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Z and Leadership

Posted by Bob on April 2nd, 2008 under General

You bring up more good points. I think the IQ debate is another major waste of time. I do think the black on white crime issue has a place for “entry level” pro-Whites or as an issue to get peoples attention to the race issue.
But for us at BUGS, and for others who understand the situation, we must stay focused on the genocide issue. This is not to say that people shouldn’t be studying the IQ issue, for this there are specialists, like the people who go to Amren conferences.
But BUGS must focus on the reversal of the genocide against the White race.
The one thing I wonder about is the future of BUGS? Will BUGS ever evolve into something else besides an Internet learning session and base of Mantra spreading operations? What is our role once Whites do start resisting their genocide in larger numbers? Is this something we can even plan for? Or do we just keeping on how we are and allow nature to take its course?
The best I can tell is BUGS is training us for future leadership. So its not that BUGS will turn into some membership organization, but its students will be better prepared to lead Whites in the future.
Maybe Bob can give us his vision? Bob, what is your main objective for US, the students of BUGS? Are we purely Internet activists, or are we leaders in training? What should we be visualizing ourselves as in the future?
At what point will you feel like BUGS was/is a success?
— Z

Z, there was a short, best-selling book in the 1960s by the man who made Avis a success. In one section he dealt quickly with “job descriptions” for senior executives. He said,

“If a senior executive needs a job description, fire him.”

At that level, if a man can’t figure out for himself what needs to be done, he should be down in the ranks with the other people whose job descriptions HE makes up.

I want you to DO the Mantra, priority One, and meanwhile expand on Mantra thinking. Mantra thinking is stepping back and looking at the whole picture. Instead of answering each argument of the other side, you step back and put THEIR case in plain English. More often than not, that alone destroys their whole Cult stand.

This training is indispensable for leadership.

What IS a “leader?” A leader, as opposed to the rank and file I mentioned above, is one who looks at the whole picture and fits others into it. He leads because he sees a way through the details.

I get a quiet laugh out at the words, “Training for leadership.” That’s an oxymoron.

Socrates did not TRAIN Plato. Socrates never got a PhD and he never cared whether his teaching was a success or not.

I am giving you exercise in a way of thinking that is indispensable for leadership. But I can’t train you for leadership, or I WOULD HAVE ALREADY GONE WHERE YOU WOULD LEAD.

  1. #1 by Z on 04/02/2008 - 11:51 am

    Thank you for the clarification.

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