The Beef
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04/22/2012 at 10:07 am in reply to: A "Progressive" at anti-White Daily Kos posted "How Whites Took Over America." #22122The BeefParticipant
I’m IP Banned there, from uh, past activities.
Yeah, if they are DONE posting there now, maybe now they are ready for some, “repetition”.
Make sure to POINT our the FBI statement, and how it exposes that they are fully aware of the Orwellian state control over free speech that they support.
While at the same time insisting there is a White male Patriarcy in control.
Also maybe point out that since they cannot address any of the points in the video, all they can do is attack the messenger, because they KNOW it is a good POINT.
04/22/2012 at 9:11 am in reply to: A "Progressive" at anti-White Daily Kos posted "How Whites Took Over America." #22115The BeefParticipantWell, if someone else who knows better than I do wants to chime in and say go for it swarm, please do.
The reason I am against swarming it, is that these folks are hardcore anti-White, there is hardly any White Audience undecided there, and the Video itself is enraging them to be more openly anti-White, and they are already falling into simply attacking the messenger mode, as they cannot address a single point the video made.
In short it already seems to be working on them. Remember it is the same reaction that Anti-Whites always give the mantra.
They freak out.
What are we expecting? A soft forehead tap and a “ohhh…. I get it now” moment?
I wish there was a way we could gauge their blood pressure on seeing THE video.
04/21/2012 at 8:49 pm in reply to: A "Progressive" at anti-White Daily Kos posted "How Whites Took Over America." #22068The BeefParticipantNobody swarm it there either, just let it do its magic.
Funny as it is they cannot address the POINT of the matter, all they can do is attack the messenger.
One thing I have noticed about the Mantra and the mantra thinking in the Video and what we are doing imposing terminology, is that Anti-Whites become more openly Anti-White.
When you read their statements you find MORE and MORE Blatant Anti-White statements.
I’m seeing more and more OPENLY starting to say they support white Genocide, and gloating about it openly.
Anti-White logic is circular, White are evil Racist because they don’t want to be Assimilated, and they need to be Assimilated because they are evil Racists.
That circular logic become more easy for people who are white and normal to see, those sleeping Whites start to wake up to it the more blatant the Anti-Whites get.
The BeefParticipantConiglio, just wanted to add to that, why I called it “attempt” was because our Race has not yet been “completely” wiped out yet.
But according to international law, yes it does indeed state in whole or IN PART.
The IN PART has already taken place. So it is an active Genocide.
The BeefParticipantLinux, I like that one.
In a game of cards you got a King there, but raise you an Ace:
“Why do you love making excuses for your support of genocide against MY race”.
Now lets see someone turn that into a Joker.
The BeefParticipantConiglio, THAT is a GREAT point!
Thank you, for pointing that out to me.
That is a bad habbit I need to break, feel free to throw a muddy boot my way whenever you hear that one “attempt” slip out.
The BeefParticipantOhh, here is a good one to cover on this thread.
Its the most EMBARASSING tailgating I have EVER seen.
Sometimes an Anti-White will say something really immature about our…Penis.
Yes… They go there.
Example: “the only reason you stupid little racists hate blacks is because you can’t satisfy ur wife with ur little tiny pepee and bcuz she love big Black dick!”
Yes we have seen that.
The effective way to address it is again to pull out the moral high ground:
“So now you have to resort to saying White males are inferior and inadequate in order to justify White Genocide? What kind of a Genocidal Psycho does that?”
“If ALL Asian countries and ONLY Asian countries were being assimilated out of existence, would you talk about Genitals to justify their Genocide? What kind of Genocidal Maniac does that?”
Now, unfortunately I have had to READ tailgating that looks like:
“Well I satisfy my girlfriend with my massive WWC just fine!”. – I COULD THROW A MUDDY BOOT AT WHOEVER IS USING THAT.
You’re NOT Supposed to let them sucker you into talking about ANY other topic, other than GENOCIDE of Whites. DO NOT allow a Genocidal Maniac to sucker you into talking about your WIENER!
The BeefParticipantI like to call them words that pull the moral highround out from under them like “Maniac” or “Psycho”, combinations like “only a Genocideal Maniac would say” or “only a Psycho who thinks Genocide is ok would”
The BeefParticipantThat is what we are all about here, using each others material, no need for credit, and adapting and improving for the given situation.
I want everyone here to steal my stuff whenever it fits them, and to improve on it whenever they see fit to as well.
So long as its effective, do it.
The BeefParticipantDungeoneer has made some really good Answers to those Questions. What I did here is take it even a step further, and made the “Answers” Into Questions themselves.
I always like to keep asking the Anti-Whites Questions.
It is the DEFENDANT Who Answers Questions. We are charging them with a crime in the court of public opinion when we point out they are supporting Genocide.
We ASK the Questions.
1)”Native Americans were Here First- How about THAT genocide?”
Stop dodging the issue, we are talking about white genocide which the anti-whites are committing now in the 21st century. How can you Justify genocide of Whites with THAT?
Or, the Native Americans were given over 55.7 million acres of land in the USA, and even more in Canada for them to have Exclusive places to live. Why are Whites not even allowed to have THAT much exclusive to ourselves, even in Europe? What did Whites do to lose Our long term right to preserve our own people?
2)”Why don’t you European Americans go BACK to your White Countries then?”
You are justifying white genocide. Would you tell non-whites to “go back to other non-white countries”?
3)”What you describe is not genocide. Provisions for Ethnic DIEversity are contained within the United States Constitution. That’s America. If you don’t like it, then Pack Your Gear & Get The Hell Out!” (PYG & GTHO)
Anti-whites boast about turning white countries brown.You readily agree that deliberate elimination of non-white groups by any means is genocide. Why do you only deny it for whites?
Singe you love the Constitution, please tell me where it says that people who want to talk about the Ongoing Genocide of our Race need to be exiled?
Why is free speech only for Anti-Whites?
4)”So, what do YOU propose to DO about White genocide?”
A full public discussion about white genocide is our most important demand, should we not be allowed to discuss the Genocide of our own race?
5)”HOW are you going to punish anti-Whites?”
A full public discussion about white genocide is punishment for anti-whites. Full public discussion then maybe policies. Why do you think that stopping White Genocide means inhumane things will happen to Anti-Whites?
6)”You White Supremacists are hilarious. You Holocaust the Jews and now you want us to believe YOU were the victims?”
You’re Justifying White Genocide right now with the Holocaust? How does the Holocaust Justify Genocide of Whites right now?
If Every Black country and Only Black countries were FORCE Integrated with non-blacks, and they were being assimilated and intermarried out of existence, would you call a Black man who disagreed with the Genocide of his people a Supremacist?
The Aboriginal were almost wiped out with Assimilation and Interbreeding, it is a well known attempt of Genocide, and why assimilation is a KNOWN tactic for Genocide. Where the Aboriginal Supremacists for Opposing their own Genocide too?
7)”Well if anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White, then YOU are saying that racist = White? That is patently FALSE because ALL races are capable of committing Racism. I am an anti-Racist!”
They`re only targeting white people for genocide in the name of “anti-racism”.Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-white.
If ALL Black people in ONLY Black countries were being Assimilated out of existence, would call a Black man who opposed the Genocide of his people a “racist”?
8)”LOL! ‘It’s White genocide!’ You Nazis are hilarious! Woah! Oh HOHO! ROFL….”
Why do you think the GENOCIDE of my entire Race is Funny? Do you think the Attempt at Genocide on the Aboriginal was funny too? Or is is ONLY a joke when being done to MY Race?
9)“Every Country is for Everyone! & We’re ALL The Same. The Laws of Economics dictate that massive immigration is a One Way Street.”
How does Economics Justify Conditions being imposed on ONLY my Race that lead to the destruction of our Race?
If every single Black country, and ONLY Black countries were being assimilated into extinction, aka Genocide, would you be telling them “Every country is for Everyone, we’re all the same”?
10)”So, just WHO is responsible for this quote White genocide unquote?”
That is a VERY good Question, I’m Glad you asked. The anti-white Establishment. Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-white. Are you Pro-White or Pro-White-Genocide?
11)”Exactly WHICH countries are quote White countries unquote?” (DENYING White genocide through DENYING that Whites actually exist)
So now you’re saying GENOCIDE is IMPOSSIBLE?
If Every ALL and ONLY Black countries were flooded with non-Black and being force integrated, and told intermarriage would “end the Race problem” in order to Genocide them by Assimilation, would you suddenly forget which countries were Black countries too?
If the situation were being faced by ONLY and ALL Asian countries would you also get a convenient lapse in memory in order to support their Genocide?
Why do you ONLY deny Genocide is possible when it is faced by MY Race?
The BeefParticipantOh for sure, those are perfect too, examples of the categories of things Anti-Whites say when hit with the mantra, and the ways we then Hammer them are great for the show too.
Example: “Race does not exist”
Answer: “You’re saying Genocide is impossible”.
The BeefParticipantTopics on today Show:
WHY we don’t point the finger at Jews with out Mantra – because it is not EFFECTIVE.
Tried to explain that the original ISSUE with Jews in the first place is the oveall Anti-White stance many of them have. Open border policy, media control promoting assimilation etc..
But DID go back to the point that just talking about the Jews does NOT wake up Sleeping Whites, and that is why we do NOT focus on talking about them with the Mantra.
Why we don’t talk about wanting to do horrible things to Anti-Whites.
Explained that if we make it sound like we want to do horrible things to Anti-Whites and Jews all we are doing is encouraging them to fight tooth and nail to the bitter end, vs. giving up and stopping the Anti-White propoganda sooner.
Why we are not super picky about who we consider White. Not big enough population to be so picky as to only include perfectly straight nose high cheekbones, square jawed, platnum haired, crystal blue eyed nordics. We need a lot more whites than that to save our Race. Look White, be Pro-White, ok if you have brown hair etc…
The BeefParticipantPut this in the other Thread, Where did you post the Mantra today, but it is useful over here too.
Was on the Don and Derek Black show again this morning 16 April 2012. Talked about Mantra use, and the IMPORTANCE, of NOT ANSWERING the Questions Anti-Whites ask us.
Any time an Anti-White is questioning you, he is trying to lead the conversation. They take anything you say, and try to use it against you with another loaded question.
It is a tactic used by the prosecution on a defendant.
Even if it turns into an interrupting and yelling match of Questions back and forth, we STILL do NOT take the baited Question.
The Prosecution always asks the Questions, and we are charging Anti-Whites with a crime of attempted Genocide. Even a lower level Anti-White is advocating Genocide.
We ask them Questions based on the Mantra Talking points.
Such as: “If ALL Black countries were being force integrated and assimilated out of existence, would you be ok with that? Would you tell them if they did not like it they should leave?”
Remember it is the Pro-White who is opposed to White GeNOcide who has the moral highground, and there for it is WE who should be asking the Questions.
Then we DEMAND they answer the question, and we keep asking, REPEAT the Question as often as you can, and we can even keep count in front of the Audience.
If they try to dodge it and ask thier own Question, its “No NO, YOU answer OUR Question first” and the repeat the Question.
If they take the Question and try to answer it, Jump on their answer then, with another Question.
If they say “well no I wouldn’t”, then we say “so its only ok to Genocide White people?” “What did White people do to deserve Genocide?” then if they justify it, you point out they are justifying genocide, if they try back tracking you call them on that too.
They are advocating a CRIME, they are the one in the Defendants seat.
Its an importat concept for ALL the SWARM.
Anyway, that was the Mantra concept on the Show, if anyone here cares to listen to it the podcast should be up later this afternoon or evening.
The BeefParticipantMessage for the new guys asking about why we call it “Genocide”, and why we always point out what the Anti-Whites are attempting is Genocide.
The reason we use GENOCIDE and not population shit is because, what is happening truly IS Genocide. White people are not just being moved around, the population is not just being changed from one thing to another, these conditions imposed on us lead to the destruction of our group, via assimilation.
The OTHER reason is in front of the AUDIENCE, we have to EXPOSE that the Anti-Whites do NOT have the moral high ground.
That is the thing about White People psychologically, they have an innate need to “Do the RIGHT thing”.
The problem is for a long time Mommy Professor and her religion of Political Correctness has gotten them to believe that supporting conditions that would lead to their race no longer existing, aka White Genocide, is in the moral right.
The Mantra, points out to them that Pro-Whites, those who oppose White GeNOcide, are in fact the ones who hold the Moral high ground.
Genocide is a CRIME, and that is what we are accusing the Anti-Whites of, in front of an Audience.
Everything Anti-White-bots to say supports that Genocide.
Weather it be conveniently forgetting which race is which, or what a White country is, it all comes back to Genocide.
When they say “Race does not exist”, or “social construct”, or pretend they don’t know that white people are, for example, WE point out how that supports Genocide.
“YOU are saying Genocide is IMPOSSIBLE?!
Only an Anti-White Genocidal maniac would say that we have no right to preserve something and that is has no right to exist.
Naturally if you SUPPORT GENOCIDE of White people you would insist they don’t have a right to exist, and that Genocide is impossible.
What did White people do to lose our Right to exist?”
————————————– note I like to end things with baited questions.
Its always good when we can point out they are justifying Genocide, or when they come right out and say they support genocide. In those cases we ask them to repeat themselves, or on the net, ask if that was a typo.
Also, when they try to say that intermarriage is not Genocide, then you can STILL Bring them back to GENOCIDE.
“Assimilation is a known form of Genocide as it was attempted on the Aboriginal people.Do you think that what was intended to eradicate Aboriginals should not be called Genocide?
Why do you say what was attempted on the Aboriginal as Genocide is suddenly not Genocide when attempted on us?
What makes White people Uniquely evil that is ok to Genocide us with Assimilation?”
______________________________________________________________________________When you think about it, the underlying message to ANYTHING Anti-Whites say can be turned around to expose how they support Genocide, and how they specifically target it at whites, and that is why we call them Anti-White.
The BeefParticipantNotice how one of the guys actually said “Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.”
That amazed me. This meme really IS being threaded far and wide.
The BeefParticipantFor sure, Truck Roy gets it. I actually planned on doing that on Friday, letting go after the first half hour, because as I had tend to dominate conversations too much.
But then Don anounced that Truck Roy was not able to make the show on Friday, and I figured that I may as well stay on and keep bouncing Mantra concepts back and forth with Father Francis, being Truck Roy could not be there.
Last week with our video coming out I really wanted to promote it and promote getting more Pro-Whites on message. Get more of them to the Swarm here, and more to start listening to Horus too to learn how.
I wanted to show the audience that more people than just the guys hosting the show can actually do this, and also that whole bandwagon thing. “look I’m a nobody in Minnesota, and if I can do this, so can you”- sort of thing.
Father Francis gets it, Truck Roy does too, so yeah I will not be calling in as much, but from time to time you will still hear me there too.
The other reason was I was getting a ton of PM’s over at stormfront from people who want me to keep call in and keep talking Mantra. Apparently they think I’m entertaining and all fire and brimstone with the Mantra and the accusation of Genocide on the Anti-Whites ;}
The BeefParticipantThis just in, even the MUSCLEHEADS our “getting it”. Please do NOT swarm this guys, the Mantra logic in the Video is actually sinking in. We don’t have a fight here, but it is interesting to SEE how it is working. Just lurk, don’t swarm it.
The BeefParticipantThat is the biggest reason I have been calling into the show.
Its not just to help make the show more entertaining and keep things on message, I keep trying to put out the Milk to herd the cats our way.
I’ve actually called in on almost each day starting on 30 March, 2 Aprl, 4 Aprl, 5 Arpl (second half hour), and 6 Aprl
Father Francis said my calls were always welcome, after I expressed a little concern I did not want to take over their show as I tend to talk too much, but on the radio it seems to hold peoples attention.
I know a lot of stormfronters listen to the show, and so I figure if more and more of them get on point, the sooner this anti-White system comes down.
The BeefParticipant^ I meant I cannot take they new account I made from work, and use it to log in at my home desktop. The way I phrased it above may have looked odd.
If anyone knows a way to change ones IP address, without messing up my internet connect, please say it or link to instructions, as I’m not very computer savy when it comes to that sort of stuff.
The BeefParticipantThe funny thing is they are SO programmed in their responces, that they can actually have a counter program made to defeat them.
They cannot THINK. Heck if they could THINK they likely would not be Anti-White in the first place.
Anyway, only suggesting for those using that is to make slight changes in grammar when Copy & Pasting them to youtube comments, as if they are perfect copy youtube may decide they are spam.
I had a whole word file filled with responces for cut and paste, and did it too much and somehow got my IP address blocked at home. I can still watch youtube vids from my desktop, but cannot log in, and cannot make a new account. I cannot even log in from the new account I use for swarming at my work.
Just a heads up on those slight changes in wording, or even miss spell a word or two, anything so they are not all carbon copy.
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Robert Whitaker grants full and free use of his ideas and writings as they pertain to aiding others in stating the facts about white race genocide and its agenda of forced non-white immigration and integration into ALL white countries and ONLY white countries.
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- JPOutlook on Where did you post the Mantra today?
- JPOutlook on Where did you post the Mantra today?
- JPOutlook on Where did you post the Mantra today?
- JPOutlook on Where did you post the Mantra today?
- JPOutlook on Where did you post the Mantra today?
- JPOutlook on Where did you post the Mantra today?
- JPOutlook on Where did you post the Mantra today?
- JPOutlook on Where did you post the Mantra today?
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In A Few Words
Bob Whitaker has "been there and done that" in the world of politics. His unique perspective is insightful and vital. You may not agree with everything he says, but I guarantee that he will make you think.
Robert W. Whitaker, 1941—2017, was born and raised in South Carolina and attended the University of South Carolina and the University of Virginia Graduate School. He has been a college professor, international aviation negotiator, Capitol Hill senior staffer, Reagan Administration appointee, and writer for the Voice of America. He has written numerous articles and three books. Bob lived in Columbia, SC, coaching B.U.G.S. He had asked the staff to inform female readers that he was "divorced and 'wildly attractive.'" I agree that he was divorced. But actually, he always did and always will love his one and only wife.
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