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Incident About the Cuba Desk

Posted by Bob on March 7th, 2006 under How Things Work

When I was working at the Voice of America(VOA), a program was put on that quoted Gorbeczev’s remarks about the disastrous rate of alocoholism in the Soviet Union.

The employee bulletin board was suddenly full of protests. These were all career Federal employees, and they denounced this “McCarthyite” program which said that things were really bad in the Democratic Peace-Loving Republics of the USSR.

So much of what I say sounds so absurd I have to add, “This REALLY happened.”

Not only did it happen, it was routine. The Commmunist cheering section at VOA was as vocal as the one at Radio Moscow.

So when I was looking at security clearances I noted, among the long list of people I assumed worked for the Commies, that the head of the Cuba Desk at the Defense Intelligence Agency was a left-wing Hispanic with an Ivy League degree.

I told one of my fellow workers that she doubtless worked for Castro, but there was nothing I could do about it.

He agreed. He said, “They would say you were bigotted and paranoid.”

I told him what I told others, “Intelligence IS paranoia.”

The woman of whom I speak is now serving a very long sentence in a Federal prison for having been an agent for Castro.

  1. #1 by kanefromsf on 03/07/2006 - 12:44 pm

    The things you say here I have to agree with. Reality is harsh and you have to be willing to face it, rather than to wish it away. If not wishing it away makes me paranoid, then yes, I am paraniod if that’s how you define it.

  2. #2 by Elizabeth on 03/08/2006 - 2:18 pm

    One thing that really bothered me when I worked for the Navy
    (as a civilian) in the mid-80s was that there wasn’t any
    real follow-up on security clearances.

    One of the fellows I worked for was an engineer who had a lot
    to do with approving contracts. He was constantly boasting
    about his stocks. I thought this was highly unethical conduct.
    He had at least a SECRET clearance….

    So, when I heard about the double agent who got nabbed at
    the CIA after years of driving a new Jaguar into work
    (and other habits indicating an abundance of spare cash),
    I wasn’t very surprised….

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