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Alan B. and MY By George

Posted by Bob on December 10th, 2006 under Coaching Session

In the article below, Alan B. made an excellent point about how my Mantra and other solid, condensed material I produce is useful. Which made me think of think of how the Blog can use YOUR thoughts.

Here we have a place where you can get that small select audience that reads the comments, too, to see what is buzzing around in your head, exactly the way I found an audience here to listen to the bees in my bonnet.

There really are no other publications for simple good thinking or logical concepts people have overlooked or simply can’t find anywhere to put. If you get too far off the beam, or if you forget NO SPAM, NO SPAM, I may delete it, though that almost never happens. If so, you can mail me at and ask why I did so.

We have a goal in common. But we also have a group of people with minds which have somehow escaped the chains this society has locked on the others. Let’s use them.

  1. #1 by Simmons on 12/10/2006 - 1:49 pm


    Sometimes you are too negative. Like other world improvers you take on too much, like you think it is your duty to save the entire white race including the Mommy Profs and their opposities the WalMartians. Instead you are the Mother of Pearl the nucleus to which to build upon. From here it is our job to bring back to the worthies of the white race that sense of Inquiry that took us to the top of the world instead of this funk best described in “Apocolypto” being ruled by Wordists and their pet word “racism.” So when you are feeling depressed (My guess like many talented people you are Manic/Depressive) put Dave in charge.

  2. #2 by LibAnon on 12/10/2006 - 2:42 pm

    Maybe this blog IS your institution, Bob. A powerful one — in fact, it could be the nucleus of our coming White Government-in-Exile. You could be the Senate and we commenters could be the House.
    I realize that your own background is in the House, Bob, but I think you’ve moved up in the world since then.

  3. #3 by Dave on 12/10/2006 - 3:35 pm


    Hoffer allowed himself to be guided by his own thought processes, and then he allowed the world itself to offer spontaneously what was available to help him advance his thoughts.

    In this way he avoided getting misled into intellectual “yogas” that wasted his time. As always, in life, the most essential question is spending your time working on what is genuinely important and what should have priority.

    This natural approach to learning overthrows academia in several important ways: 1. It allows people to learn by the learning style that is dominant within them personally (manual, visual, or auditory). 2. It upholds the moral principal that responsibility for one’s decisions and thinking should not be subordinated to the judgment of others (overthrowing the tyranny of the “literature”). 3. It recognizes that knowledge is unequal (certain kinds of knowledge have far greater import and meaning than other kinds) and that the “self” can be trusted to sort out what is genuinely important. 4. It trusts the world in its spontaneity.

    It is absurd to believe that you cannot trust yourself to find a way to clarity. That is why Wordism is so deadly in all of its manifestations. It is a subordination of self-trust to a groupthink that leads people into wasting time on things of little importance.

    But finding your way clarity is an arduous process. It requires the ability to commit to endless sustained hard work.

    Again, herein is the lie of academia that valuable knowledge can be obtained without the necessity of sustained struggling, something Hoffer railed about, but a lazy generation was not inclined to listen.

    Accordingly, this little “seminar” BWs got going is extraordinary to the Nth degree and I don’t he is aware of how hard he makes us work.

    It really is the kind of thing that is needed to get white nationalism to liftoff.

  4. #4 by stevenp on 12/12/2006 - 5:20 pm


    I’d like to submit this whitakerism for consideration:

    “When whites engage in favoritism toward other whites (and therefore discrimination against non-whites), it’s called racism. When other groups engage in favoritism, it’s called ethnic solidarity. When whites object to Jewish favoritism toward other Jews, it’s called anti-semitism. When you buy into these word games, it’s called being a useful idiot.”

    If you want to avoid touching the Jewish issue, you can erase the sentence on anti-semitism. You can also post this follow up essay if you’re asked to elaborate:


    When whites engage in favoritism toward other whites (and therefore discrimination against non-whites), it’s called racism. When other groups engage in favoritism, it’s called ethnic solidarity. When whites object to Jewish favoritism, it’s called anti-semitism. When you buy into these word games, it’s called being a useful idiot.


    When Michael Eisner was appointed CEO of Disney, one of the five mega-media conglomerates (Disney has many media assets besides Mickey Mouse, such as CBS), within months he purged most whites from upper management and replaced them with fellow Jews. Had any victim objected to such Jewish favoritism, they would have been subject to neo-McCarthyite persecution for “anti-semitism”. These persecutions are led by Jewish organizations (such as the ADL) and consist of blacklists, coordinated intimidation and economic strangulation of dissidents. See the Walt-Mearsheimer report on the Israel Lobby for details regarding Neo-McCarthyite persecution methodology.

    Michael Medved boasted: “The famous Disney organization, which was founded by Walt Disney, a gentile Midwesterner who allegedly harbored anti-semitic attitudes, now features Jewish personnel in nearly all its most powerful positions.”
    (“Jews Run Hollywood. So What?,” Moment magazine, August 1996.)

    The policy: When whites object to Jewish favoritism they face neo-McCarthyite persecution for “anti-semitism”.

    Reverse the scenario. Suppose whites took over Disney, purged most Jews from upper management and replaced them with fellow whites. Would such an attempt by whites to compete on equal terms be tolerated?

    When Michael Regan, an Assistant District Attorney expressed concern for white group interests, the mildest form of pro-white favoritism, he was immediately subject to neo-McCarthyite persecution for “racism”. As with “anti-semitism” witch hunts, these are led by Jewish organizations and involve neo-McCarthyite persecution methodology.

    “Regan’s fate was sealed when the Washington Post published his observation, from an interview at the conference, that “you can see European Christian Americans are an endangered species.” Though there was nothing explicitly “anti-Semitic” in Regan’s comment, the Anti-Defamation League, America’s most feared and effective thought police, promptly attacked his reputation and his livelihood. In a letter to Regan’s superior, the ADL’s regional director for New York decreed: “Those kinds of comments are absolutely inappropriate for a public official to make,” and Regan was promptly out of a job.”
    ( )

    The policy: When whites engage in favoritism they face neo-McCarthyite persecution for “racism”.

    This policy of persecuting whites who object to favoritism by others and persecuting whites who engage in it themselves is called the Dual Persecution Strategy. The “favoritism for them, persecution for us” double standard creates a systemic competitive imbalance designed to prevent whites from competing on equal terms.


    An uneven playing field makes it easy for ethnic closed shops to squeeze whites out of any field. The long term consequence is what we see happening in the vital organs of society, such as media:

    “Four of the largest five entertainment giants are now run or owned by Jews. Murdoch’s News Corp (at number four) is the only gentile holdout — however Rupert is as pro-Israel as any Jew, probably more so.”
    (Los Angeles Jewish Times, ‘Yes, Virginia, Jews Do Control the Media,’ Oct. 29-Nov. 11, 1999 p. 14)

    “Time-Warner, Disney, Viacom-CBS, News Corporation and Universal rule the entertainment world in a way that the old Hollywood studio chiefs only dreamed of. And, after all the deals and buyouts, four of the five are run by Jews. We’re back to where we started, bigger than ever.”
    (Jewish Week, 9-17-99, 12)

    “The greatest concentration of Jews, however, is at the producer level — and it is the producers who decide which stories will go on the air, and how long, and in what order, they will run. In 1982, before a shift in assignments, the executive producers of all three evening newscasts were Jews, as were the executive producers of CBS’s 60 Minutes and ABC’s 20/20. And Jews are almost equally prominent at the ‘senior producer’ and ‘broadcast producer’ levels as well as in senior management. When Reuven Frank stepped down as president of NBC News in 1984, for example, he was replaced by Laurence Grossman, who left the presidency of PBS to take the position.”
    (Charles Silberman, A Certain People. American Jews and Their Lives Today, Summit Books, 1985, p. 154)

    If you buy into “racism” or “anti-semitism” word games, you’re consenting to the Dual Persecution Strategy. In doing so, you’re supporting an uneven playing field designed to dispossess whites and empower Jews and therefore, by extension, empower the Jewish lobby’s agenda. This includes advancing Zionism (Middle East wars), racial engineering (immigration, diversity and multiculturalism) and censorship (political correctness and “hate” speech laws). This agenda is set by an interlocking network of over 300 national Jewish organizations and 4000 foundations with a combined annual budget of $6 billion. ( ).


    The political process is also affected. James Abourezk, former US Senator from South Dakota, clearly describes how the “anti-semitism” side of the Dual Persecution Strategy keeps the US Congress in line:

    “I can tell you from personal experience that, at least in the Congress, the support Israel has in that body is based completely on political fear–fear of defeat by anyone who does not do what Israel wants done. I can also tell you that very few members of Congress–at least when I served there–have any affection for Israel or for its Lobby. What they have is contempt, but it is silenced by fear of being found out exactly how they feel. I’ve heard too many cloakroom conversations in which members of the Senate will voice their bitter feelings about how they’re pushed around by the Lobby to think otherwise. In private one hears the dislike of Israel and the tactics of the Lobby, but not one of them is willing to risk the Lobby’s animosity by making their feelings public.”
    (“Former Senator James Abourezk on Chomsky and the Israel Lobby in the US”, Al-Jazeerah, December 5, 2006.)

    James Abourzek also makes clear that the “anti-semitism” side of the Dual Persecution Strategy is what holds those elements of the media not controlled through ownership or staffing in check:

    “Secondly, the Lobby is quite clear in its efforts to suppress any congressional dissent from the policy of complete support for Israel which might hurt annual appropriations. Even one voice is attacked, as I was, on grounds that if Congress is completely silent on the issue, the press will have no one to quote, which effectively silences the press as well. Any journalists or editors who step out of line are quickly brought under control by well organized economic pressure against the newspaper caught sinning.”
    (“Former Senator James Abourezk on Chomsky and the Israel Lobby in the US”, Al-Jazeerah, December 5, 2006.)

    If you buy into “racism” or “anti-semitism” word games, you’re consenting to the Dual Persecution Strategy. In doing so, you’re supporting the Jewish lobby’s coordinated intimidation of politicians and media and therefore, by extension, you’re supporting the Jewish lobby’s agenda. This includes advancing Zionism, racial engineering and censorship.


    Collaborators typically get a pay off for selling out. In apartheid South Africa, blacks who were against black group interests and favored white group interests (uncle Toms) were allowed into the black elite. In Judeo-America, whites who are against white group interests and favor minority group interests (collaborators) get to stay in the white elite. White elites who violate this adapted “Code of the Uncle Tom” are chased out by the Dual Persecution Strategy.

    Immigration is an issue that illustrates these contrasting white and minority group interests and the anomalous behavior of white elites. Majority opinion has been against immigration, legal or illegal, since polling began. ( ). Yet, decade after decade, immigration continues. What is blocking the democratic process?

    A recent opinion poll shows that while almost 80% of the public is against mass immigration and 60% consider it a critical threat, only 14% of the opinion elite (members of Congress, the administration, leaders of church groups, business executives, union leaders, journalists, academics, and heads of major interest groups) share the public’s concern. ( ).

    Although collaborators are a minority, they are part of the elite. As opinion polls show, they are not powerful enough to convince the majority that racial engineering (immigration, diversity and multiculturalism) is good. But, being part of the elite, they are powerful enough to block the democratic process and force racial engineering on the public against its will.

    Although collaborators agree that an African who wants to become a minority in his own country is either an “uncle Tom” or clinically insane, they themselves are not insane and do not consider themselves such. The vast majority collaborates out of fear of the Dual Persecution Strategy or out of career opportunism, not because they actually believe in Zionism, racial engineering or censorship.

    In summary, if you buy into “racism” or “anti-semitism” word games, you’re supporting Zionism, racial engineering and censorship. If you’re white and not part of the opinion elite, you’re collaborating for nothing.

    A useful idiot is someone who sells out for free.

    Steven Palese. Public domain. Distribute freely.

  5. #5 by stevenp on 12/12/2006 - 5:27 pm


    Submitting another whitakerism:

    “White colonialism over Africa introduced Western medicine, sanitation and agricultural practices that allowed the native population to increase five fold, from 100 million to today’s 500 million plus. Thus, four out of five Blacks owe their very existence to Whites. Since under your racial theories we are responsible for the crimes of our ancestors, we are also responsible for the good things done by them, i.e. we’ll take our ancestor’s debits only if we also take their credits. So sure we owe slavery reparations, but four out of five Blacks owe us their lives and property in return.”

  6. #6 by stevenp on 12/12/2006 - 5:29 pm


    One more:

    “Anti-white racists become hysterical whenever the subject of white pride comes up; they consider white pride illegitimate.

    The French have a saying,

    “all nations believe they are the best, and all nations are right.”

    In other words, Blacks think they are the best and they are right; Jews think they are the best and they are right; Arabs think they are the best and they are right; Whites think they are the best and risk persecution for it.

    The dictionary defines “racism” as discrimination based on race. Everyone can be proud of their heritage except whites. This is discrimination based on race. So the issue is not why whites think they are the best, the issue is:

    Why are you so racist that you discriminate against whites by denying them equal rights?”

  7. #7 by stevenp on 12/12/2006 - 5:35 pm


    Last one. This one has a follow up longer version. The follow up is my take on your PC-as-Hitler-religion insight (I may have gotten it wrong, let me know):

    “Political Correctness is the notion that speech is “offensive” and must be censored if it either

    * offends non-white minorities, or
    * defends the white majority.

    The Politically Correct therefore consider any intellectual defense of white group interests to be “offensive”. They further believe that the ideas involved need to be censored and their proponents persecuted.

    Free speech is the cornerstone of democracy. As such, political speech is never offensive. To quote John Bryant, free speech is controversial speech. The real offensiveness is something altogether different.

    What is offensive is Political Correctness and its hatred of free speech and democracy.”


    “Political Correctness is a religion, i.e. a structured belief system based on faith. A religion need not have a god, although Political Correctness appears to have one. Its god is Hitler, an altogether evil god that is despised by its followers. In this respect Political Correctness is similar to the Aztec religions whose evil gods had to be appeased with constant human sacrifice. The evil god Hitler needs to be kept at bay with constant discrimination against whites.

    The doctrine of Political Correctness measures everything against this god, the evil Adolf Hitler. In this religion, everything that Hitler believed in is evil, and everything that he opposed is good. This belief system condenses to two doctrines:

    * Non-white minorities are to be worshipped in the morning
    * The white majority is to be degraded in the evening

    And is based on this one cardinal faith:

    Whites are oppressors; therefore whites deserve discrimination and racism to redress the imbalance.

    This faith is in turn sustained and legitimised by three anti-white racial theories:

    1. The Unique History of White Evil Theory
    This racial theory holds that “whites cannot evade history”. It is a racial theory because it justifies discrimination against a group based on their (Euro-Christian) ancestry alone irrespective of actual participation or consent (in slavery, holocaust, etc.) and therefore denies innocence as a defense.

    2. The Unearned White Skin-color Privilege Theory
    This racial theory holds that “whites cannot evade responsibility”. It is a racial theory because it justifies discrimination against individuals based on their (Euro-Christian) ancestry alone irrespective of actual status or financial condition and therefore denies innocence as a defense.

    3. The White Majority Deference Theory
    This racial theory holds that “majorities must serve minorities unless the minority is white”. It is a racial theory because its discriminatory logic applies exclusively to whites. For example, suggesting the reverse, that white minorities in South Africa or Detroit should have not equal but superior rights is widely considered insane.”

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