Archive for August 14th, 2012

The Mantra VS Other Pro-White Approaches.

There are pro-White groups out there appealing to every segment, from academic discussions all the way down to a couple of guys having a beer. But these are people who already agree with each other chatting among themselves. You wouldn’t be interested in their material unless you were ALREADY pro-White. For all the hoopla that surrounds some of the more flamboyant pro-White groups, they will never reach anyone who isn’t already pro-White to start with, so they don’t represent a threat to the Anti-White System.

What makes the Mantra approach different is that it’s not just a bunch of guys sitting around bitching and moaning about how bad things are, or putting forward a grand plan for a White Utopia. The Mantra actually interacts with the real world and changes it.

That’s why the anti-Whites have focused on shutting the Mantra down while other pro-White messages receive less attention. Their instincts tell them this is where the threat comes from and they are right. Costume parties in the street don’t scare them.  Long papers may be interesting, but anti-Whites are not bothered by them.

They ARE bothered by the Mantra. Why?  Because we’re doing something that has never been done before: We are using a consistent message that points out the heart and soul of the Anti-White agenda, exposing the ongoing program of genocide against my people, White people. They have NO WAY to fight the message except to silence it.

The Mantra has HIT THE CRUCIAL NERVE. Those who do the work of spreading the message of the Mantra have decided to leave the comfortable pro-White reservations of the past and venture out to CHANGE the REAL WORLD.
