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Simmons and Shari — Dave?

Posted by Bob on December 10th, 2006 under Coaching Session, Comment Responses


Sometimes you are too negative. Like other world improvers you take on too much, like you think it is your duty to save the entire white race including the Mommy Profs and their opposites the WalMartians. Instead you are the Mother of Pearl the nucleus to which to build upon. From here it is our job to bring back to the worthies of the white race that sense of Inquiry that took us to the top of the world instead of this funk best described in “Apocolypto” being ruled by Wordists and their pet word “racism.” So when you are feeling depressed (My guess like many talented people you are Manic/Depressive) put Dave in charge.

Comment by Simmons


Dave, would you be willing to do that from time to time?

Simmons is senior staff at its best, and if you really want to know the difference between SENIOR and regular staff, imagine giving your boss the kind of advice Simmons just gave me. The only person who can tell a congressman he went too far is his wife and his senior staff, and he won’t take his wife seriously.

In fact, that is what happened to me and my boss after I left Capitol Hill. He was a PAS, a presidential appointee with Senate approval, like a member of the Cabinet. But I cramped his style because I would tell him when he was about to step into the bucket with a cutesy trick. He was professor who had never been in DC politics before. All his other staffers were similar, no DC experience. They encouraged his getting cute and had nothing but praise.

He ended up being the only PAS reappointed by the president that I ever even HEARD of that the Senate voted out of office, refused to reconfirm. And the Senate was Republican and Reagan had just won reelection by a landslide! He tried a trick and lost his job. You see, I had been treated to his cold shoulder so I went on to a job as writer for the Voice of America. He had no one to throw cold water on him.

So he drowned.

Shari wrote a comment that I should reproduce my Iran speech without the repetitions. Had she been serious, she would have taken them out and given me a sample. Don’t worry, Shari, very few people would do that, But that is the kind of extra oomph senior staff has to put in.

And no, Shari, none of your comments are below par. Your problem is that you are a lady in a roughhouse here. Stay in here with us and you will finally understand that we hit each other hard, and you take comments about yourself too personally. Elizabeth is about the least apologetic person here, so she is obviously used to this kind of give and take that is a lot like mutual kicks in the teeth.

I need you HERE, Shari.

And you can take a lesson from Simmons. He grabs the old bastard by the beard and says sometimes he needs a rest. Why? Not just for my good, but for HIS. I hated to tell my boss things he didn’t want to hear, but he was my product. I am the major resource of this which blog has been made. Simmons wants the blog to do its job, so he doesn’t shrink from telling me how to do mine.

Of course the only person left out of our little threesome here is the man Simmons tapped. Dave, you ready for more? Peter, Mark? Senior staff is not bashful, unless you consider me an example of bashfulness. Whoever wants to do some basic pieces and take up more slack is invited to contact me, here or at

Needles to say, this offer only extends to those who have been readers and commenters for some time.

For the first ten years I wrote, I would write for anybody and I would read my stuff over and over.

How to we proceed? We start by seeing whether this appeal is met with silence.

I don’t do Whitakerisms any more. I see how things are developing and THEN I make plans, as I explained to LibAnon.

  1. #1 by Shari on 12/10/2006 - 5:49 pm

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    I don’t care about being a lady in a roughouse. I just realize that I get more to think about by paying attention than by trying to roughouse back. I don’t say
    everything I might think, here, nor would I. I’m a stubborn person, but also more of a thinker and responder than a leader.

  2. #2 by Dave on 12/10/2006 - 7:04 pm


    Well, I don’t about that one, taking on that role. But Simmons gets to the very heart of things in his comments about BW taking on too much by thinking it is his duty to save the entire white race.

    You see my problem is coping with the very fact I suspect it may be true, that it may actually be true that BW does bear that responsibly.

    Now that sounds preposterous, but is it?

    I have empathy for that fact that someone like BW may get up in morning, look himself in mirror, and say to himself, “Darn it all, if I don’t do it, it is not going to get done, and unfortunately, it’s me that’s got to do it.”

    The problem is that God doesn’t pull punches, and at times in course of human affairs, the whole damn thing DOES ride on one person’s shoulders.

    Now I know a lot of people don’t believe that, but I can’t help thinking of the old Navy advertisement trying to lure young (and dumb) engineering grads into the Naval Officers Corps: “In the Navy, you get responsibility fast!!!”

    That’s called truth in advertising, because I fast forward in my mind and see this young dumb kid who bought into Navy’s come-on on the deck of some Naval vessel manning one of those one-time use only machine guns that are your only hope of shooting down an incoming Exocet missile.

    Here’s the arithmetic: You have got ten seconds to shoot that sucker down from time you see that missile on the horizon and one burst of machine gun fire to do it and if you fail, you and everybody else on board die and horrible and violent death.

    I wish to God life were not like that, but unfortunately it is.

  3. #3 by Alan B. on 12/10/2006 - 7:50 pm



    I rarely watch television, but occasion I will check out the slop thats being feed to the hogs. All three corporate snooze net works are going goo goo over Obamba, the rising star of the democratic party and the challenge he will present to Hillary, “Yawn”. Ok we all know that politics in America is a packaged and dull bag of horse crap, so now the media is trying to make things exciting but promoting their token black boy, like their not predjudise, “Laugh”. Its all so predictable, Obamba will run and lose to Hilary who will then choose him for the VP spot, all encourged and endorsed by the news media, end of story. In the end all the democrats will have are a leftist tax and spend nanny state woman, tied to a black altra leftist black man(token black man). Oh, did I mention Hillary is a blond. (Laugh)

  4. #4 by Alan B. on 12/10/2006 - 8:11 pm



    Bob, I wish you would write more often, don’t sweat out being to negitive. Some confuse negitivity with sarcasm, either way its alright with me sinse I am more conserned with the content.

  5. #5 by LibAnon on 12/10/2006 - 8:14 pm

    I’m not sure what you’re asking for, Bob. If you need help with any specific task having to do with writing, proofreading, factchecking, technical stuff, etc., I’m sure a request for help here on the blog will elicit responses that accord with the particular schedules and abilities required.
    If you’re seeking to build a staff in general, however, I’m not sure what our race needs is yet another far-right groupuscule organized according to the Führerprinzip. I was halfway serious in my last comment — what we need is not yet another party or pressure group, but a true deliberative body. A “White National Congress”, if you will. Right now, Bob’s Blog is the closest thing we have to that. By comparison, every other “white forum” on the Internet right now is only a glorified bathroom wall.

  6. #6 by Simmons on 12/10/2006 - 8:36 pm

    I mentioned the manic/depressive part because last night when I got home and turned into I never witnessed such intellect as in your posts. But knowing such genius has a price I assumed the pattern as I have witnessed has a vicious downside. Those days that you feel that all is hopeless instead of posting a negative retort to some inane comments let Dave (a wordsmith much potential) handle the mundane duties. As an Existentialist I realize that sometimes it is time to relax and find the center instead of striking out at any old barb.

  7. #7 by Elizabeth on 12/10/2006 - 10:39 pm

    “Elizabeth is about the least apologetic person here, so she is obviously used to this kind of give and take that is a lot like mutual kicks in the teeth.” Absolutely — and to the point that I get a lot of outraged comments in daily life. On the other hand, I’m absolutely helpless with the little games a lot of women like to play with each other. Compared to those, navigating through church ceremonial that’s mostly in other languages is a piece of cake.

    Alan B., Hillary’s not a natural blonde. I’ve seen pictures of her from the 1970s, plus, take a look at any pictures you can find of her brother. There’s some ancestry there the Rodhams aren’t talking about.

  8. #8 by Shari on 12/11/2006 - 12:54 pm

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    ” On the other hand, I’m absolutely helpless with the little games women like to play with each other.”

    I too have a problem and consequently no real women friends. I dislike it when upon being introduced I’m given hugs. I can’t walk into a group and start hugging people. I say this because I bet you don’t like that either. Another thing I can’t do to be friendly is reply to warm fuzzy forwards about friendship that end with asking me to send it on. I delete them immediately and no one hears back from me.

  9. #9 by Alan B. on 12/11/2006 - 3:10 pm



    Shari, just keep on contributing here to the blog and when time permits, cut and paste the Mantra in chat rooms. it may not seem like your accomplishing much but you would be suprised at how many minds you are awakening. The mantra is the gift that keeps on giving.

  10. #10 by Shari on 12/11/2006 - 8:09 pm

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    Thank you Alan B. I intend to do both of those things.

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