Archive for November 5th, 2004

Is Politics Getting Nastier?

Politics is getting nastier because whites are getting the dim realization that what is now at stake is more than their looking sweet.

Lefist politics were always nasty. But politics only “got nasty” when people started getting nasty back.

Leftists were allowed to pull every dirty trick in the book and to say anything they wanted to about anybody. On the other side, moderates kept the conservatives in line.

Leftists could declare that every child in America was starving, and moderates would tell them what idealists they were and suggest softly that maybe only half the country’s children were starving.

But those sugar-sweet moderates were vicious when they fought conservatives. At every Republican convention conservatives were savaged and excluded.

In 1988, when Bush Senior took over, he had Reagan and one or two others speaking to the convention one night, and then his chief of staff said, “Thank God we got the conservatives out of the way!”

In 1989, one Bush operative bragged, “I was the first to clean all the Reaganites out of my department!”

As always, the conservatives mostly just grovelled at Bush’s feet.

It was even worse before Reagan. Conservatives at conventions were treated like dogs. A friend of mine put it perfectly:

“Every four years conservative Republicans get kicked in the teeth and come up smiling.”

Respectable conservatives now grovel at the fet of neoconservatives. But you have to give the neos this, they are not like moderates. When they fight on an issue they care about, like the fate of Israel, they go for the throat.

The media loved the moderates. The media hates the neos.

The media thought politics was very gentlemanly when only the Abbie Hoffmans and Ted Kennedys got to do the shouting and insulting and pull the dirty tricks.

The reason we hear that politics is getting nasty is because today the liberals are getting kicked, too.



The “Progressives” Won One

Gay marriage and all the other liberal initiatives got tromped around the country.

Only one so-called “progressive” initiative passed overwhelmingly in California. Embryonic stem cell research.

California is not typical. But this was lopsided. This was out of sight. Governor Schwarzenegger backed it big time because he had to, though I have no doubt he is for it.

When embryonic stem cell research is brought up, people are told to believe that a fertilized egg is the same thing as a someone’s child. If you asked most of those people, “Does life begin at conception?” they would say “Yes.”

If all men are truly created equal then that fertilized egg you can see only under a microscope is exactly the same as a child you see playing in the grass. If you had a choice between letting a child die or letting two ferilized ova be destroyed, you would save the fetuses.

Nobody believes that. Well, almost nobody. But anybody who REALLY believes that is regarded by others as a nut. It’s a fine theory but it doesn’t really mean a thing.

It’s like evolution. A lot of people see evolution has holes in it. If you say the earth and all the life on it came into being at once, everybody will say how much they respect your point of view.

They don’t.

They’re humoring you.

No one who would actually save two fertilized eggs over a child will ever be elected to national office. Bush says he takes that proposition seriously, but everybody knows he doesn’t.

Anti-evolutionists and pro-lifers will have to define themselves out of the nutcase category and distance themselves from the crazies before they can win any serious political battle.



General Education Should be Fun

I prefer historical fiction to reading “oral” history.

I prefer historical fiction because it is more accurate.

You see, a writer of historical fiction has a hundred thousand fact-checkers. The people who read historical fiction LOVE history, and every one of them know history in detail.

The average professor is the expert talking from his throne, or he is not read at all.

If you read a good book of historical fiction, the writer begins by telling you exactly what is fiction and what isn’t. The Hero Historian, the one who writes Definitive histories, deosn’t have to answer to anybody. Your average college historian answers to his faculty superiors.

I do NOT prefer to fly in an airplane that is built according to Physics Fiction.

Studying history is part of one’s general education. Physics is a science. We need a country full of people who have DIFFERENT areas of general education. We need hsitory buffs, archaeology fanatics, political junkies. We do not need a rigid program of giving everybody exactly the same amount of history, sociology, and economics.

Freedom of speech doesn’t mean much if everybody speaks the same thing.

The simple fact is that the people who had to take all those history courses don’t know any history.

The simple fact is that nobody cares whether young people learn social sciences because the stuff that is taught doesn’t matter in the real world. You just need a diploma from the education monopoly, and the social sciences get a piece of that pie.

We have all the uniformity we need. We all have the Internet, documentaries, even propaganda. I think teaching the social sciences after high school is out of date.


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Southern Women

I received a letter from a lady who talked about the treatment of women. Don’t get me wrong. She says white women should have white children and be respected for it.

I would like to know how readers, especially female readers, think of my reply:

You’re dead right.

The usual stereotype is that Southerners beat their women and treat them like Moslems. Among educated old Southerners — and that doesn’t just mean school educated — Scarlett O’Hara sounded exactly like the women we knew. Margaret Mitchell certainly didn’t feel oppressed.

But Southern women knew HOW to be women. And there is no way in the world I could explain that, nor do I fully understand it.

I feel that if I were a woman, I would hate it. I can’t understand how a woman looks forward to a date so much. She’s got to spend hours getting ready and then all she gets to do is talk, eat and dance.

She can’t even stuff herself like a man can, and if she does, she’ll have to go on what a man would consider starvation rations for a week.

How can a woman look forward to the agony of childbirth, take pregnancy, deal with babies and diapers, and be nostalgic about it afterward?

I know all women don’t, but so many do, and I will never understand it.

That’s because I’m not a woman. And if all a woman had to listen to was me, they would be in full rebellion.

But in the old days, the intelligent class of Southern women wouldn’t be anything else. They consider men’s big deals to be something they put up with, but not something they cared about.

They weren’t men. But the trick was, they knew it.

The women’s movement on the left teaches women to be men. The religious right teaches women they are an underclass.

The Christian right has degenerated into what I call Jehovism. It has taken all the worst elements of the Middle East that are in the Old Testament and made them a part of our society.

They’ve made women dirty and the evil daughters of Eve.

Anyway, that’s my general take on it.

But I’m a man, so what do I know?



Tribschen, Your Comments SHOULD Have Been Here!

I keep announcing I am having trouble swith this machine taking out comments I approved.

The only reason I have to check is because of spammers. I do not delete comments by real people.

Tribschen said his comments were being removed.

If that happens, do what tribschen did and TELL ME! It is not meant to happen and I need to know.

I think I can prevent this from now on, but we’ll see.

If my machine deletes one, I need to know.

And send it again.


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