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Jews as Devils, Jews as Angels, and Me

Posted by Bob on December 7th, 2006 under Blasts from the Past, Coaching Session, History, How Things Work

All of my musings, beginning with my endless aimless talk about Zoroastrianism a year ago, is beginning to form a picture. It is not a picture that will make me popular anywhere.

The situation is a lot like my position of grouping liberals and respectable conservatives together. If I took either group seriously, I would fit it, I DID fit in. But once I became independent, I became anathema to both.

Just as there are two positions in respectable politics, there are two positions in on Jews, Jew Are Angels and Jews are Devils. The Jews Are Devils group is now in the same position as conservatives were in the 1950s. It is hard for anyone today to realize how weak that position was.

But liberals went on to make their name anathema, and Jews are doing the same thing now. So, like conservatism, the Jews are Devils position is more likely to grow to where it must be harnessed into some kind of race-mixing anti-Semitism.

So there are the Jews are Angels, which is law in Europe, and Jews are Devils, which, despite how you may see it now, is growing exponentially. So here I am back in the 1950s. Back in the 1950s I kept trying to get it across to conservatives that RACE was the only long-term issue, and all their free market stuff was good filler, but not the thing that was undermining America.

They told me it was all about free markets. Get free markets and all would be well. Well, not all of them. Some told me get Jesus and all would be well. Forget this divisive stuff about race.

To repeat, all of my musings, beginning with my endless aimless talk about Zoroastrianism a year ago, is beginning to form a picture. It is not a picture that will make me popular anywhere. I always seem to end up here. And so far I’ve been right every time.

I am in the peculiar position of being able to see Jews as enemies who SAY they are the enemies of my race, but not as the ONLY basis of all evil. This proposition is so deeply embedded in our society it is hardly noticed. If you look at any drawing of a demon or of Satan, that is meant to be truly evil, he looks like a Jews, even when it is drawn by a Jew. Lately the cover of the most desperately anti-anti-Semitic publication in America, National Review, featured the picture of a Mullah, “When the Mullahs Go Nuclear.” But if that turban were not so carefully on top, what was drawn there was the classic caricature of The Devil, the Evil Demon, or The Evil Jew. It is the way we see evil. That never occurred to those doing the drawing.

Here I am in the position of knowing very well that the Jews are our declared enemies, just as the socialists were in the 1950s. This put me on the out with the in crowd, the liberals. I knew that socialism was a tool of the enemy and that, before they co-opted the “Religious” Right,” our enemies were the enemies of the untamed religion of the time. But I knew these were the enemy’s preferences. The bottom line was race-mixing.

You see, then as now, I could COUNT, a talent which seems to escape almost everybody else. The world had always been mostly colored, but the trick was to get those non-whites into the West. I would say that sit-ins at lunch counters were a step toward total integration and “the solution to the race problem” liberals talked about all the time.

Whitey had to go if this “race problem” was to be solved.. But conservatives keep saying and believing that this was not a race war, starting small at lunch counters and five black students at Little Rock backed by Federal troops. All that was crazy theorizing, they said. Look at the REAL fight. Will the budget be balanced next year or not? Will God be driven from the classroom? These were issues you could TALK about.

So now I see the Jews are our enemies. Elliot Gould said in his Playboy interview forty years ago that, “I always saw my enemy as the tall, blond Nordic.” Susan Sontag was too blunt when she declared that, “The white race is the cancer of history.”

Too blunt. That’s the point. Every integrationist said the solution to the race problem was intermarriage, but no conservative would face the fact that that is what they said. It was not a religious problem. It was not a socialist problem. It was a RACE problem.

You may think that, on this second try, we could get it right. But no, once again, it’s not a RACE problem, it’s a JEW problem. And one day all the neo-racists will take over the paleoracists and denounce Jews. They will all agree that we old bigots were wrong, but that the Jews have gone too far.

The first thing we must do, they will tell us, is to stop gentiles of every race from fighting against each other and get them to come together in an integrated, Wordist society based on Family Values and “Merry Christmas” and stuff.

History is repeating itself. I have been this way before.

  1. #1 by Simmons on 12/07/2006 - 3:53 pm


    They are doing what you say with the Iraq Study Group thanks to Arab pressure, new phrase, Israel for Oil. The Jewish cult in this country is in a tizzy that anyone “respectable” could possibly think like that, but that is what is on the table. Still I remain hopeful that we stay out of the wordist trap you mention and we regain our sense of “Race” again.

  2. #2 by Dave on 12/07/2006 - 4:03 pm


    Aldous Huxley fancied himself “an essayist”. But he really was a transplanted English noble living in Hollywood who had become thoroughly Californian when the Los Angeles basin and San Fernando valleys were paradises.

    He was famous for all kinds of nonsense and considered a peacenik. But his travel journals were full of vitriolic contempt for Mexicans and blacks. Even though Huxley was considered a leftist, PC had not yet triumphed, and Huxley made no secret that he considered Mexicans and blacks to be on the level of some sort of simians whose presence he clearly resented in California.

    And there you have it, the irreducible fact of race, in a mind that is widely considered to be one of the best and most “progressive” minds of twentieth century.

    And here we have BW, whose intellect is certainly on par with Huxley’s, point out that that the downfall of the 65-year reign of Jewish social acceptability will not mean an end to race mixing and its challenges to white society.

    Bookends! I wish Rudyard Kipling were alive to see it!

    I also can’t help but think of that Dutch character in Joseph Conrad’s novels that runs around the colonial ports in the Indonesian archipelago selling revolvers with the legend engraved on them: “This firearm unconditionally guaranteed to cure the worst kind of cussedness in any Nigger”.

    Mercenaries for hire in Iraq and Afghanistan get a load of that one! I beginning to think things never change, ever.

    All I got to say is that we white people, having disposed of the social acceptability of Jews after 65 years of their abuse, better get on with retro-fitting our colonial mentality, because if we don’t we are going to remain blind as to how to actually respond to all of this.

  3. #3 by Shari on 12/07/2006 - 5:07 pm

    Not Spam

    Not Spam

    I can see there being an effort to all join hands around side issues but I can’t see it going far. Blacks and Mexicans are not going to join with Whites in any big way on those issues. The younger generation doesn’t go along with the ” the old time religion” They’ve never seen a society with a real faith. Without, could you say, the jewish liberal glue trying to hold this together, it’s going to come unglued. It’s as unworkable as those glass factories in the ussr.

  4. #4 by Al Parker on 12/07/2006 - 8:12 pm



    Here’s just the picture that came to mind. As you can see, Trotsky is wearing a pentagram but I was sure it was a hexagram until looking more closely.

  5. #5 by kane on 12/08/2006 - 1:02 am

    NOT SPAM!!
    NOT SPAM!!

    You know what the problem is. It’s people who are willing to ally with negros, muslims, whatever, anything to spite the jew. People who are more loyal to building a coalition against jews then they actually are to race issues. I wouldn’t care so much if they didn’t do this under the banner of white nationalism.

    I think these people ruined the jew issue for me. I’ve just seen so much ridiculous stuff spat out about jews that I sort of blow it all off now. Half the world loves jews almost like a pedophile loves children, the other wants them dead. I frankly wonder why some people care so much.

    The only jews I really care about are jews who are openly anti-white. The only time I’m against a jew is when that jew advocates retarded stuff against white people, and really, its a well known fact that mainstream society views jews as white, so they are basically also destroying themselves. The only jew I really care about are the liberal egalitarian types and the types who advocate anti-white stuff but are bigots themselves.

  6. #6 by Alan B. on 12/08/2006 - 1:45 am



    The rise of anti semitism will be linked to white racism so the way to fight it will be to promote multicultrialism is the way to stamp out racism. Nothing like taking the eye off the ball as its zooming down the middle of the plate. I would be willing to bet Bob has this one called right. The left will champion anything the zionist propose, these usefull idiots will blow the trumpet and the media will play their part to distract the public. Maybe if the zionist would work harder to respect other races and their cuture with the same zeal that they protect the Jewish race of isreal, there would not be a need for this insanity. In the end, the Arab domination of Europe and the mongrel fragmentation of America will most surley be their doom. The Zionist are actually assuring the demise of the jewish race, the white race is their savior and protector and they fail to see it.

  7. #7 by Lord Nelson on 12/08/2006 - 9:33 am



    Thats well said coach but it kinda takes right back to the mantra:

    “Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.”

    “The Netherlands and Belgium are more crowded than Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.”

    “Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.”

    “What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?”

    “How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?”

    “And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?”

    “But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.”

    “They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.”

    “Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.”

  8. #8 by LibAnon on 12/08/2006 - 12:51 pm

    “History is repeating itself. I have been this way before.”
    I believe that this recurring “plague on both your houses” pattern in your career, and the consequent isolation, results logically from your definition of race. If I recall correctly, you define “white race” as “white skin”. Although that definition is admirably non-Wordist, the logical consequence is that you must consider most Jews, at least most of those who reside in the United States, to be white. That, I think, is the real issue: not whether Jews are angels or devils, but whether they’re white. And to that question there really ARE only two viable answers: yes or no. If your own answer is “no”, and I believe that it is, then your definition of “white race” needs more work.

  9. #9 by Nobody on 12/09/2006 - 3:02 am



    I see the larger issue as the White RACE – “race,” writ large – as the ONLY vessel that could carry Christianity AS IT SHOULD BE forward, even with the Jewish contagion that so pervades it today. That VChristianity has a foundation in Zoroastrianism, on the one hand, and the key to its temporal suceess, on the other hand, as a result of the infusion of Northern European values in practice, makes Christianity as practiced today sort of New Judaism – while it clearly gelds itself, in mock of what Christ DID.

    I see Jews, individually, as simply nodes through which the Asiatic Hive Consciousness known as “Judaism” works; I can work with them, I DO work with them, but I literally have the feeling of my skin crawling as I do – NOW – because on some deep level, I see them as they see me – the Enemy, simply biding his time until he can strike.

    What we can do is look at what the Jews do that works, figure out WHY it works, and follow that model, adopting it to our unique requirements and abilities as the CREATIVE RACE.

    Thus, as Jews have only ONE COMMANDMENT: “Is it good for Jews?” – we see that their ONE COMANDMENT is a RACIAL commandment, and has worked with breathtaking effectiveness.

    When he accept the primacy of a particular verbal contruct over the living power of the Concept from which it derives – “RACE” as solely a matter of skin color, for example – we geld the true power of the Idea, and Ideal, of RACE.

    This is why we must ALWAYS work to make sure we use the Ideal of RACE as a LIVING tool to define EVERY aspect of OUR Culture, and OUR Nation, to serve their proper organic function.

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