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Posted by Bob on April 29th, 2008 under General

Shari says we all want teh future to be both our genotypes AND our descendants. That is true, but we can’t always have what we want. But Shari is taking the steps that ensures she CAN have both. She has children and is fighting for our race.

Shari, the ultimate expression of having our own descendatns is the Chinese concept of ancestor worship. We do not want to degenerate into that. Ten generations from today, your genes will be about one in one thousand of those of your direct descendants. We are here influecning what the other 999 parts will be like.

I seem to detect an idea here that you and I are going to have posterity consisting entirely of US. Only an amoeba can do that. The genotype we fight for has more to do to with racial decisionsgenes than any Family Values. Those who obsess on Family Values are right now marynig their daughters to nice colored boys.

  1. #1 by shari on 04/29/2008 - 9:03 pm

    Okay, I understand that we are not amoeba’s. But to make a case with most people, you have to say something about children and grandchildren, not just an abstract sounding genetic decision. That still sounds pretty “utopian” to most I think. If I can say “well, your little grandchildren and my little grandson will be a minority EVERYWHERE in the world and the acceptance of misegenation will destroy us” it seems to make some sense, I think.

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