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Posted by Bob on December 5th, 2006 under Coaching Session, Comment Responses

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My maternal Grandmother’s people, like Bob’s went back to before the declaration or constitution were written. The rest of my ancesters came from like places as hers originally did. Places like Cornwall, Scotland, Germany, the Isle of Man. They just came later. So, I’m stuck, if I’m not American what the hedoubletoothoothpick can I be? And I don’t accept propositions!

Comment by Shari



As to the maternal versus the paternal sides of your family, this is exactly what I meant by EXPANDING on my ideas. I get SO tired of saying that “a nation of immigrants” is silly and then having some white person on Stormfront say, “Well, my family immigrated. What have you got about immigrants?”

When I die, who is going to do the THINKING?

OK, back to basics. The Preamble says “We the people of the United States — to ourselves and our posterity.”

They did NOT say, “Nobody else will ever be allowed to come to our shores again, forever.” So what DID they mean? Obviously they meant that the United States Government under the Constitution had no right to do ANYTHING that was not for the benefit of the people already here.

Think a second. Since they didn’t mean that no one else would ever be allowed to come here, what DID they mean? They meant that the United States Government had no right to formulate ANY policy, INCLUDING IMMIGRATION POLICY, unless it was for the benefit of the people and our posterity.

It is very hard for me to even have a rational discussion with people who can’t figure this out for themselves. Your paternal ancestors got here because your maternal ancestors WANTED them here. Indians wanted to keep three square miles per capita and we needed more people from OUR Old Country to come and help drive them off. We needed more people like ourselves so we invited them in.

This is the exact opposite of some sort of obligation to accept all immigrants because our great great great great great grandfathers immigrated.

I can’t deal with this! Nobody but me seems to be able to logic this out. Why can’t people do some thinking on their own?

  1. #1 by Alan B. on 12/06/2006 - 1:30 am



    “We the people of the United States — to ourselves and our posterity. few Americans even know that this is the major theme of the constitution. This great nation is for those Americans who were here at the time of the revolution and their offspring, period. America IS for Americans and nobody else, our freedom and prosperity is our only consern and our forefathers went out of theur way to warn our people not to get involved in foreign intanglements. We are not a nation of immigrants, this continent was settled by British subjects for the most part, we are a distinct people not some cobbled together morngrel bowel of gruel as some would have you believe. Today our great nation and its people are being forced to accept a dangerous immigration policly that is destroying the very fabric of our country, its called muticultrialism, it really means a bowel of mongrel soup. It is based apon lies and is really designed to fragment our people so goverment can futher intrude and take control over our lives. I mentioned to a co-worker that we need to stop the non white immigration to america and he said that would be discrimination, this is what all the idiots think. Discrimination really means analylizing and studying so as to make the best choice, in that case I say we should discriminate.

  2. #2 by Dave on 12/06/2006 - 8:52 am


    All throughout the Constitution the central concept of the division of legal jurisdiction is woven.

    The idea of legal jurisdiction is central to politics because it addresses territorial dominion.

    For example, there are areas of my city that certain neighborhoods are under the territorial dominion of criminal gangs, the claims of the police notwithstanding, because the police are afraid to establish real dominion within them for fear of riling the coloreds. These gangs have legal jurisdiction in addition to their territorial dominion in fact but not legally.

    Lincoln established a central controlling lie in the idea that America was about the proposition that all men are created equal. This was along the line of the any plausible lie will do methodology of tyranny relying on the fact that the mass of people are ignorant of the concept of legal jurisdiction, its connection to territorial dominion, and the fact that the Constitution is about legal jurisdiction and the division of territorial dominion within the States.

    Much of BWs work is about the mechanisms tyranny has used to expand its jurisdiction and territorial dominion in the US. No one has addressed this subject as the central theme of his work in the way BW has done.

    I never really understood Federal tax law until I studied BW. The expansion of Federal tax and the gimmicks relying on the Interstate Commerce Clause of the Constitution are breathtaking, as studies in the mechanisms of tyranny with their any plausible lie will do methodology.

    Resisting tyranny is about resisting the mechanisms of the tyrant’s expansion of legal jurisdiction and territorial dominion and establishing counter jurisdiction and dominion through conspiracy similar to the way criminal gangs do it but without their immorality.

    The rise of private label paramilitaries and security companies might be a model for this.

  3. #3 by Dave on 12/06/2006 - 9:26 am


    In studying American private label paramilitaries and security companies I have come to realize that these entities are completely committed the American military’s model of multiculturalism as a cover for white supremacy.

    They are all run and controlled by whites, though many are foreign whites, and in some cases the ownership and senior management are Jews.

    The coloreds in some of them run in the 1 to 10 model of one professional to ten niggers, really an old time colonial model. That means one white master to ten niggers.

    I don’t think most participants in this seminar realize the extent to which small business in NYC is being run on what I think of is the “old time colonial model” where nonwhites are reporting to a white or to a white designee.

    It is really quite blatant and the colonial mentality in NYC is rampant and increasing as it is throughout the US under the multicultural cover.

    The challenge we face as America continues its drive into nonexistence (face it, America is gone) is the use of the advantages of multiculturalism for whites. Multiculturalism can run both ways in that it supports a return to old time slave society.

    BW is opposed to slavery, but the political honchos who are running the show in the US are committed to returning it in its old time incarnation. The Chinese elites are in fact envious of the US elites in fomenting a new incarnation of old time slavery in the US.

    Slave societies are inherently conflicted societies, very balkanized societies with little visibility. This is what is happening in America with lightening speed. An arithmetic of intimidation and low-level violence spreads to infect everything down to the most ordinary aspects of daily life and the cunning thrive in such an atmosphere. Ordinary trust disappears as it long ago disappeared in the US.

    But all niggers are not dumb. The successful criminal gangs are run by non-dumb niggers that substitute for the role of the white master and they become a challenge to us whites.

    That is the primary challenge for us whites in the return to old time slave society in the US.

  4. #4 by Dave on 12/06/2006 - 10:01 am


    I know the elites have committed to the returning to the old time slave model because they are in the process of shutting down the capital markets.

    How many of you are aware that the major commodities, derivatives, and stock exchanges in the US and UK are been sold to the public?

    How many of you are aware that big capital is fleeing into private equity and into non-liquid and non-visible form?

    Why would big capital choose to withdraw from the public exchanges? This is not an ordinary pump and dump operation. The exchange owners themselves sold businesses they have held for countless generations!

    BIG CAPITAL NO LONGER WANTS LIQUIDITY. Its concern is entirely tangible and operational.

    Consequently, the elites have made a conscious decision to go back to the pre-16th century model of capitalism in its slave incarnation.

    It is right in front of our faces and nobody is talking about it.

  5. #5 by Dave on 12/06/2006 - 10:16 am


    In a prior post I addressed my concern of Google as a transition model in the demise of retail society.

    It has occurred to me that Google is the necessary coordinating mechanism in a society where capital is no longer mobile.

    You see labor cannot be mobile if capital is not mobile. The two go hand in hand.

    So Google becomes the coordinating mechanism for the movement of capital and labor in slave society. It becomes the front office for the global plantation so to speak while coordinating all the back office support services.

    I think that may it. I think I may have it figured out.

  6. #6 by Shari on 12/06/2006 - 12:19 pm

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    Right! That kind of healthy “assimilation” was and is constructive, not corrupting like the bizzare sort we have forced on us now.

  7. #7 by Dave on 12/06/2006 - 12:49 pm


    BW fills in so many blanks for me. You cannot understand the world, or its capital and currency markets, if you do not look at things through the lens of racial caste.

    This is the very reason all the punditry in the capital markets press remains endlessly confused. Few capital and currency market pundits get it right. I only know of four: Bob Hoye, Charles Gave, Vincent Kal, and Robert Prechter.

    The punditry has told us for years that America’s central economic problem is an artificially supported dollar.

    Few talk about the reality: The third-world is a kleptocracy pure and simple. No one in the third-world trusts his or her own people, markets, or governments. There are no business people in the third-world the way we think of business people. There are only criminal gangs and swindlers. This includes Japan also.

    Put yourself in the shoes of the ordinary third-world swindler. You swindle your own people out of a lot of money. This means starvation for them, but you don’t care, you’re third world.

    Now you have pile of your own country’s currency. What do you do with it? You are certainly not going to invest it in assets dominated in your own currency because you know criminals run your country, since you are one of them.

    Your only choices are gold, or a white country’s currency, since everybody in third world knows only white people can be trusted.

    But your own government will not let your get your hands on gold, if they did allow you to that their ability to finance their operations in their own currency would tank.

    So your only choice is the US dollar, another Anglo-Saxon currency, or the Euro or its equivalents (Swedish Krona, Swiss Franc, etc.).

    Most choose the US dollar because the US has the most liquid sovereign bond markets of any of the developed countries (e.g. white, countries).

    The MSM endlessly complains to us about the “threat to the US dollar” because of the trade deficit, over government spending, gluttonous American consumers, blah blah blah.

    But the real fight the Fed and the International Monetary Authorities (Fed, Bank of International Settlements, Bank of England, Bank of Germany, Bank of Japan, IMF, World Bank) have on their hands is the threat of a relentless rise in the foreign exchange value of the US dollar.

    Hence, they do everything they can possibly do to depreciate the US dollars foreign exchange value.

    You see, the Monetary Authorities learned their lesson in the Asian currencies meltdown of 1996 and 1997.

    That is when they learned that the relentless demand for white people’s assets had to be better managed owing to the reality of racial caste ruling the world.

    Only BW has explicitly clued us in.

    He should become a capital markets pundit. He has filled in the gap that people like Bob Hoye, Charles Gave, Vincent Kal, and Robert Prechter allude to, but are afraid to explicitly identity because of Political Correctness.

  8. #8 by Simmons on 12/06/2006 - 2:08 pm


    There you go Bob off the basics and now you got the crowd whipped up about immigration. I suggest you go back to the basic premise and only vary off it with great care and generous footnotes. I tried to interject something about “Peak Oil” and you rightly slapped me down, and here when you went slightly off tangent with immigration in regard to your “Preamble Party” we get the usual rants about non-whites instead of original thinking (unoriginal thought is what American Renaissance is for). Here is the deal we band of brothers are the nucleus for the real American “Nation” that is going to rise out of the ashes of empire. We are going to do so by destroying the logical fallacies of Political Correctness and restoring a natural order that can be summed up by the preamble you mention. The first set of political candidates that attacks the notions of PC will make the March on Rome seem like a bake sale.

  9. #9 by Dennis on 12/06/2006 - 5:14 pm



    And this is where multi-culturalism, which essentially is MULTI-RACIALISM comes in.
    White nation, nations born WHITE, created by white people were created by them, to secure, not only them, but their people and way of life.

    Immigration policy used to take into account the needs, the requirements of the existing people. The nation was theirs, and immigration was controlled to make sure that citizens of that nations did not have to give up THEIR way of life, THEIR race. Immigrants in Australia used to have to work in order to stay, fit in, and they had to be white. Now, there has been a complete 180 degree change in peoples thinking. No longer are WE the focus of immigration policy, but them. Its what WE can do for their prosperity. No one questions why our governments concern is for their well being, their children’s future. As whites, we have come to accept that what happens to US is of no importance, as long as THEY, the minorities, the non-whites can partake in the way of life that we created and are ready to sacrifice for then.

    We have to change that thinking back. To remind people that our government, which we pay taxes to, and have sacrificed lives to defend, has an obligation to protect us, our race and our culture and way of life. The counter-culture revolution inverted a lot of moral norms, and this is one of them.

    Nobody asked for ‘diversity’, nobody can name one ‘benefit’ of ‘diversity’, apart from the range of foods people get to eat, and even then, all you need is the recipe.

  10. #10 by stevenp on 12/06/2006 - 8:53 pm


    Is America a “nation of immigrants”?

    American history in brief:

    America was built by three groups that impregnated its soil with their blood, sweat and tears:

    * White colonists
    * Black slaves
    * Indian natives

    Once the roads were all paved and the A/C was running full blast, a fourth group broke in:

    * Mexican immigrants

    This fourth group then demanded that all Americans be redefined as free-loading immigrants in the interests of equality.

    The anti-white establishment screamed in delight and agreed.

    So America got slandered into a “nation of immigrants” and its population was downgraded to Immigrants Formerly Known as Americans, or IFKAs.

    But despite this charade two simple facts stubbornly persist:

    * America is a nation built by colonists, slaves and natives; not immigrants.
    * What you don’t earn, you don’t own.

    Is America a Nation of Immigrants?

  11. #11 by Elizabeth on 12/07/2006 - 1:02 am


    There were two reasons immigrants were encouraged by the Southern states following
    the end of the war in 1865.

    One was to replace the rural black laborers fleeing north to the cities. This didn’t
    work that well, especially with single male immigrants who were used to being
    closer to towns. The immigrants brought in for this purpose either left ASAP or
    left after they’d put some money together to finance moving to town and going
    into business.

    The other was to replace black businessmen in Southern towns and cities. To do
    this, Southern white businessmen sometimes financially backed immigrant businessmen,
    from shoeshine “boys” on up. This worked very well, especially since an immigrant
    family with a store usually both lived there and they all worked in the store
    (or restaurant).

  12. #12 by Alan B. on 12/07/2006 - 1:51 am



    “America The Free”

    I always wondered what it must of been like to be a citizen in a free America, before we had the Frderal reserve, the income tax, the social welfare state of Franklin Roosevelt, and muticultrial mongrelism of our white nation.. Its hard to imagine taking home all the income you actually earned, not the net vrs gross(gross it is) goverment thievery. Buy goods and services based on their actually value and not some over inflated market witchcraft. Imagine buying a home for a few thousand dollars and actually owning it, before the properity tax came along to enslave us. Imagine your kids growing up in the same white low crime neighbor hood you did and the crime ridden multi language banana republic you will find today. Yep you know you live in a free nation when your goverment can charge and prosecute for filing a false income tax return and include, mail fraud if they so choose. Yeah when George Bush, Americas first retarded president said the terrorist attacked us because they hate our freedom, he was in lala land where he usually spends his time.

  13. #13 by Al Parker on 12/07/2006 - 2:42 am



    Well, if you consider corporations to be people – and they legally are – then yes, the Mexicans are immigrating for the benefit of the people already here.

  14. #14 by Dennis on 12/07/2006 - 4:57 pm



    “Well, if you consider corporations to be people -”

    Our nations act like corporations. We act like employees.

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