Archive for March 7th, 2006

Incident About the Cuba Desk

When I was working at the Voice of America(VOA), a program was put on that quoted Gorbeczev’s remarks about the disastrous rate of alocoholism in the Soviet Union.

The employee bulletin board was suddenly full of protests. These were all career Federal employees, and they denounced this “McCarthyite” program which said that things were really bad in the Democratic Peace-Loving Republics of the USSR.

So much of what I say sounds so absurd I have to add, “This REALLY happened.”

Not only did it happen, it was routine. The Commmunist cheering section at VOA was as vocal as the one at Radio Moscow.

So when I was looking at security clearances I noted, among the long list of people I assumed worked for the Commies, that the head of the Cuba Desk at the Defense Intelligence Agency was a left-wing Hispanic with an Ivy League degree.

I told one of my fellow workers that she doubtless worked for Castro, but there was nothing I could do about it.

He agreed. He said, “They would say you were bigotted and paranoid.”

I told him what I told others, “Intelligence IS paranoia.”

The woman of whom I speak is now serving a very long sentence in a Federal prison for having been an agent for Castro.



Derek — and Let’s not Forget the Latino “Brothers”

On the Oscar Surprise, Derek points out,

“I had the misfortune of seeing Oprah at my mother’s house today. It was all about the Oscars and black entertainers. It made me sick. They were all discussing how great it was that blacks are now so dominant at the Oscars. I kept asking myself why? I think that it is because they think that they are replacing us. In order for them to get in to where we are someone has to let them in. They know that now. They want what we have. That is the bottomline that only they are talking about, other than the few of us that are out here on the web. Our opinions are not allowable in public. Theirs are. ”

Comment by Derek

Blacks get in where they can ride in with whites. Harry Potter’s steadily increasing minorities in the school if an example.

The first Star Wars had NO non-whites in it.

Sequels require racial balance.

Yes, we are not allowed to say we want to watch whites.

But everybody, worldwide, wants to watch whites. Baywatch was the most ppular TV show ON EARTH.

Now to the coaching session:

NEVER forget the Hispanic celebration at that World Series game, where all the Hispanic glags were out and the speaker started out by greeting all his Hispanic brothers, inside the United States and in other countries.

So much for we’re all Americans.

This bears repeating, and I think you know by now what Whitaker means by repetition.


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