue, and they call you the usual words,

    Ask them out of the blue,


    (Remember the question mark, it makes them respond even in a stupid way.)

    Don’t let them make the conversation about 6milliondeadjews or you being A RACIST, simply flat out attack. Hit them, and bring your best guns.

    Stop respecting the “Respectable conservative” and the “Useful Idiots”, stop giving them the respect of defending yourself to their stupid arguments of calling you a RACIST.

    Flank that slander, and tell them simply and calmly, WHY ARE YOU SUPPORTING THE GENOCIDE OF MY RACE, THE WHITE RACE, WHY ARE ‘YOU’ ANTI-WHITE?

    I just got the time to listen to the Lord Nelsons stuff and Adolheim and some bob’s stuff today and I got’a tell you guys, it helped me alot debating another Californian liberalite.

    Thanks for your help, it really works especially face to face where they don’t have the luxury of asking mommy-professor or their programmer for a response to parrot.

    🙂 -Major

    TheSeeker OfTruth

    Would you mind clarifying for me the relationship of your post to mine?



    I like what you are doing over at FR. A lot of lurkers over there will be receptive to our message. As you say, many of them hang out there because they think they’ve got no where else to go.

    And also, there’s a possible force-multiplier effect like the one I am talking about regarding BUGSers becoming prominent on any major GOP discussion thread this election cycle.

    If we are high profile in “respectable” conservative discussion threads, DEMOCRATS (the rank and file who aren’t with the program) may start to use BUGS associations to, they think, discredit GOP voters as “racists.” I am going to do my best to try to make this happen. I figure it should be easy.

    Whatever the GOP does, they’re “racists” by default. I think we can use that to our advantage.


    Bob has given us a nice little artilary piece to shoot at the Respectables over at FR.

    I’ll probably be taken out after the first shot. Who is going to be ready to step in and keep firing?

    Henry Davenport

    On Amren recently someone posted something like,

    “Words like ‘racist,’ ‘Nazi,’ ‘anti-semite,’ ‘bigot,’ are just commands to white people to tuck their tails between their legs”

    I liked that a lot, and I’ve enjoyed posting it on my MSM site,, where there is a good amount of basic resentment at the whole “anti-racist” enterprise, along with a good amount of the usual liberalism.

    Does that response fit with what you all are trying to do, or do you think it’s lacking in some way?

    Henry Davenport

    After several years at my MSM site, most posters liberal or conservative are friendly to me despite my avowed “racism.”
    I try to take the sting out of the word:

    chicken_plucker writes:

    mynabyrd…I just looked over the thread…I didn’t post at all in the first fifty posts…there must be a lot of other racists here besides me.

    Now you talk about a discriminated-against group, that’s us racists on the KNS forum. Once every six months an article is written like this one on which we are allowed to have our say. More or less. KNS has successfully trained me to say less. It’s pathetic. There’s so much more to my racism.

    And actually I say quite a lot on that site. It’s taken a couple of years to learn how to do it.


    HarumptyDumpty,yes that needs to have anti-white in there at the very least and preferably Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white and geNOcide as well.As it stands it does`nt label the anti-whites and it does`nt hold them to account for their biggest crime against us.

    Assuming no censorship,something like “Anti-whites use words like ‘racist,’ ‘Nazi,’ ‘anti-semite,’ ‘bigot,’ to bully white people into tucking our tails between our legs and not oppose our geNOcide.Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.”


    HarumptyDumpty,we don`t want to be using the word racist on it`s own very much.

    Our goal is not to defend the word racist,it`s to show that “anti-racism” is just a codeword for anti-white.


    Page 3 Feu Denfer:”They’re inconsistant in terms of having a double standard for different races. But I’m not sure lying is a fitting term. The thing about psycological programming is that a persons beliefs are developed unconsciously.I believe that for most off-white rabbits, it’s more about false assumptions and failing logics than outright lies. Hey, even we bugsters and Bob fail the basics from time to time.”

    The anti-whites(the ones we deal with at least) do lie,repeatedly.They say their “anti-racism” is not being forced on anyone.They say they have not noticed any of the anti-white bias in the media or from the politicians.They say that supporting race mixing and immigration is no threat to our racial survival.

    Coach is a PRO,which means he NEVER forgets the basics,and I would suggest that every BUGSter should know after even a brief time spent with the anti-whites that they are liars.

    Henry Davenport

    @ dungeoneer…Your insertion of “Anti-whites” as the grammatical subject in my quote improves it a lot IMO…thanks.

    I think of genocide as involving killing of individuals, and I think most of my audience will also. Checking at Wiki, I don’t find that the termination of a race by racial flooding and interbreeding is regarded anywhere as genocide…I assume that’s the principle mechanism contemplated in the genocide referred to in your mantra (?)

    I’ll poke about this site and try to find some discussion on why that word is viewed as suitable. At my present stage of understanding, the term seems to me like the kind of extravagance (not that I view the disappearance of the white race as a small matter) that I’m used to from the left, and it turns me off, and I’m afraid it will turn off my audience. But I’m very impressed by a lot of the posts copied here that you all are putting on MSM sites, so my mind is open!

    Hm, well as I think about it, I’m beginning to see it a little differently already. The principle feature (or at least let’s make it the principle feature) of genocide, as opposed to mere mass murder, is the very feature you’re protesting against when you use the word. I’ll think about it more, but probably I’ll be on board.

    And thanks for the other post, I’ll give some thought to that too.

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