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TheSeeker OfTruth

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  • in reply to: Why Johnny can't think E-book Password? #99880
    TheSeeker OfTruth

    You need a password? I never could get it to download either?

    in reply to: The Paltalk Thread #99874
    TheSeeker OfTruth

    I can’t seem to find the room on paltalk

    in reply to: New Website to swarm. #99706
    TheSeeker OfTruth

    The League of the South has also been using this service.

    in reply to: How to make banners #54028
    TheSeeker OfTruth

    I was able to acquire some banners that were used for a store grand opening as they had the date once it was opened they were just going to throw them away. They were blank on the back so I used some stencils that my Dad purchased years ago at Home Depot to outline the letters (about 10 inches tall) and my wife colored them in with paint. I used paint left over from painting a bedroom. I had to edit Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians White countries for Everybody? To read White Places For All? With the All colored like a rainbow. That decision was made necessary due to space limitations. We attached the signs with some zip ties acquired from my job. The total cost was just a little elbow grease and some “to hell with it!”.

    in reply to: BUGS Video Skype seminar with Coach Bob #49184
    TheSeeker OfTruth

    I am there, but I will need to buy a camera. I should have one by then.

    in reply to: Usernames #26182
    TheSeeker OfTruth

    Jason, my name is what I am and what I have seen in the past couple of months here is a growing cadre of folks that believe we shouldn’t say certain things because of this cadre’s idea of what “the average” White may or may not believe.
    You are right we are here to try and get around the mental blocks. Why? To attack said block from the back, but now we are nitpicking and that is not the way to go.

    in reply to: Usernames #26149
    TheSeeker OfTruth

    I would like to say that trying to dance around people’s preconcieved sensibilities in the name of “appealing to the average” White is like the SCV presenting Black Confederates as proof against racism. We will always be called racist, bigot, hater, etc because of what we SAY not what we call ourselves.

    in reply to: Debate advice and style first 909 posts #23466
    TheSeeker OfTruth

    Tsk, tsk, tsk! Two posts up someone mentions jews.

    in reply to: Debate advice and style first 909 posts #23177
    TheSeeker OfTruth

    No and now you are grasping at straws. I have never once said to replace or re-write any of the mantra. I am merely pointing out that we are now being told to never ever mention jews but stay on a mantra that specifically mentions jews.

    in reply to: Debate advice and style first 909 posts #23169
    TheSeeker OfTruth

    As I said before it is the ONLY country to openly proclaim that it exists for ONE people and ONE people only.

    in reply to: Debate advice and style first 909 posts #23164
    TheSeeker OfTruth

    If I am not mistaken the whole point of our struggle is to open a dialog between us and those that are on the fence. The end result of course to hopefully convince them that Whites DO have a right to exist.
    Then we can talk about homelands and exclusive countries and whatnot.
    If that is the case I fail to see how NOT mentioning the ONLY country on Earth that openly proclaims that its’ existence is for ONE group of people and one group of people only will be helpful.

    Now, I have been getting conflicting comments, one guy says that Israel is unpopular another says that as soon as anyone mentions Israel they are seen as anti-semitic. I do not see how both can be true.

    in reply to: Debate advice and style first 909 posts #23142
    TheSeeker OfTruth

    @Jason I understand where you are coming from but I have never advocated calling anyone names even if they are jews. I prefer to call folk what they want to be called.

    Me personally I am not interested in any reprisal. I am merely interested in my people’s continued existence.

    in reply to: Debate advice and style first 909 posts #23141
    TheSeeker OfTruth

    @HD, I am not talking long explanations. I am talking about pointing out contradictions simply. I have rarely had to give any qualifiers when I say that if jews have a right to exist then my people have a right to exist. EASY-peezy lemon squeezy. You see, I am not criticizing Israel. I agree with Israel’s position that if the founding population of Israel changes then it would no longer be Israel.

    in reply to: Debate advice and style first 909 posts #23127
    TheSeeker OfTruth

    I listened to what he said and sat through the entire podcast. He says, “Never mention jews it opens the door for other things to be interjected.”
    Am I correct?
    If so that is BS. If you will recall Bob said the jews AND Hitler were what the anti-Whites wanted us to talk about most. Yet the mantra itself mentions “final solution” twice “nazi” once and “six million jews” once all of these things are inexplicably tied to you know what,,,shhh,, jews, don’t tell Bob. I have seen rabid anti-Whites jump on those three things and create five minute youtube videos harping on those points. That in itself opens the doors that Mike was warning against opening.

    in reply to: Debate advice and style first 909 posts #23121
    TheSeeker OfTruth

    No dungeoneer I do not deny that. I merely pointed to some examples of Israel being the poster child for double standard that is all.
    Please let me be clear, I am not defending chasing jews down rabbitholes. I am merely saying that a lot of what Israel does, and what we are expected to think about Israel, illustrates our point beautifully.
    I took the message that if we talk about jews at all we were wrong, counterproductive and should be shunned.
    I think there is a time and place for everything, and pointing out any privilege or right that is afforded a group of people, but not my group of people, must have a time even if it relates to jews.

    in reply to: Debate advice and style first 909 posts #23116
    TheSeeker OfTruth

    Okay, a topic was raised about mentioning jews over in the Jewaholic topic. I made a comment and was replied to but alas the thread was closed. As this topic is pertinent to our debate I would like to address some things here.

    “What do you mean what good does that do? That is a perfect example of the double standard set in place against us.”

    WHY do you think Israel is a more “perfect” example than:

    “Africa for the Africans,Asia for the Asians…” ?

    From a white survival viewpoint it`s just another non-white country that does`nt have genocide forced on it,and you can`t deny that it comes with a mountain of political baggage that plain old non-white countries don`t.” This was posted by Dungeoneer.

    I do not think that Israel is more perfect. I think that Israel is more fresh. When Saudi Arabia or Qatar or Japan requires immigrants to leave rarely does it get mentioned in the news. Israel recently booted some Ethiopians and it was all over the place.
    When other countries, White or non-White, exhibits trepidation about changing the population there is rarely a peep. Yet our president announced that “shifting demograghics” is a dire threat to Israeli security. This is a huge contradiction that must be pointed out.
    Also, plain old non-White countries are not painted as being intricately tied to other nations’ foreign policies Israel is. To point out that we, as Americans, must support policies in Israel that are not allowed here is more of an in-your-face example than say Papua New Guinea though it is the exact same double standard.

    ““Why is it okay for Israel to kick out Ethiopians?”

    “Harping on Jews is counterproductive. Pointing out double standards is not.”

    Putting ourselves on the wrong side of a double standard argument is counterproductive.

    Zionist israel isn’t anywhere near as popular as seen on tv. I don’t want the fate of my race tied to the fate of israel.

    Israel is the least popular country in the world, huindreds of millions of people deplore their oppression of the Palestinians. Neo-cons even complain that college campuses are “rife with anti-semitism” (really anti-zionism).

    White people tend to see israeli jews as white, and Palestinians as non-white. They see the same white oppressor, non-white victim dynamic they’ve been taught their whole lives.

    We’ve got our own alleged “sins” to deal with, we don’t need their too. Do you want to fight an energy flow or use it to our advantage?

    Bob and Horus know what they are talking about. A wise man knows when to learn from a genuine expert.” This was posted by James C.

    Zionist Israel being unpopular is not the point. Zionist Israel being allowed to control their borders as they see fit is the point.
    Now you say that Whites see Israeli jews as White which re-enforces the White oppressor/non-White victim model. I suggest to you that pointing out that Israel is never called racist by the media or lambasted on the floor of congress like S.A. was is yet another double standard that must be pointed out.
    Those that maintain that the Israelis deserve and need a homeland of their own are making our point.
    Those that maintain that the Palestinians deserve and need a homeland are making our point.

    Bob is an expert. Bob is also old. Bob is White. Bob is male. Bob is a southerner. Bob is not infallible.
    Horus is good at what he does. Horus is younger than Bob. Horus is White. Horus is male. Horus is a yankee. Horus is not infallible.

    I hope that ya’ll can decipher the way I posted this and hopefully make some sense out of what I am trying to say.

    TheSeeker OfTruth

    Anything that gets the word out helps.

    TheSeeker OfTruth

    End of the sixth paragraph.

    It’s kind of like the morons these days on the internet that like to repeat the “Anti-Racist is a codeword for Anti-White” slogan coined by white supremacist Ed Fields. In this case, the “taint of discrimination and anti-Semitism” is code for anti-White.

    How can they be so wrong as to the origin of the mantra, but be dead on in giving an example of the anti-White bias of jews?

    TheSeeker OfTruth

    I thought you would be interested in theis article over at One People’s Project. About midway down is what I found intersting.

    in reply to: Debate advice and style first 909 posts #17603
    TheSeeker OfTruth

    @n8glenn It is a fact that anything that minorities do not like is labelled ‘racism’ especially as it pertains to Whites. Yes everywhere race mixing is pushed. O’Reilly stated that he didn’t think that there should be any all-White anything. What do you think that means?

    @me That means you don’t exclude black people! Isn’t it obvious? He’s not saying a white guy can’t marry a white girl, he’s saying you don’t push minorities out of the country club.

    @n8glenn Why doesn’t he, or you for that matter, say that about the Congressional Black Caucus? Or La Raza? Or the White House’s liasson to the Jewish community?

    @me I’m not qualified to judge those organizations as racist or not, but I would point out to you that racist groups in other races do not justify racism. However, I think if you really want to join the NAACP or the congressional black caucus, they should let you!

    @n8glenn No they do not justify racism, but they make a good illustration of how ‘anti-racism’ and ‘equality’ actually works here in the real world.

    @ me Listen, when america is 87% black, and blacks greatly outnumber whites in the government and civil society, and have most of the wealth and privileges, then you can tell me all you want about how the NAACP and the congressional black caucus are racist and being against anti-black racism is wrongheaded and immoral.

    @ n8glenn Yet you are qualified to judge me as racist because I want my people to exist? It must because my people are White therefore the wrong people.

    @ me That’s not what you want. You want other races to be removed so there’s no threat to your people! Your people already do exist and they’re not in any danger.

    To which I replied thus awaiting moderation;

    @n8glenn This is just another justification for all Whites being racist, because we are currently in the majority. Anti-Whites call this White privilege. Nobody goes to Mexico, Jamaica or China and starts talking about Brown, Black or Yellow privilege. This is old hat, you seek to justify genocide through assimilation, but you only seek that in White countries.

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