There is a magazine called Maxim. On the cover of each issue is a mixed-blood woman. I got it in the mail for two separate one-year subscriptions, neither of which I ordered.
I must begin by disillusioning you. Kind folks may respond by saying to themselves, “OF COURSE a good Bible Belter like Bob would not order PORN.” As usual, just when somebody thinks I’m a good boy, I have to disavow it.
“BROTHERS,” you may expect me to say with tears in my eyes, “I have SINNED!”
After my divorce twenty-five years ago, the Playboy Channel cost twelve dollars a month, and I subscribed to it. I LIKE looking at good-looking mostly blonde women. If this is sinful I can only say that The Lord forgot to neuter me.
No one EVER sent me a FREE subscription to Playboy. You would play hell trying to get a 24-hour Playboy Channel at an affordable price today. IN SHORT I doubt seriously that Maxim, which is now the Media’s official benchmark of ”ideal women,” pays its own way.
This is important. But since most people will obsess on porno itself, my point will be missed. Which is exactly what anti-WHITES depend on. I am not big on conspiracies, but I do know that the superrich are generally anti-WHITE. For a few million dollars, the girly magazine of record can be made into a monthly ad for Affirmative Action Beauty.
I have seen news commentaries showing Maxim covers as Ideal Women.
I saw the Microsoft ads with Politically Correct people bragging they were “PC,” With Bill Gates grinning on screen.
This is how smart people fight for power. But if I try to alert our people to it, there will be SFers telling me I am praising Hugh Hefner.
Dave said that I pick the wrong examples. That happens, but the simple fact is that there ARE no examples our people will NOT obsess on. It is like being tripped up constantly. I write a piece on Maxim and get response that tell me Hugh Hefner is bad. I write about how to fight, and got responses saying commenters are Good Christians or are in a macho mood or are feeling depressed.
#1 by mderpelding on 01/12/2009 - 8:22 pm
Bob, it’s good to know that you like p***y.
But I thank you for teaching me how to think.
For challenging my worldview. For waking up a sleeping man.
For allowing me to think for myself.
For being a great teacher.
Thank you.
Michael D Erpelding