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Following the POINT

Posted by Bob on December 25th, 2006 under Coaching Session

What led to the Al Parker episode was an observation I made which is very important. But in the excitement of discovering that Al Parker wanted us to assimilate with NICE nonwhites, so the important point I made was forgotten. That is what happens all the time.

By all means, let me know how what I said connects to the latest news, but GO BACK and see if what BOB observed might be worth consideration on its own later. I got paid to know the latest news, but I also noticed the underlying consistencies no one else noticed. I notice when one piece of Political Correctness directly contradicted another. Others kept each piece of information carefully and safely in its own context.

The very important observation I mentioned was, as usual, bringing together two points others would not consider TOGETHER: the astounding number of psychopaths in our society and the Politically Correct view of skin color. I pointed out that two percent of the people who look just like us are psychopaths, and we don’t know it until too late. Ted Bundy was the very epitome of the friendly, outgoing young man of high intelligence. His best friends were lawyers, who dealt with psychopaths in court all the time.

Now here is the point. If you cannot tell that a person who has his entire evolutionary history in common with you, how do you then turn right around and insist, “No matter what the color of the skin, all humans think and feel alike.”

The world is not that convenient.

Now damn it, THINK about that!

  1. #1 by ALAN B. on 12/25/2006 - 4:38 pm



    I will admit that I was hard ass hell on Parker when he shifted to the dark side a while back. What I failed to take into concideration was this, Parker contributed a hell of alot before he sliped up, I failed to take that into consideration, I just through him to the wolves like a PC SOB would do to anybody who wandered from their flock. Parker is one of us and as one of us I would also like to say to him, please come back when you feel your ready to rejoin the family. Unlike the PC maniacs, I will take back into the fold thoes who see the errors of their ways, like BOB mentioned it was Parker humility that convinced me he is worth having back.

  2. #2 by ALAN B. on 12/25/2006 - 6:13 pm



    I went back over Parker’s comment in regards to assimilating non white cultures into white cultures and his theory that in time they would become indistinguishable from their host people. Parker went on to mention a conference in France Bob attended and here a French Minster said it was the duty of the French to assimilate the Muslim culture into French society. Parker should have seen the follies of his ways in what I just mentioned here so far.
    First of all, the races and cultures of this world have evolved and developed languages, costumes, laws and traditions that have transcended through the millennium, each and every race whether White, Asian or Black is distinct and unique in its own way. In our nations past we limited the number of non white immigrants to small groups, in those days we took great pains to avoid large alien communities from harboring together and establishing their former homeland right here in America, this was common sense. Thus we forced these peoples to assimilate to our way of life for the most part, but we never truly absorbed them into our culture, China Town in SF is one good example. Today we have Political Correctness led by white intellectuals demanding that we not only accept mass non white immigration to all white nations, they also demand that the population of the host nation bring these peoples into their culture. The French minister who is an intellectual and another burden on the French citizenry, tax devouring parasite, now demands that French citizens try harder to fit these alien peoples into their society, like it’s their fault to begin with. These Bureaucrats and intellectuals were the ones who rammed this PC non-white immigration down their citizen’s throats to begin with, these race traitors have no shame, they cannot admit that this experiment is and will continue to be an utter failure. In America the situation is bad enough but these intellectuals haven’t learned from the French yet. Here we are told to celebrate diversity and multiculturalism(God I hate that!), here we are encouraged to believe in nothing, share nothing and worship nothing, here we are encouraged to be a dead and meaningless cesspool of humanity, thats the way to utopia. Of course that can only happen if all whites give up all that makes us a distinct peoples. The PC community calls us racist because we are white and we haven’t fully embraced their sick dream, if we would just die off nothing would stand in their way.

  3. #3 by Pain on 12/25/2006 - 6:30 pm


    Not only do psychopaths NOT think and feel like us, they may not FEEL at all.

    You ask if they of the same race as I do not think or feel like me, how presumptuous is it to assume that others of a very genus of human think and feel like us?

    The essence of communication is learning how someone else talks, and copying it. When we learn a language, we are copying those around us. That is why it is so easy to identify where each of has lived by how we talk.

    But talking is not WHO we are. It is a behavior on the OUTSIDE that we us our minds consciously to give an appearance.

    Psychopaths dissemble in the same we sane people TALK. To them, affecting a manner and set of behaviours is no different from talking. But for them, it is a specific KIND of talking it is NEGOTIATING. The psychopath behaves a certain to GET SOMETHING from you.

    A bad person may lie in talking, but the psychopath lies by behaving. And since he has no human feelings of his own, he lies by BEING. The psychopath is a living lie.

    This is simply a more complete form of wordism. I am connecting the dots, but Bob in this latest article has brought his constant theme full circle.

    When one submits oneself entirely to propaganda, artificial ideologies, and institutions (which ALWAYS become corrupt), one becomes a copy-cat psychopath.

    One one submits to wordism, one becomes a practical psychopath.

    This is our modern whoredom: we have mongrelized ourselves with an alien nature.


  4. #4 by Nobody on 12/25/2006 - 6:44 pm


    This is the singular advantage our RACIAL enemies have over us; ALL of their thinking begins with their nonverbal Ideal of RACE as their foremost organizing principle, individually and collectively. If you will read all of the Federal “Civil Rights” legislation (64, 68, etc.) you will see that RACE is mentioned up front, and RELIGION is mentioned in the fine print.

    What RACE has its own “RELIGION,” and defines that “religion” so loosely as to make it a tool of RACIAL expansion – as compared to the Judeo-Christians, who use Judeo-Christianity as a tool of RACIAL LIMITS?

    Why, it is the JEWISH RACE, which always preaches “tolerance” for its RACIAL enemies, while being extraordinarily INTOLERANT, themselves.

    AS Peter Shank noted, why not learn from the example of our remarkably successful RACIAL enemies?

    While we can…

  5. #5 by ALAN B. on 12/25/2006 - 8:48 pm



    Pain, your a genius! Simple and yet to the point, you are a cut above the rest and I thank your for your insight and what you can also teach me.

  6. #6 by CL on 12/25/2006 - 10:27 pm

    Not Spam
    Not Spam

    I think your observations concerning the psychopathy blindspot and non-white adoptions are symptoms of the same problem. Ultimately, many Whites can’t fathom that others don’t think the same as they do–which can be generalized to “we’re all the same on the inside.” Parker parrotted the “skin color” — “we’re all the same even though we’re different”–nonsense.

    Liberals are the biggest racists of all; they base their philosphies on the idea that we really are all alike. But of course, they really mean that everyone thinks just like *them.* It’s always one-way.

    The adopt-a-nonwhite mania that’s been going on in so-called “conservative” churches is a perfect example. Here you have “caring” people make a point to take a child away from its own people. At the church I attend (which has 200-500 attendance per service), there are several families that have adopted these children. One woman always makes a point to sit near the front, then stand up after the service has started and walk out the back of the church with her black adopted on her shoulder. The child never cries or anything. She just wants to show-off her “virtue.” Talk about shallow! She declares to the world each time that “love” had -0- to do with it. What a scumbag.

    It’s why I say that if racism were a legitimate intellectual concept–instead of a simple pejorative coined by a Jewish mass-murderer–liberals would be the biggest racists of all. There entire worldview is based on all people being made in *their* image. And since most of the world is obviously not remotely like them, they have the dodge of “oh, it’s just skin color.”

    But the adoption fiasco reveals something else about them (that we already knew): They really believe their own BS. It’s what I call “stutegrity,” the integrity of the fool.

  7. #7 by Mark on 12/25/2006 - 10:46 pm


    Bob, this is all good and well and Peter’s sharpshooter-like remarks are on target and Painfully insightful and jammed pack with forethought and good honest white intent as usual; but who the hell has been posting the Mantra lately? Anyone? Or have we given up the assault and taken to the trenches with cards and brandy and dreams of scantily clad women? I mean, just who the hell is manning the fort anyway?

  8. #8 by Mark on 12/25/2006 - 10:54 pm


    “Not only do psychopaths NOT think and feel like us, they may not FEEL at all.”

    Excellent point. I’ll go one further and say that even “normal” people don’t think or feel like other N”normal” people. Have you ever noticed how different people have different “rules” of conduct when faced with a certain situation?

    I’ve noted how men differ when faced with adversity. One man takes it in stride and sluffs off the worry, while another becomes agitated and red faced, another holds it in and considers emotion un-manly, while yet another bawls his head off like a woman. Families have differing rules too, as do societies. Add race to it and the rules change yet again. I’d say no two people are exactly alike, even if they are from the same clan. I’ve noticed families with several sons and each son is entirely unique in attitude from the other. I won’t dare go there with women, but the same applies. And yet the antis want to force all of us square white blocks into black round holes. Amazing.

  9. #9 by ALAN B. on 12/26/2006 - 2:52 pm



    The abnormal Politically Correct forces have one distinct advantage that we fail to recognise and it hurts our cause every day. We continue to rationalise the irrational and it distracts and waste time we could have spent tearing down their sick fantasy world. I for one could care less about their motives, I am not interested in why they are trying to exterminate the white race with non white immigration, all I want to do is stamp out this PC disease with the mantra and any other method I have at my disposal. I can give an example of what I am talking about, if a maniac kills several people and is later captured and sentensed to death I say just kill the bastard and leave it at that, yet there will be many who would rather study this freak and treat him with love and understanding. My point IS, the killer is a freak of nature a psycopath, cunning and decieving. He will tell those studying him anthing they wish to hear, so I say just rid society of this garbage and be done with it. The PC psycopaths are like the killer, they serve no usefull purpose, they are distructive and will always be a danger to our race, never ratrionalise these freaks of nature.

  10. #10 by Dennis on 01/01/2007 - 8:43 pm



    Every anti-racist that tell’s me “we are all the same”, is telling me they cannot see what is obviously and demostratably different. We are all the same, they say, then arguing for assimilation into white nations. We are all ‘diverse’ they way, when arguing for the benefits they bring. Whether they are just like us, or have differences which ‘enrich’ us, depends on the argument they are making.

    But most interesting of all, how can anyone who claims they are colour blind, and dont see any differnces between race, feel they can claim to tell ME that we are all alike.

    The anti-racist proffesses that he sees no difference, then argues that he sees ALL differences and they amount to nothing. If you cannot distinguish between your kinfolk and others, how can you possibly KNOW we are all the same?

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