Archive for April, 2014

Expressing the NEW Reality

In the confusion following my most recent screwup, I briefly had an article here which stayed in only long enough for Genseric to post a single comment on it, which comment was lost in the confusion.

Generic pointed out that, from his EXPERIENCE, there might be certain weakness in our Diversity = White Genocide slogan. I may be misquoting him, but he feels that anti-whites are far more able to deal with that than our old approach.

I may be misquoting him. God knows that one impression we are all over is that Bob is always right.

But I have some of the same feeling.  photo tibet.png

I keep repeating that Diversity = White Genocide is NOT complete.

And, as so often happens in propaganda, an incomplete statement can be, repeat, CAN BE, more damaging than no statement at all.

Simply saying, “Diversity = White Genocide” reminds them of the old statement that “Integration will end the white race.”

Yes, it turns out we old segregationists were perfectly right about that, but that is not the way they react to it. In fact, they may be able to get the psychology of the discussion back to the days when segregationists were supposed to have said that simply because they opposed “Mixing THE races.”

It is vital that we get in The New Reality, that ONLY the white race is threatened.

We MUST include:
“Asia for the Asians
Africa for the Africans
White countries for everybody.”
Or some better version of the same statement.

If possible, when they say, “What is white?” we must actually SAY, “Defining white is no problem when you say: ‘Whites took America from the Indians.'”

We must actually SAY these things.

Too often I see a good start but no follow-up.

Yes, I know follow up is often blocked. Where the hell do you think I’ve been all these years?

But if that is the problem, why not say the WHOLE MINI-Mantra in the first place, complete with the Asia for Asians bit?

As Genseric says, one gets the feeling that anti-whites are too comfortable with Diversity = White Genocide ALONE.

Yes, this is a FEELING. Real propaganda is learned in practice and by FEEL.



DAMN! *****NO JEWS*****!!!!!

I praised Yankee Rebels recitation of the min-Mantra and didn’t notice that he had blindly left in “Israel for the Jews.”
 photo yagoda.png
This illustrates the reason Israel or Joos is poison:

Apparently nobody noticed anything else.

Had I noticed that line, I would have denounced it as droolingly stupid.

Then I saw all this discussion of why I had approved Jewing.

As you can see, it got far, far more comments than any seriously thought-out article would have produced.

Now you see why others dedicate themselves to Jews, Jews, and more Jews.

They get lots of readers and they change absolutely nothing.



The Old Days

It just occurred to me it is really ironic that, for me, a guy who just had his 73rd birthday, that The Old Days were around 2006.

Yes, almost half a century ago I was personally advising George Wallace and Ronald Reagan, but today my nostalgia gets up when I hear the name Lord Nelson.

Lord Nelson, as I have said so many times, was the first person on BUGS who, after I had used the Mantra already for YEARS, joined me in using it.

It is very important that you understand my exact point here.


Back in 2006 the Mantra was too unique even to be recognized as merely alien.

Everybody knew what everybody else was going to say and pro-whites went to Stormfront or the National Alliance meeting to say it.

There was also Opposing Views on Stormfront, where anti-whites made the usual charges of racism and pro-whites made the standard denials.

All was as it had been at least since 1945. photo notagain.jpg

You can only get my point, if you can put yourself back in that environment, and it is almost impossible now.

Suddenly the “racist,” “No I’m not!” and the Jew, Jew Jew! Routine, the normal traffic, was interrupted by this super alien talk about … what? Immigration patterns?

It was like throwing on a truck’s brakes in the middle of highway traffic. The Mantra was so strange it was not familiar enough to be called alien.

Now the reaction is “OH, MY GOD, NOT AGAIN!”

And if you will read any good description of effective propaganda, you will find that this stage, when so many people on both sides are sick to death of your repeated message, you are at the bare beginning of what you have started.

All that time before 2006 seems to others like it was just a part of history, but it doesn’t seem like that to the guy who was alone and depended on his faith in his knowledge of real power.

In 2006, you needed at the time for the WHOLE Mantra to take place to slam on the brakes and get the new message across.

But even then I saw how the message would develop with a group practicing it.

And here we are!

Asia for the Asians
Africa for the Africans
Israel for the Jews
White Countries for Everyone.
Diversity=White Genocide

Not only do people no longer wonder what this discussion is about they shout “OH, GOD, NOT AGAIN!”

I wish you could realize what it was like pounding in the 222-word Mantra in The Old Days.

The New Days are barely beginning.



Meme Wars

I get a kick out of thinking how weird Horus’s comment on the last article would shock a pro-white snob. Horus pointed proudly to an anti-white page which features Diversity = White Genocide.

The guy whose motto is “propaganda should do no harm” would look at that page, turn a bright purple and gasp, “But that article makes FUN of you.”

We could not possibly care less. It was hitting 400,000 views when Horus noticed it.

In fact, from a BUGS point of view, it turns out that our tiny showing on March 15 was a major boon. Our tiny turnout got attention no NR or NA meeting could ever hope for.

Our motto is, “Once they hear it they can’t unhear it.”

Like Horus, we don’t give a damn what a bunch of race traitors say about us. photo pigs.jpg

I wonder how anyone who has not been in this business as long as I have can imagine what a crippling psychological blow our little memes are to those who, ten years ago, could fearlessly tout “diversity” and “intermarriage of THE races.”

They used to send out fundraisers for chasing down whites in northern Idaho, but now they all wonder how many of the people they are talking to can see them naked before the simple words diversity = genocide.

We need to shore it up a bit with “All white countries and ONLY white countries.” If you will look at that transcript, you will notice how that meme makes the genocide point clear.

But that’s it!

They sweat like pigs now that these memes are out in the open.

The big difference is that I have BEEN there, I know exactly how bad our meme is for someone who had the whole public arena to himself.

Anti-whites are trying the “LAAF.” AMPWs are screaming bloody murder.

And we are doing marvelously well.



Institutions Versus Truth

BUGS can be an invaluable experience for a Mantra Thinker.

We are a tiny group and will remain a tiny one.

That is because we simply refuse to adopt any of the other pro-white organizations to grow.

Dr. Duke showed to me and White Rabbit his thousands of mentions in Google and his giant membership.

The time will come when any of you can make your living off a cause.

When that time comes you will have to compete, not by spreading a basic concept, but by following another set of rules altogether.

That is where truth is forgotten and Doctrine develops.

What I am saying here is already understood by BUGSERS. My point here is that what comes naturally to you in BUGS can give a complete new world view.

“Why is this information produced?” is the first question we answer here at BUGS. photo wesley.png

Large organizations’ information has to be distorted as they become big organizations. Those who are converted and paying their dues want something entirely different from what you use to spread the truth.

A forgotten reason why the Welsh coalminers and American settlers were converted to Methodism was that when Wesley came to preach to them most of them had never heard a sermon before. The Church of England provided “livings” for its clergy, and there were very few comfortable and assured little “livings” in Wales or Georgia.

The Methodist Church soon became exactly the same in Wales and America, a place where a man could settle down and preach for a living.

In BUGS, you begin with a rule that is obvious in any other part of life:

A prison is run by the inmates. The warden may give you a lecture, but no one who survives believes those are actually the rules.   You survive by learning the pecking order and finding out, not what is written down, but what those who really make the rules want.

Universities are run by the faculty. Their Truth is entirely a product of what those who call themselves “intellectuals” want.

BUGS has the most important mission ever assigned to any human organization. 

But you also have a chance here to EXPERIENCE the basic reality that cripples the spread of any real truth.
