Archive for April, 2008

Our Posterity and My Examples

Al Parker says that I outline a future “and another possible future in India of people who, besides their shared Varna, will not even be our descendants.”

A very useful basis for discussion.



I was wondering when someone was going to bring this specific example up: We need a Just-So Future in which OUR descendants are the white people. My aim is the most basic one in nature: the survival of my phenotype.

If this “Posterity” bit worked I wouldn’t be necessary.

An Indian child with its non-Aryan genes erased will be as kin to me as a Russian. Russians are not my descendants. Culturally India is rapidly westernizing, but Japan is doing it faster. We have been trained to believe that culture is all that matters. A society with our books but not our GENES will be just fine.

I say the opposite. Everybody can be culturally western, Orientals can catch up. But only whites can advance the West itself.

Al Parker, would you really put a pure Aryan child of Indians who wanted pure Aryan children in the same immigration category with brown Indians? I would rather have them than any rot-minded anti-white Whitakers from England.


You should look for what I am giving examples OF.

The problem is that, instead of taking every example I give as the Inevitable Bleak Things to Come, which is what our entire excuse for education has taught us, you should look for what I am giving examples OF.

The hole card for anti-whites Inevitability has always been Asia. They insist that the world is mostly Boasian “minorities” and therefore wildly pro-integration. So I gave the example of the weakness of that idea in Asia. Now I am told everybody is going to be an Indian.

It is terribly important for you to separate what I am giving EXAMPLES OF from the usual hard and fast Politically Correct Inevitabilities. We are ready to ride waves in a new age while they are desperately trying to jam everything into a hopelessly outdated framework.

When attacking the white race, the mantra of our enemies is, “This too shall pass.” But it never occurs to them that THEY, too will pass. And their cult will pass a lot faster than a race will disappear.

But I will not give you a Just-So FUTURE to replace THEIR Just-So Future.

POINT TWO refers to the fact that I am attacking the very Inevitables that our depressive defeatists find so overwhelming.

Their real weakness of our cult is that it has a rigid framework. EVERYTHING hits it as an unwelcome surprise. From the Internet to genetic engineering to settling the moon and space colonization to advances in ways to find out the actual truth in any area, everything militates against their rigid framework.

But only so long as WE are NOT in a rigid framework.




Bob’s blog doesn’t seem very inspiring to make people dedicate their lives to this cause.

Bob lays out a possible future of gated, prison-like communities for whites (when we once had nation-states) — and another possible future in India of people who, besides their shared varna, will not even be our descendants.

It not only fails to inspire someone who hasn’t yet become 100% dedicated, it makes one want to forget everything he’s learned here and find a nice hobby to take up. What’s the point of working for something now if change will happen naturally 50 or 100 years from now?

But I understand this is a straight-talking, no-nonsense blog so you get an answer when you ask for one and I’m grateful for that.

— Al Parker

As you say, I am not a Marxist or an integrationist. I don’t make up reality to look like our inevitable victory or to make you feel good.

As you indicate in your last grudging line, I do not tool my examples to make us seem like some Inevitable Flow of History. The essential media line today, as in all ages, is that what IS now leads to an INEVITABLE future.

THEIR future. I am saying all is in flux.

I’m a depressive myself, and if you choose to dwell on the example I gave to reach your depressive goal you will get there with or without me. Certainly that is what the current media want you to do with ALL present reality. I gave you an example I can see from my apartment window. A REAL one. A Marxist would have mad it more upbeat, but that is the kind of thinking BUGS does not engage in.

That is the sort of thinking you see on BBC documentaries. You get all but the last five minutes of interesting stuff. Then comes the last five minutes devoted tot he Politically Correct Summation. This tells how all that has been said fits into current Politically Correctness.

A dinosaurs documentary wind-up: See! look how long they lasted, but if we don’t ratify Kyoto, we can disappear, too;
2) technological history, whoever they were talking about, including Aussie Abos, are incredibly advance despite our looking upon them as “primitive, showing that a truly assimilated society can use their genius as much as it can whites.

Everywhere here can give other examples.

Your comment is very useful. For example, I have to explain something in more detail: My optimism comes from my own experience. It was awful back then because nobody would believe that the white race was going anywhere. Now the Mantra is its own explanation. The Mantra would have made people laugh back in 1960 with the Baby Boom and national origin immigration quotas. That is the milieu in which the present immigration policy was made law in 1965.

You cannot change a world people see as frozen in s\aspic. I LIVED in a world like that.

I sound immodest, but the fact is that now I have the reality coming at us and only I know what it is like. All those people in Minnesota and Iceland to whom non-whites were whites with painted faces now have their faces jammed into their Colored Brothers’ armpits. The security system you wail about is a symptom of this, not a guide to an Inevitable Future. A Norman Rockwell cover showing a brave little “Negro” girl being protected by troops is no longer all someone in Sweden likes to think of on race.

The second I give one example, you see a future of inevitable gated communities and such “Alas and Alack” crap. I see it as simply proving that there is no inevitable future. Thought Crime Laws always make it clear that the ruling group is lost. They cannot allow discussion beaus we real discussion today will NEVER lead in the direction of our Politically Correct Future as laid down in 1960.

Despite desperate efforts, the Boasian world, the world of no genetics, is DEAD. In order to preserve a rule based on Mankind Middle Eastern History, into which our present rule is hardwired, you have to suffocate all objection. That means it’s doomed.

In 1960 all over the world a PREFERENCE for the survival of white people was called Nazism everywhere but in the some parts of the South. Even a SOUTH AFRICAN wrote that, with our ten percent black population, integration was a solution for US, but not for them.

Back then the argument was that you had to have a Nazi regime to do anything about genetics. Genetics will soon be a matter of preference, and it has happened far enough after Hitler that all those shrieks are now seen as part of a profit-making industry.

Now genetics will be a matter of PREFERENCE, and the whole world, not just the South, has had a good deep lungful of what mixed children look like and how their intelligence is not equal and is not the same. We have made huge progress in that direction from a time when Carleton Putnam argued in Race and Reason that IQ was different and was suppressed by all universities to today when everybody knows it is true. Now they have to keep anybody from SAYING it, which is the last ditch.

We are in a position to influence PREFERENCE, while the media and the fundamentalists are in a coalition to stop genetic research in its tracks.

Breaking down the “all races are the same” anti-Nazi Absolute was a hell of a job, but it has been done. That was the first push to get the car rolling. If you think we are marginalized now, you should have been with us back then.

But all I see is that we are going to have to be part of the formation of the future, instead of sitting around taking bets on some Inevitable. That leads to optimism or pessimism, but so do drugs.


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As you have said before, and I won’t mince words, all history is self serving bullshit. What we envision as history today is nothing more than a collection of accumulated facts from contemporary sources coupled with some sort of self-serving metaphysical poppycock that the current crop of house intellectuals wish to con the gullible with.

I read tons of so called “histories”. Or maybe I should say “have read tons’ of histories”. In any event, what I have found is that in all cases the so-called “major events” have always been totally unexpected by their temporal contemporaries.

The “Historian” is like a Paleontologist,or a Jamaican Rastafarian. Or a Catholic Bishop.

To make an unexpected event the result of some cause that will give them power.


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I have a question.There are about 30 million black savages in the U.S.A. at this time. More and more enter our country every day. Our military actively recruits third worlders to serve as soldiers with the promise of citizenship for potential fighters and their kin.

What are you going to do?

Deport them?
Allow them to establish a giant Haiti with indefensible borders AKA ethnic separatism?

— mderpelding

Good question, short and to the point.

My answer, of course, is what I think may be useful rather than a Prophecy From On High. I can’t give you an exact answer because I do not know the future.

But THERE is the point I want to make. I am sitting here in front of a computer the way I sat in front of a telegraph key on a ham radio fifty years ago. Practically nothing means the same thing it did then. Then, genetics was hard and dried. Nobody could do anything about it in the short term. Population was booming. I feared a hundreds-year-long gradual integration and “assimilation.” Outside the South, no one cared about something that would take centuries.

Young people assume that that was more comfortable for me, with segregation and the South fighting on the race issue. It wasn’t, because I was worried about the survival of my race and Southerners really just wanted things put off a generation or so.

In short, I was even more alone than I am now. Separation was a solution to THEIR problem, but not to mine. Every copy of Jet Magazine had a mixed couple on the cover. Blacks wanted their white women NOW. But outside of Jet, no one talked about that goal openly.

EVERYTHING has changed. I can use the Mantra now to express dangers that were barely theoretical back then.

The point of this is that we must stop looking to the old world. Any specific solution I come up with right now will make no sense fifty years from now. Questions of genetics today have no relation to what they were then. Our genes will be what we WANT them to be. It is critical to keep reminding people that, all the bullshit aside, blond is beautiful, not black.

To keep up with whitey, many blacks try to say they want the preservation of their race, too, but it isn’t true. There is nothing about black that anyone wants to preserve. You can SAY that now and there are a hundred thousand places to say it. The giant networks and magazines that dominated all information then are gone with the wind today.

What people revered back then as “sophisticated” is laughed at routinely now. Everybody knows that the media will say.

Even the example given shows a certain nostalgic flavor. In our prisons, blacks are more and more outnumbered and terrified by Hispanics.

I am sitting here on the tenth floor looking straight at some black houses. They are about two hundred yards away. We have closed circuit TV, locked stairways, and modern devices that make that two hundred yards more impenetrable than two miles would have been some years back.

As technology changes, the world changes.

NOTHING is the same. On the apparently self-sufficient farms of the Midwest, farmers have to buy new seed every few years, sort of like the annual flu vaccine we take, because the parasites change and adapt and would destroy their crops.

I am not interested as much in the safety problem but only in the genetic long-term. But BOTH have changed completely. It is old but true. The important thing is to ask the right QUESTION. Black savages and black genes are now two different questions.

News is made by those who say, “X said this today.”

History is made by those who keep repeating,. “This basic assumption is wrong. This basic assumption is evil.”



Excellent, Hardric!

I rather enjoy an encounter with an anti-white who is impressed by his own intellectual acumen.

“You’re an intelligent person and you fall for that crap? You’re not serious, are you? You’re just pulling my leg. A 12-year old of average intelligence can see through that.”

— Hardric

This is what is needed to deal with the Big Lie: a SHORT, CUTTING truth that destroys the absolute self-confidence which is the only support for a Big Lie.

PLEASE keep up the good work!
