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Debate advice and style first 909 posts

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    @runner:”For me, if someone proclaims that equality negates White genocide’s importance, it makes the Mantra lose its effectiveness to onlookers.”

    I don`t understand this.You seem to be saying the average person thinks that “equality” trumps somehow trumps the crime of genocide.No one makes the claim that Rwanda or the TheSixMillion don`t matter because of “equality”.

    The main issue is getting our people to understand that genocide does`nt have to involve killing,not that “genocide matters”.

    I very much like the phrase used by Truck Roy:”Genocide is genocide,whether accomplished by bullets,mustard gas,or mass immigration and social engineering.”

    It is very effective.The Anti-whites don`t even attempt to argue against it,they merely repeat their unsubstantiated denials and throwing out chaff such as “equality”.


    @runner:”Many anti-Whites say they would support our same genocide for all non-White countries because of equality.”

    It does`nt matter what they say they WOULD support,we are talking about the white genocide policies IN ACTION TODAY that they are supporting.

    Daniel Genseric

    Equality is a social construct. Not race. Equality.

    Am I smarter than most Black people. I would have to say that I am smarter than almost EVERY Black person I have ever met. Does that mean there isn’t a Black on Earth that is smarter than I? No. There are Blacks who are far more cerebral than myself. There are many White men who are infinitely more intellectual than I. This proves Equality is a social construct. Does that mean Equality even matters within the context of this debate we are attempting to have? The answer is a two letter word.

    Equality has NOTHING to do with White genocide. It’s just a feeble attempt by a criminal anti-White trying to justify White genocide. Nothing more.

    J Locke

    @dungeoneer “You seem to be saying the average person thinks that ‘equality’ trumps somehow trumps the crime of genocide.No one makes the claim that Rwanda or the TheSixMillion don`t matter because of ‘equality’.”

    How is it genocide to someone who believes everyone is the same race? Why should they care about it happening to only White countries if everyone is the same race anyway? Their mantra says that everyone is the same race, which our Mantra doesn’t counter.


    The repetition is ineffective to the person that believes everyone is the same race. Most of the world believes everyone is the same race when they believe in equality. To them, if White people no longer exist as White people, they will still exist as black and brown people, and in the mixed offspring of Whites.

    There is also the lesser problem of convincing people that Whites are facing genocide when they don’t believe that melting-pots lead to any sort of genocide, or when they need proof that every White country is facing massive immigration and forced assimilation. Furthermore, anti-Whites will ask, who is forcing anyone to assimilate with non-Whites? It isn’t a law that people have to mix. It is society’s memes that people have to eventually mix, but what does that matter to someone who still doesn’t believe it is forced.

    Come to think of it, anti-Whites have tons of more arguments that curtail the White race’s existence. For instance, they say America is much better off because of the cheap labor hispanics provide. I suppose you would say a different Mantra for everything wouldn’t be appropriate. But you can’t always bring them back to the Mantra if the Mantra is already made ineffective to them by one of their delusions. Then you have to get into endless debates about facts, which they don’t care about anyway.



    The essence of the Mantra is that this is only being done to White countries – nobody is flooding Africa with millions of Chinese/Indian people because they would be better off with the cheap labour.

    If they say that White countries need more cheap labour, call them provincial and greedy and remind them that they aren’t calling for Africa to be flooded with Chinese/Indians and assimilated with them so that the Africans can feed themselves, which is a lot more critical than us having ‘cheap labour’.

    If they talk about a melting-pot, ask them “Would it be okay if China called Tibet a melting-pot and then proceeded to flood Tibet with hundreds of millions of non-Tibetans, then assimilate and integrate the immigrants until the Tibetans become minorities?”.

    Remember to keep asking the question “What if this was done to a non-White country?”, it gives them cold chills.

    Peter Whiterabbit

    @runner, if there is no such thing as race, there is no such thing as genocide. A murderer on death row will swear he is innocent of murder if there is no body. How are the two different? Both are equally delusional. Would you give up on prosecuting a murderer because he is delusional?

    All of their arguments result in fewer white people. Don’t let them get away with it.

    Peter Whiterabbit

    “It isn’t a law that people have to mix.” There are laws to enforce integration in white nations, by gunpoint if needed. If Hitler made every male Jew live in a west African nation and every female Jew live in an east African nation and they were allowed to mate with whomever they chose within those nations, would it have been genocide?

    Genocide is genocide,whether accomplished by bullets,mustard gas,or mass immigration and social engineering.


    I’ve noticed some of you guys repeating, which is good. But you need to know WHEN to repeat. And WHEN to use the mantra itself.

    So one of the biggest things that Lord Nelson and Adolheim talked about is letting the Ant-Whites show themselves for what they really are, making THEM take off the clownmask of political correctness and show themselves for being insane Anti-Whites.

    In a metphor lets talk about Zombies and vampires.

    Vampires NEVER I REPEAT NEVER, SEE THEIR OWN REFLECTION. They are not aware of their actions, and as we know very well they suck the life out of anyone they get close to. So when we are talking about Anti-Whites who are more trained, we can call them vampires, they are smart and vicious, BUT THEY ARE GREEDY AND HATE WHITES, ALL WHITES.

    You can lead them into the conversation and then let them take the reign and stroke their egos.

    “Your promotion of diversity is so glorious” “Yes I know we are creating a beautiful diverse country aren’t we?” “Well yes I think so, but I don’t think you hit high enough.” “Excuse me?” “Well it’s obvious, that you are doing a great thing, stopping those RACISTS” “Oh, yes we hate any kind of racism in this country (Which happened to be UK btw)” “Well, opposing racism is a wonderful thing in this country, you should try to eliminate the racism problem all together.” (At this point a light bulb flashes in their mind, and they know EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT) “Yes I know, the white Brits are getting so extremely racist, I hope they all get ” “You know, that doesn’t sound like diversity to me!” “What?” “I mean you aren’t trying to eliminate the racism problem, you are helng the genocide of the white race, and anybody in earshot can tell too. You claim to be Anti-Racist but your obviously not a true diversity expert, you’re just anti-white”

    Now that wasn’t a great example, but you can understand the general premise. You take theair hatred of whites and use it against them, and make them take off the mask of Anti-Racism and just show themselves (which had happened) to be anti-white. As they can’t see the reaction and the effect of their words on anyone else, not being self-aware. It’s highly effective and can bring a highly trained anti-white to their knees because of their violent hunger for little white children’s blood.

    The second is the zombies. We all know who those filth are.

    They can be dealt with the same way of stroking their ego, and turning their poison on them, If you are a fan of zombie movies like I am 28 days later shows them vomiting toxic blood on each other, causing infection to spread. This can be taken as their ranting about racists and infecting others with their poisonous stupidity. A big aspect to the zombies is that they have no idea what they are doing, litterally brainless idiots who eat the brains of others. Another component is that they are slow you can catch them in their racism against whites much easier.

    So when we discus the proper way in which to bring out their bloodthirst for white children and use it against them. Like in the previous conversation you always want to start out with a compliment (and make sure it sounds genuine, *vomit*) then to move on to affirming what they are doing is the right thing. Then you go on for a moment about how racism has destroyed a friend’s life (3rd person example, use the 3rd person) (NEVER MENTION THE RACE OF THE FRIEND TO THESE IDIOTS) and then watch as they start to burn and clench their fists at trying to tell you that’s why they need to stop the racism problem. Upon which they affirm the idea of stopping the racism problem now you simple complain, complain, complain about racism till you are blue in the face but never mention the race. This will get the little brainless zombie into a frenzy and start him talking about how he’s/she’s doing a good job at fighting the evil racists and they are so righteous. (stroking their ego’s, or lacktherof)

    This is the critical part, because anti-whites are NEVER self aware. You can always push them into believing that whites are racists and only whites can be racists quite easily.

    Then when you have him acknowledging all that whites racists blah blah bovine excrement, you simply point out the obvious to him in a nonchalant way. That you are the real ”diversity” monger, and he is just a rabid dog trying to slit the throat of little white children, its very simple and easy to do on Anti-Whites including people in person (for me at least because I went to school with them so much I know the bovine excrement they swallow on a regular basis and how it’s like cocaine to them, they can’t get righteous indignation enough. So making them see they are just fighting whites is rather easy. The hard part is using it on a vampire, or a smart Anti-White, they will flip-flop and run away from it. Zombies won’t). What you need to do at this point is probably try and make them affirm they are against those evil white racists and they need to be more open to diversity, which making them prove the mantra is difficult on a vampire or a werewolf(The ones at the mention of white pride, independence, white accomplishments and achievements go into a berzerker rage and heap abuse on you, I seem to encounter these the most.) ( talk about them in next post) which you can make them go into their diarrhea of the mouth and simply snuff them and say they are ANTI-WHITE.

    I Know I write really really long posts but what I am trying to get across is that Anti-Whites are really stupid and not self-aware at all and you can use that to make them admit that they are just horrible Anti-Whites and will never be happy until all white people are gone.

    I’ll talk about using abuse on them too in the next post and how to counter it I’ve found.

    J Locke

    It would be great for you all to form a simple guide that has Mantra rebuttals for every argument anti-Whites make. Rebuttals where their argument is refuted and brought back to the subject of genocide. That way a person could just paste, and it would also organize the dilemma of White genocide into a comprehensive and irrefutable document.

    The guide could receive updates regularly and work in conjunction with the Whitestone Genocide Evidence Database, at

    People will always say things like, prove all White countries are facing this sort of genocide, prove no non-white countries are facing this genocide, prove that it results in a future with no more White people, prove that it matters whether Whites exist or not, and on and on. How can you prove to someone what’s going on with other countries’ immigration policies and anti-Whiteness if they don’t already know? People ask “who is causing the genocide?” How can you prove that the media and government are partly to blame for this genocide? When people hear Mantra dialogue, they do become interested, but their eyes shut fast again if you don’t have a proper rebuttal for them for their concerns.

    Forgive me if I’m over-thinking it. But the Mantra always brings a response, and how many of us can always answer every response perfectly? The exchange that takes place after they hear the Mantra is often what determines whether they become pro-White or remain anti.

    J Locke

    “prove that it matters whether Whites exist or not”

    By the way, the answer given by Bugsters to this would probably something like, “You wouldn’t say it doesn’t matter if black people don’t exist, or if Asian people don’t exist. You’re just saying it doesn’t matter if White people don’t exist because you’re anti-white. Anti-racist is code word for anti-White.”

    Well, the problem is that many Whites have told me it also doesn’t matter if Asians or blacks don’t exist just to win their argument and prove they’re completely anti-racist. Anti-whites will always profess not to care whether or not non-white races exist in response to the Mantra, though only in the moment, and it won’t matter because non-whites aren’t the ones being exterminated. It’s their knee-jerk reaction from a life of anti-white, meme conditioning


    “Well, the problem is that many Whites have told me it also doesn’t matter if Asians or blacks don’t exist just to win their argument and prove they’re completely anti-racist.”

    Well, anyone who says this, IS a genocidal megalomaniacal criminal; to say “it doesn’t matter if a group exists” is the first step to a genocide. Tell them it doesn’t matter if they exist. Tell them you are going to take everything they own and give it to some poor family in Africa, and that they can expect that family to be moving into their house next week, and they must accept this “diversity” b/c it doesn’t matter if they exist.

    So when people ask “who is causing the genocide?” if it’s the same criminals, tell them they are causing the geNOcide, and the tribunals to prosecute them are “inevitable” and “nature’s law” to preserve “diversity”.

    Peter Whiterabbit

    @runner, many of your questions can be answered here:

    Also I highly recommend that you listen to Lord Nelson and Adelheim’s mp3s on the BUGS radio link re debating advise ( One of the things they will tell is you is “he who asks the questions controls the conversation.”

    After you read through them, stop back here and let us know if you stil have any questions.

    Peter Whiterabbit

    “It’s their knee-jerk reaction from a life of anti-white, meme conditioning” – Exactly. We need to use the broken record strategy. Mantra, mantra, mantra.

    “Well, the problem is that many Whites have told me it also doesn’t matter if Asians or blacks don’t exist just to win their argument and prove they’re completely anti-racist” – I hope you laugh in their faces if they claim that ‘RACE doesn’t exist’ yet somehow the claim to be “anti-RACist” exists. As ole bob wrote today, ridicule is great.

    Henry Davenport


    On page 1, you have this:

    “5. Race isn’t real 2-Hit them with the DNA of fruitfly statement-swing back onto talking point”

    Can you or anyone give me a hint on what “the DNA of fruitfly statement” is?



    When they try the “All humans share 98 % dna” ploy,the reply goes something like : “We`re also 96% chimpanzee,60% fruit fly,and 40% banana,but that`s still not any justification for the genocide of white children”.


    I would`nt use the fruitfly example as a counter to “race isn`t real”.

    It`s better to say something like: “If race isn`t real, then how come only white countries are having mass immigration and “assimilation” imposed on them?”


    Guys, guys, you’re missing the point. Nobody is flooding Africa with millions of non-Africans and trying to “assimilate” the non-Africans out of existence because “race doesn’t exist”, nobody is doing that to Asia, the Middle East, South America, etc. This is ONLY being done to White countries, and it’s being done to ALL White countries.

    If a murderer has killed someone and there is no body, they can’t be convicted of murder.

    Anti-Whites call for the death of our race, blame every wrong-doing they can on our race, call our race inferior, and then say race doesn’t exist.

    If someone believed that God didn’t exist and then blamed things on God and called for the death of God, they need to be locked up some place soft.


    “3) Now they use the old race does not exist stuff. And immediately you start tailgating them again, trying to get your racial theory, the one we’ve spent decades being defeated using, to COUNTER their argument.

    COUNTER, dumbos, means going on the defensive.

    Meanwhile, you have entirely forgotten what it has taken me twelve years to drum in on points 1) and 2).

    What is a person who says race does not exist or race is a social construct saying about WHITE GENOCIDE?

    He is saying that genocide is IMPOSSIBLE.”


    Yep i agree with the posters above. I wouldn’t bother countering. That post was pretty old and Bob has clarified that we shouldn’t counter. Stats are not worth it because they will always scream “source” or “you just made that up” and then you have to counter that and so on…

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