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The Case for Nativism

Posted by Bob on January 21st, 2017 under Coaching Session

The purpose of a democratic republic is to govern according to the ADOPTED Constitution.

To preserve freedom, it is absolutely critical to be sure that EVERY CHANGE OR ADDITION, is added in a proper form under the rules set forth in that Constitution itself.

The Soviet Union became a totalitarian nightmare simply because all of its guarantees of freedom were suddenly superseded by Stalin’s declaration of his idea of Marxist ideology.

The Weimar Republic provided freedom until Adolf Hitler was elected Chancellor in 1933.

According to the Weimar Tribunal in 1945, Hitler ruled strictly according to the Weimar Constitution until Germany surrendered on May 8, 1945. Yes, the democratic Weimar Republic ruled Germany right up to the day it surrendered to the Allies!

Exactly like the free and democratic Soviet Union of 1936 and before, the only difference between Hitler and the Weimar and Nazi Germany, was the change that the democratic constitution had something added to it.

To its original form, Stalin simply added his version of Marxism-Leninism to the Soviet Constitution of 1918.

This was the ONLY, the SINGLE alteration Stalin added to the Soviet Constitution of 1918, that the Soviet Union was now dedicated to Stalin’s version of Marxist-Leninism.

By one simple, hardly noticeable addition, the Weimar Democracy became the Third Reich. By one simple, hardly noticeable addition, Russia’s democracy under Kerensky became Stalin’s Oriental Despotism.

You may consider the difference between freedom and Stalinism to be minor, if you feel that then you believe the little difference between the Weimar Constitution and the Third Reich to be minor, what I have to announce will not be important to you.

As in 1930’s Germany and the 1918 USSR, but the reason for the existence of the United States our country is being been quietly changed. For someone with a sense of humor, this so-called “change” looks like anything BUT a “change.” The concept of America as a country being ruled BY and FOR Americans — the one contained in our present Constitution — is being repudiated as nativist, racist, and a list of other condemnations.

This Nativist Evil is being replaced by a new picture of America as being entirely dedicated to making all men equal.

The whole aim of this giant campaign is to replace “we the people” with “all men are equal”.

  1. #1 by shari on 01/21/2017 - 6:54 pm

    I heard a man on the internet today say that the reason he was glad so see Obama go was because he failed to make everyone equal. That he instead stirred up strife and division. Last week a friend said that she was glad that Trump won because he had said he wanted EVERY American to have a good deal or some such. It’s hard to make people see that you can’t make Everyone mean as much as your own children. It’s not civilized.

    • #2 by Jason on 01/21/2017 - 7:59 pm

      Conservatives – that is cuckservatives – will be the last to get it. They keep paying lip service to whatever liberals said 40 years ago.

  2. #3 by Secret Squirrel on 01/22/2017 - 2:29 am

    We’ll all be equal, after they murder the best of us.

  3. #4 by Yankee Rebel on 01/22/2017 - 7:27 am

    The anti-White’s version of “all men are equal” is when the human race is all Brown. That’s the main problem.

    • #5 by Jason on 01/22/2017 - 7:44 am

      Global Brown misery. Eternal suffering for all. The Professor Priesthoods’ final solution to the White problem.

    • #6 by Henry Davenport on 01/22/2017 - 11:49 pm

      “…when the human race is all Brown.”

      “Diverse,” they call it.

  4. #7 by Richard on 01/22/2017 - 10:26 am

    Like the UN code against genocide is useful.

    It would also be useful to have scientific report links that verify that racial groups have to have their own space and rules against being a cuckold or they truly will be genocidaly bred out of existence.

    People, especially juries, are now very accepting of forensic evidence (by far developed by guess who?), and many other forms of science, ahead of emotional or even eye-witness evidences.

    Help me find such studies online.

    • #8 by time for freedom on 01/22/2017 - 9:06 pm

      Hi Richard, Your search is over.
      I just found the kind of scientific reports that you have been looking for all these years. Here they are:

      1) Diversity and Integration are just codewords for White Genocide

      2) Diversity is just chasing down every last white person

      3) ‘Racist’ and ‘White Supremacist’ are just anti-White hate slurs thrown at Whites who oppose White Genocide

      4) Anti-racist is a codeword for Anti-White.

      And the best thing about these reports is that you can repeat them over and over without repudiation from those who dislike them. Also, they are easily remembered and repeated by everyone of all ages.

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