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Posted by Bob on April 29th, 2008 under General

Whites have the only society that does not aim for Perfection. That is so basic it’s hard to explain.

Oriental philosophy always aims for a final perfect society. They went straight from that to Marxism, which is the same thing. A planned economy is part of a planned society which in turn assumes that all the Intellectuals have to do is to tell us what Perfection is and plan for it.

Like children, Wordists spend all their time bitching about inequalities of income and so forth which make us less than perfect. They tell us THEY have the Solutions to “problems.” But our society is unique precisely because we do not just solve problems our Prophets of Wisdom see. The greatest things we have today came as total surprises. The fact that we were too hot in the summer was not seen as a PROBLEM. No Intellectual saw air conditioning as a solution to a problem.

All the societies that considered hunger a PROBLEM failed to foresee the solution to it in unimaginable advances in food productivity. They saw it in terms of a static, planned population and a static utopian society. Like children, they saw only what was in front of them.

Only whites show any sign of being at home in reality. We expect endless change, and we try to make things BETTER. BETTER, unlike Utopia, has no limits. But it also means no one can PLAN for Perfection. So I go for the best genes in order for white future generations to make things BETTER.

My concept of the future is what WORKS, not some IDEAL. I cannot see any end to what my approach will do. Right now Wordists are destroying everything that is good for their particular Utopias. To me those Utopias are stagnant ant colonies like the much-worshipped Ancient Egypt or the equally defunct USSR.

All I offer is white people with better genes. The glory of it is the opposite of Utopian. I have no idea what the society whites with better genes will produce will look like. If I did, I would be a Wordist offering Utopia.

In other words, I would be childish and should not be trying to Porch Talk.

I do not know what the society whites with better genes would build would will be like. I do know I would like to live in it: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” is still the best maxim I can imagine.

  1. #1 by Dave on 04/29/2008 - 1:12 pm

    This is another of BWs gems in very important basics if you want to understand the trajectory of political semantics for a long time to come.

    Millennial promises are a required form of political semantics for nonwhites. It sustains them and it is all they require. If you don’t believe that, look at Cuba for crying out loud.

    And we have a future that continues to be mired in racial conflict. That is certain.

    And because the semantic domain of political rhetoric must be millennial in character, as it must evoke anthem style emotions, the defining characteristic of white political rhetoric is becoming its very absence.

    This is what nobody sees: WE HAVE EVOLVED. Accordingly, whites will not have any political semantics of their own whatsoever.

    This is already endlessly puzzling and confounding nonwhites. They are unable to come to terms with it.

    In fact, it is a defining characteristic of the current political cycle. And the least interested segment of the population is the white segment, which is logical once you understand why.

    Simmons just said it in his comment on “Finishing the sentences of liberals”. Once you quit finishing those sentences, you have won the game. It’s called “being effective”.

    That is our future.

    And make no mistake it will be a future of heavy conflict. There will be no “perfection” there at all.

  2. #2 by shari on 04/29/2008 - 3:45 pm

    One of the most evil things about utopians is the FIRST thing they did was tear up, stomp on, and try to annialate everything of the past, in order to create this new, perfect,
    dead end.

    One of the MOST evil things about Roe was the attempt to make fathers utterly superfluious and tangential.

    I think that “family values” like so much, has also been hijacked, but that doesn’t mean that WESTERN family values were bad, unnessessary for happiness.

    Not everything should be abandoned for the future, some things should be RECOVERED as well.

    A white society with better genes can do some new things, but it won’t have started from nowhere.

  3. #3 by BoardAd on 04/29/2008 - 5:34 pm

    You might enjoy a good laugh from this website Bob, its sketches of utopian futures from the past. Every single one of them is wrong by leaps and bounds.

    It goes well with your points on futurologists too.

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