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Dave: The Mantra is an Act of War

Posted by Bob on February 17th, 2009 under Comment Responses, Mantra

When you hurl the Manta at someone you doing something very aggressive. BE AWARE OF THIS.

The Mantra has nothing do to with ordinary politics because its militancy is absent in ordinary politics. Militancy isn’t about debate, nor is it about “the political process”. That is because militancy, by its very nature, must insist upon dominion on a non-voluntary basis.

Don’t forget the Mantra is an application of a loyalty test.

Accordingly, different standards apply to us. We are not an interest group.

Our enemies have real reasons to fear us. Never let that slip your consciousness.

Raising funds and playing the role of interest group is quite beside the point.

  1. #1 by Prometheus on 02/18/2009 - 1:46 am

    The militancy in the mantra is due to its confrontational nature. It demands that the anti-white admit they are working towards assimilating out YOUR identity. It is confrontational because it is virtually impossible for an anti-white to back out and keep their position.

    It’s like hooking up a polygraph test to the habitual liar.

  2. #2 by AFKANNow on 02/19/2009 - 1:30 am

    Dave addresses the issue – the emotional issue, the Force that MOTIVATES – that matters most, and that is the Mindset that (1) this is WAR, and (2) we are laying the foundation blocks for the Race-based Institutions that our Posterity MUST Create if THEY are to fulfill their unique Destiny.

    We require THAT as the Force that carries The Mantra through; we require the model of War, and the willingness to take the hits, and give hits back.

    One thing I HAVE noticed, as I have been out and about with the Nephews – White Guilt is OVER, and they simply need a Positive Analytical Framework to express their slowly dawning Racial Awareness.

    We just use the phrase, “Family First, Foremost, Forever.”

    When we use it, ALL of the women, of all ages, shake their heads in approval.

    Most of the guys, after a while, slowly begin to realize where we are REALLY coming from.

    And, damn, but I have a strict policy of NO COMPROMISE when it comes to Race.

    If you’re not talking about Race, you’re talking about the footnotes.

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