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Tim and Ghetto Earth

Posted by Bob on January 13th, 2009 under General

Can you imagine the hysterics of the PC elite about the prospects of Earth Aryans going to an all white planet? That would make for a great sci-fi comedy flick.

— Tim

This is why I was in a position to save the Hubble Telescope.  

It was one of those dramas you hear about.   The subcommittee had cut Hubble and the Jupiter Orbital Probe out of the 1977 NASA budget.  The Appropriations subcommittee is usually the final word.

They knew there would a rebellion against this castration of the Space Program, so the Leadership sprung the vote immediately, on the Thursday when the break began.   The pro-space congressmen were generally younger and more Western, without the Floor-fighting expertise that old hands like John and me had.

They were despairing, and I said, “Hell, all you need to mobilize is a one-day delay.  I’ll GET you a one-day delay.”  I walked into John’s office and said, “Do you know about the Jupiter Probe and the Space Telescope?”
John said, “No.” and I said, “Well, we need a one-day delay for it.”
John said, “Is it good for America?”


“I’ll get you the day.”

No more was said.  That what he hired his senior staffers for.

Over the weekend the space lobby got in 400,000 telegrams demanding reversal before the vote took place on Monday.  America’s top scientists were in the galleries when the House voted FOUR TO ONE to reverse the subcommittee.  UNPRECEDENTED!

John got enormous praise from new supporters and was invited to speak before the AAAS.   Edward Teller came in to congratulate him personally.

How did it happen that an old Middle America campaigner was in the middle of the space program all of a sudden?

His senior staffer was interested in living in space as a place for whites.

  1. #1 by Tim on 01/14/2009 - 9:45 pm

    “Tim and Ghetto Earth”

    Most folks in our struggle have lost their sense of humor. But not on Bugs!

    I actually could not remember posting that comment. I had to go back and find it!

    Bob you gave me temporary brain freeze. Your title brought back Vietnam like flashbacks and all these mixed emotions. Remember, I was actually on microcosm of Ghetto Earth known as a Ghetto bus. I actually stared at that title for a few minutes while all these thoughts and memories raced through my mind.

    I like “Tim leaves ghetto Earth” much better. And even better yet:”Tim leaves Ghetto Earth on a big Aryan Spaceship with 10,000 Aryan girls”. Of course, I would invite all the BUGS folks along (even you Shari). Whats that famous book titled “The Magic of Thinking BIG”?

    “His senior staffer was interested in living in space as a place for whites.”

    Yeah Bob and that is what separates our Race from others. Most races see the Stars and think they look like nice little bright things in the sky. The Chinese have seen the stars and figured they could mine for natural resources on the Moon. When Aryans see the stars. We see freedom.

    I get positively giddy when reading about flying saucers in WW2 and our space program that developed after that. This was in Aryan hands. That is not Sci-fi but realty.

    We have been discussing a White living space. That is a means to an end. What we really want is a world of our own without non-Aryan headaches…….like starvation.

  2. #2 by Jason on 05/26/2013 - 5:55 am

    Thanks for Hubble, Bob. It’s about the only good thing our government is doing.

    Due to Hubble, the number of galaxies is now estimated at over 100 billion. There has got to be an Aryan Homeland Planet for us out there somewhere!

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