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Debate advice and style first 909 posts

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  • #9044
    Henry Davenport

    “Anti-whites use words like ‘racist,’ ‘Nazi,’ ‘anti-semite,’ ‘bigot,’ to bully white people into tucking our tails between our legs and not opposing our genocide. ‘Anti-racist’ is a code word for anti-white.”

    I think I like it! Lol! That is REAL hard not to like!

    I’ll be very curious to see how “genocide” flies with my audience, and what insane but delightful arguments it gets me into!

    Feu Denfer

    dungeoneer: Ok, we have different opinions on that. I might be wrong, you might be wrong, and then the Anti whites win.

    Let’s go back to “advice and style” 🙂



    The definition of genocide under international law is VERY clear and the anti-whites are CLEARLY in violation of it. When an anti-white denies that what they are doing is genocide simply quote the definition of genocide under international law and explain the violation, I use this blurb:

    “Another ignorant anti-white trying to justify genocide by lying about it’s definition.

    According to the 1948 United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide

    Genocide means the elimination of an ethnic or racial group by any of the following means:

    ( a ) Killing members of the group;
    ( b ) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
    ( c ) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
    ( d ) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
    ( e ) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

    Section C applies to what anti-whites are doing to my race:

    Flooding our countries with non-whites, force integrating our communities, encouraging us to blend ourselves out of existence and attacking anyone who opposes these things are imposing conditions of life calculated to bring about the physical destruction of my race.

    Why are you denying genocide?”


    Actually change:

    “Section C applies to what anti-whites are doing to my race:”


    “Section C applies to what you anti-whites are doing to my race:”

    Always make them take personal responsibility for what they are doing.

    Also you can use various last questions, such as:

    Why are you denying genocide?

    Why are you supporting the genocide of my race?

    Why are you engaging in the genocide of my race?


    Gavin,it`s not just section C that applies to the white geNOcide program.

    A)Whites have been killed because of immigration policy.

    B)Whites have been seriously physically harmed by immigration policy,and we have suffered serious mental harm from all the anti-white propaganda.


    And section D applies as well,importing known fast-breeding populations of non-whites into our countries is a deliberate policy of demographic replacement and intended to reduce the white birthrate.


    The YouTube 500 character limit, while irritating to someone as long-winded as myself, is good for honing debate skills. The shorter your point is, the more likely it is that everything’s going to be read.

    The most common challenge I get to the charge of genocide is something along the lines of “it’s not deliberate.” They will also say that immigration and migration are “naturally occurring.”

    Neither one of those is the case. Everything we’re talking about is the result of a political decision and political decisions ARE DELIBERATE.

    Here’s a sample response from YouTube:

    The political decision to open the floodgates to non-White immigration (w/ out a popular vote) WAS deliberate. The political decision to force integrate White neighborhoods was deliberate. The political decision to put out PSAs that encourage interracial coupling was deliberate.

    Don’t kid yourself. It doesn’t have to be immediate killing to be genocide under the law. It only need be INTENT that there be fewer Whites coupled with an ACT

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.


    You might find this link useful

    Daniel Genseric

    Between Dungeon and Gavin’s replies regarding the CRITERIA for genocide, there is not much left to say.

    The political decision to DISREGARD current immigration legislation and the political decision to institute back-door amnesty (de facto Dream Act) is tantamount to providing incentives for and promotion of illegal immigration.

    They are pushing immigration for EVERY White country and ONLY White countries. They say the are the Humanitarian Intelligentsia Vanguard (HIV) anti-racists of tomorrow TODAY. What they are is anti-White.

    Anti-racist IS a codeword for anti-White.

    Make them choose pro-White over anti-White. They would do it to you.

    It is genocide. Once we are allowed to say that to the World we can begin to count down the days to securing a home(land).

    I can’t quite see it on the horizon yet.

    But, in the meantime don’t let them JUSTIFY it. No matter WHAT they say.

    Daniel Genseric

    Oh yeah. By the way, if you are feeling especially froggy, call them out on the assimilation and White/non-white intermarriage bit too.

    You know, the part where they pump that shit down our children’s throats on everything from PBS cartoons to MTV reality sex shows to the ever-important, rite of passage Weinstein flicks.

    Oh you remember! This part (the social conditioning and engineering part/re-education):
    ( b ) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group (our group dummy; White people and/or their children);

    EDIT: EVERYTHING you need to know about this war has already been written by Bob. Poke around.


    “precisely who is demanding of which specific eastern European country what particularly onerous immigration/assimilation policy?”

    One of Gavin’s links:

    I didn’t answer that question directly, but I did respond.


    I thought beginners might benefit from listening to the Debate Tactics of Lord Nelson & Adelheim.


    How should I answer this one?


    Were did we get labor before illegal immigration?


    Good Question. Let me relate some history.

    All great civilizations have always imported their working classes. Usually slaves. America is no different. From indentured servants, to slaves to illegals.

    It’s the way things are done.



    All nations are subsequently destroyed by immigration. Economic hardship is not justification for white genocide.



    Blond jokes are a low hanging fruit. You come across them from time to time not just on the internet but in every day life. Don’t let anyone get away with telling a blond joke. Immediately ask them if they would tell the same joke if it was a nappy haired girl, a thick lipped girl, a slanty eyed girl, or hook nosed girl if they would still tell it?

    Most of the time the people telling these jokes are apolitical. The attack will come out of the blue and they won’t know what hit them when you point out that anti-racism is anti-White.

    Feu Denfer

    I just got a norwegian anti white literally saying “whites are more racists than others” and that “when you live in norway it’s obvious that most racism is seen among whites”.

    I gave him the mantra hammer, but i think there’s room for improvement. Suggestions?

    Daniel Genseric

    Gator61 wrote:

    “How should I answer this one?

    Were did we get labor before illegal immigration?””

    The Irish.


    I just got a norwegian anti white literally saying “whites are more racists than others” and that “when you live in norway it’s obvious that most racism is seen among whites”.

    I gave him the mantra hammer, but i think there’s room for improvement. Suggestions?

    I would reply:

    “I’d be pretty angry too if I were living in Norway with a bunch of anti-whites filling my country with non-whites and trying to blend my race out of existence. No kidding the whites there are upset, they have every reason to be.

    Maybe if you stopped flooding their country with non-whites and trying to genocide them, they wouldn’t be so angry.”

    time for freedom

    I think you are on the right track with that reply Gavin. I agree that you need to turn their racist epithet into an accusation of White Genocide through force-assimilation. I basically reply in the same manner…it works because they are now on the defensive and have to deny that they are complicitous in an attempt to Genocide White children throught programs of massvie non-White immigration; forced racial integration perpetrated upon White kids; and finally the demand for racial assimilation of White people and OUR kids into the non-White peoples. WE and THEY know that they simply can’t with total conviction deny this. We have them.

    Keep up the great work.

    C Bear

    I’ve been hitting the genocide talking point pretty hard lately. I am DONE with anti-Whites taking the moral high-ground. GeNOcide rips the carpet right out from them.

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