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Alan B. — By George, I Think He’s GOT It!!!!

Posted by Bob on December 9th, 2006 under Coaching Session, Comment Responses



I continue to post the Mantra when ever I can because I feel its important to get the ideas out. What keeps me going is this, just having somebody read the mantra will at least expose them to the fraud of muticultrialism. I am not concerned as to whether somebody is pro or con non white immigration, my main goal is to plant the seed so that eventually a little light bulb will pop on in somebodies head and they will begin to see multicutrialism for what it really IS, white race genocide. Just keep posting the mantra and let the truth do the rest. It’s more productive to post the Mantra in 10 locations, than it is to post it in one and spend 30 minutes trying to convince a retard to look at it with an open mind.

Comment by Alan B

  1. #1 by Alan B. on 12/09/2006 - 3:45 pm



    Thanks Bob, sometimes the simple and obvious can bite one in the ass.

  2. #2 by Al Parker on 12/09/2006 - 11:25 pm



    Anybody seen Mel Gibson’s new film Apocalypto? The theater was surprisingly crowded — I figured it would be near empty because of Gibson’s anti-Semitic rant.

    Anyway, the whole film is greusome, barbaric non-white violence. The schools teach children that all Indians were living in peace and brotherly love until the white man arrived and taught their violence and their tribalism to them. This film shatters all of that.

  3. #3 by Alan B. on 12/10/2006 - 4:11 pm



    I plan on seeing Mel Gibson’s new film Apocalypto next weekend, I encourage all Goyim to attend this movie. Sinse the movies release, it has remained at the top of the list of top grossing films so far. Mel had shaken the Hollywood establishment at the roots, his movie Passion Of The Christ, came under attack before the release, it was a visious and hate filled smear campaign by the anti white, anti christian Hollywood smut and filth promoters. The Passion Of The Christ was a huge success, Mel’s movie proves the creeps in Hollywood can be defeated. American has been under attack for over 50 years, I rarely go to the movies, I detest the anti white, decadent and distructive message most Hollywood films portray. Whites are always potrayed as dumb red necks, women are always the victims of these whites and the blacks are the true heros, its reality turned up side down. So lets all go see Mel’s flick, every hit he produces is a victory for us Goyim.

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