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The Obama News Period

Posted by Bob on January 20th, 2009 under Bob, Coaching Session, Politics

Stormfront gets tied down in “news and Jews.” So I might wait a bit before putting the “Coach, not Leader,” there. It maybe a waste of time right now to try to get anything listened to during the Obama News Period.

To some extent my lack of brilliance is made up for by my lack of bullshit, so I admit that seeing a black face in the Oval Office depresses me, though by my own logic it shouldn’t. Logically a white man who has declared his enmity to his own race is a far worse creature.

My Stormfront signature still ends with “Anybody but McCain.” But it takes a while for my heart to catch up with my brain.

Certainly the United States which has established the religion of political correctness is like a US which has been occupied by any other alien. Loyalty to such a system is treason to our real country.

All that is logical, but it is still depressing. So Stormfront people have the right to a period to vent their anger.

  1. #1 by Tim on 01/20/2009 - 2:44 pm


    I know how you feel. However, to go from Reverse to Drive a car has to first go through Neutral. Obama to me is Neutral.

    McCain in my opinion with his little brown brown adopted daughter would be far worse in undermining things. He is a total self hating white man. TOTAL SHWA. Mccain is status quo. We have had that for 50 years. Time to get the damn show over with.

    Every Mulatto I know talks the game around Black folk. They then thank gawd for that white parent. Having Mccain in my mind is more like having Obamas mother in the White House.

    Bob, you are worried about LOOKS. Looks are important. However, we were already rolling in mud. Everyone on the planet knows damn well he was elected by Self Hating White People. And everyone knows who has the power.

    The universal voting franchise is based on birthrates. By that measure, the insects would rule the Earth…..but they don’t.

  2. #2 by Simmons on 01/20/2009 - 3:11 pm

    I’m sure every Asian US treasury buyer was reassured today. Kind of like buying into Zimbabwe before he turned on the last white farmers. Yes thank god for Obama the empire has the leader most suited to the job, a cosmopolitan blended angry militant with the hymnals of multi-culturalism as his language.

  3. #3 by Dave on 01/20/2009 - 5:42 pm

    The fact that the Establishment has lost the loyalty of our race is of utmost importance. Obama merely furnishes a face for the loss of that loyalty.

    This is how Establishments lose it. In their arrogance, they cannot perceive what it means to lose the actual loyalty of those they purport to govern.

    And a public that is no longer actually loyal, this is something truly big and new for America.

  4. #4 by Simmons on 01/21/2009 - 10:15 am

    His seems an unwieldly coalition, jew finance capitalists who spent a billion to elect him have no doubt a vested interest in 0% UST bills, while at the same time the Dem party tax eaters need money all of it borrowed.

  5. #5 by AFKANNow on 01/21/2009 - 3:45 pm

    Simmons made an excellent point concerning our transition from republic to democracy to Empire.

    If there is ANY indicia that the irrevocable choice of Empire is in full force – for the moment – it is the appointment of Obama.

    Remember, by definition, nations are of a one Race, one Prime Culture, while empires are multiracial, and multicultural.

    The easier to play divide and conquer games with, of course.

    Incidentally, I have seen NO mention of the new “majority minority” our good friends from New Aztlan!

    Don’t think they aren’t noticing this, and they aren’t quietly seething…

    After all, it’s ALL about Race.

    As we are about to discover, the hard way.

  6. #6 by AFKANNow on 01/22/2009 - 2:15 am

    Dave made a fascinating observation.

    Dave wrote:

    The fact that the Establishment has lost the loyalty of our race is of utmost importance. Obama merely furnishes a face for the loss of that loyalty.

    This is how Establishments lose it. In their arrogance, they cannot perceive what it means to lose the actual loyalty of those they purport to govern.

    And a public that is no longer actually loyal, this is something truly big and new for America.

    in reply:
    This is true, and I see a lot of White guys having a distant look in their eyes, and, with it, a quiet, seething sense of profound betrayal.

    It’s as if they finally realize they have been played for fools, and the economy they built their lives, and a good bit of their personal identities around, is disappearing like the South after Sherman got a head of steam going.

    They are also tired of being told all things that are wrong is THEIR fault, at the Racial level.

  7. #7 by Prometheus on 01/22/2009 - 3:38 am

    I’ve been away so haven’t been on SF for a while. In a way, that’s kind of healthy as one gets the opportunity to see the world as it really is.

    Holidays are useful in rearranging your thoughts, and more importantly, realising what you actually believe, rather than what you think you should.

    Obama is hot stuff here in Australia. He’s made out to be a messiah of sorts. People, even the media themselves talk about how descendants of slaves can now enter the white house, despite the fact that Obama’s direct ancestors weren’t slave. Try telling the liberals that!

    Look on the positive side though. Obama is bound to disappoint people during his term than astound. He’s made out to be the messiah, and he isn’t.

  8. #8 by Tim on 01/22/2009 - 9:23 am

    “This is true, and I see a lot of White guys having a distant look in their eyes, and, with it, a quiet, seething sense of profound betrayal.

    It?s as if they finally realize they have been played for fools, and the economy they built their lives, and a good bit of their personal identities around, is disappearing like the South after Sherman got a head of steam going.

    They are also tired of being told all things that are wrong is THEIR fault, at the Racial level.”

    You are definitely right on that one. Everyday I see someone like this. Since everyone knows my opinion. They just look at me like I told them to get out of GM stock at 90 and now it is at 3 bucks. Interesting how realty works. I don’t give them the big:”I told you so”. That is pointless. I just stay on message.

    Remember when someone has been conned. First comes DENIAL. Then comes ACCEPTANCE. Lastly, ANGER.

    Moving right along, RACE, RACE and more RACE.

  9. #9 by Simmons on 01/22/2009 - 10:43 am

    I assume the Mantra will take to another level in the next few years. Because I assume for various reasons that a scapegoat will be needed and that scapegoat will be from our natural base.

    The Obama/Emanuel presidency (it most certainly is regardless of what CNN says) needs to protect the investments of the Nation of Israel (code speak for jews) and that will involve for now keeping the dollar and the UST’s the TARP pirates hold somewhat dear and desirable to hold. This means deflation that creates a big pile of TARP paper to be sold to the same holders of 0% USTs when the time comes.

    Rahm Emanuel’s State Capitalism is going to create alot of rancor that piddling spending will not ease but might exacerbate, hence the need for scapegoating on his part of our base for distraction.

    The Mantra will leap from the pages. Even in my little circle the words black and white are spoken of with more frequency. Long live Obama. Emanuel should have picked Hillary.

  10. #10 by Tim on 01/22/2009 - 7:53 pm

    What did you have in mind in regards to scapegoating? They got to go to war. How can you go to war scapegoating Aryans? Furthermore, a Boston Tea Party in a technological advanced society could shut down Washington. What could he do to the White Working Class that has not been done? What? They are already broke and pissed?

    If he does anything crazy, I hope you are right and he does. He will face a George 3rd scenario. King George had a lot more power than Obama could ever hope to have. And as Bob pointed out there were a lot more Loyalists in the suburbs than Mexicans. And none of that mattered. As Obama said so well–“It is time for change.” When it is time for change NOTHING can stop it. We should adopt his slogan.

    If he scapegoats anyone, it will probably be Mexicans. Their EASY MONEY targets. Plus, they have active groups trying to split up the country. Your premise is that the Jewish leadership is going to continue to wage war on Aryans. Normally, we could bank on that. From what I gather they think they are in trouble. They need us as much as they oxygen.

    I guess they could do a knockoff Oklahoma City bombing and blame white nationalists from Stormfront. But that would actually legitimize a resistance. White men do not care for the leadership of this country any more. Nor do they care for the Govt nor the collapsed cities and roads. Remember, at any other time the Boston Tea Party would have been just another terrorist attack against the Crown. Unfortunately for the British, 1773 was the year of CHANGE.

    Interesting enough, I saw an interview with Breshzinski. He was thinking out loud about the foreign policy problems Anglosphere was caught up in due to multiculturalism/multiracialism. He said having a good cohesive foriegn policy across Anglosphere was becoming difficult. He went on to say that it would become impossible because of changing demographics. It was priceless to watch, the elites THOUGHT they had their NWO in the bag and along came Mother Russia. How do you convince people to go against their ethnic interests? You can’t long term.

  11. #11 by Simmons on 01/23/2009 - 12:31 am

    Dogs go back to the vomit, it is a tried and true tactic. Also to remove the last vestiges of our political power that might stand in the way of their State Capitalism. That power as weak as it is in the GOP of the Red States and it relies on NASCAR nation.

    Since the buyers of one of the greatest swindles of all time TARP require deflation to remain financially viable it means little hope of widespread economic joy anytime soon. To deflect from this we will get the hope and change routine with a bit of scapegoating.

  12. #12 by AFKANNow on 01/23/2009 - 2:06 am

    Tim’s reply to Simmons makes some great points.

    Tim wrote, concerning the Mocha Messiah:

    If he scapegoats anyone, it will probably be Mexicans. Their EASY MONEY targets. Plus, they have active groups trying to split up the country.

    in reply:
    We will continue to be the target.

    The long term weapon of demography is preferred by our Racial Enemy as it is silent, total, and replaces an unwanted electorate with a subservient one, at least for a season.

    The Hispanic Community is known for their open hostility to the Faithful Colored Companions, and any idea that they shall unite with the FCC against the White Man is misguided.

    Indeed, the ones that can refer to themselves as “Spanish,” and not “Mexican.”

    That’s “Spanish,” as in “White Conquerors.”

    And, they are REALLY devoted to being Americans, define that how you will.

    And, damn, but they see the FCC as unlawful occupiers of their foundation blocks, such as public housing.

    This is why they have displaced the FCC in Nueva Orleans, and have set up the Mexican Government’s new consulate there. The opening of the new consulate saw former President Bush in attendance, a fact that was broadcast loudly on the Spanish channels, and not mentioned at all on the Lamestream Media.

    you wrote:

    Your premise is that the Jewish leadership is going to continue to wage war on Aryans. Normally, we could bank on that. From what I gather they think they are in trouble. They need us as much as they oxygen.

    in reply:
    I have talked with Jewish guys I know, and some of them admit that “this can all end up good for the Zionists, and bad for Jews.” They are amazed at how the blogosphere has demolished all of Israel’s claims of victimization concerning Gaza.

    Watch for this meme to come forward in the Jewish community media in the months to come: “I’m a Jew, but I’m an American, not a Zionist.”

    you wrote:
    “…the elites THOUGHT they had their NWO in the bag and along came Mother Russia.”

    in reply:
    NASHI, the Russian Nationalist Youth Movement, is moving forward with NASHI groups joining the Russian Army AS A LOCAL GROUP.

    They work together, train together, and, when they get out, NASHI has moved from cubs to wolves, who know how to deal with situations requiring military skill, focus, and discipline, if you know what I mean.

    And, they shall do all of this, AS A LOCAL GROUP.

    And I Know What You’re Thinking.

  13. #13 by AFKANNow on 01/23/2009 - 2:16 am

    quick comment:

    I was at the local blue-collar diner with the Nephews today, and I SAW the response of the Hispanic workers to the Obama press conference.

    AS One, they were OPENLY sullen, OPENLY dismissive, OPENLY contemptuous.

    I asked the counter guy – who is fluent in several Spanish dialects, and knows EXACTLY what they are saying – what they had to say about the Mocha Messiah.

    His response was straight up:

    “They did not come to an America run by a nigger.”

    Simple as that.

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