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Tim Wise: A Jewish Mother’s Son

Posted by Bob on March 16th, 2016 under Coaching Session, How Things Work

I don’t know if Jews meet at midnight under the capitol dome to lay their plans for undoing.

I do know from personal experience that Jewish Mothers are real, and sons become nasty little bastards.

The most fluent and ferocious anti-Semitic diatribe I had ever heard came from a boy my own age who was going to Columbia High School and we were having lunch together.time wise post

I couldn’t understand it.

He used words that clearly meant Jews, but out of the league with “kikes” or a couple of terms I had heard.

And, I kid you not, he finished by saying, “Those God damn New York Jews are half my synagogue now!”

And even New York Jews have real problems with the real sons of Jewish mothers.

They are spoiled beyond imagination, and they take it with them for life.

You wonder where a Tim Wise comes from.

What grown man on God’s green earth would announce to us that if we do not accept “his multiracial society, we are HIS enemy.”

Only a Jewish mother would be worried by a declaration like that.

Tim Wise is a hideously spoiled child in a man’s body.

He will never grow up.

  1. #1 by wretched Whiterabbit on 03/16/2016 - 8:52 pm

    He isn’t demanding multiracial societies in nonWhite countries. He only targets White children with his hateful promotion of our genocide. Besides the fact that he supports White genocide, he probably doesn’t even have any legitimate genetic connection to the Levant, which just makes him a wannabe Jewish convert, as well as a White antiWhite traitor. That made him my enemy before I ever heard about his antiWhite proposition of “multiracial society” only in White countries.

  2. #2 by Jason on 03/17/2016 - 7:00 am

    Tim Wise said he won’t debate anonymous “White Nationalists” and what he calls “nazis” if they won’t give their name.

    Yet, Bob Whitaker, who is none of those things, just simply pro-White, has offered to debate Tim Wise something like 30 times and the guy runs like a coward.

    These grown-ass men who were so spoiled by their Mommies can’t believe the world doesn’t listen when they throw a hissy fit.

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