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Debate advice and style first 909 posts

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  • #17922


    Post the mantra(some more) and please stop this devil`s advocacy for anti-whites on this working thread,thanks.

    J Locke

    @dungeoneer Not playing devil’s advocate, but stating why I feel the mantra can’t be used against people who believe in equality. That’s practically all of the White world.

    Peter Whiterabbit

    Pushing genocide in every White nations and ONLY White nations = not equality.

    You won’t convince anyone who takes the political correctness religion seriously just as you won’t convince anyone who takes their religion seriously. Don’t worry about convincing them, just make them look like the anti-White fools they are in front of the audience.



    Your OPINION that ” the mantra can’t be used against people who believe in equality” is the same old crap we hear from the anti-whites.

    Anyone who says they don`t care about the continued existence of white children is anti-white,check.

    Anyone who says white people must be prevented from defending white children`s continued existence for whatever bogus reason is pushing genocide,check.

    If you don`t want to use the mantra then don`t,but don`t clog up our working area devoted to helping people who DO.



    “Anti-Whites can’t care about genocide by assimilation if they believe everyone is equal. They believe Whites are doing the exact equivalent of assimilating with themselves when they assimilate with other races.”

    ALL Anti-whites claim to believe in equality yet no anti-white has ever answered this most simple question;

    “If you think it is “not a big deal” if White people are Blended out of existence, then nominate a non-White people to blend out of existence. You can prove you are not just Anti-White by picking a non-White country where you would like to replace the present population with a new one. ”

    runner, there is no problem on this issue of equality you speak of because none of us have run into as a problem. We kick the anti-whites ass every single time we engage them. If it was a problem Bugsters would know it, because we are fighting the damned anti-whites all the time.



    “Not playing devil’s advocate, but stating why I feel the mantra can’t be used against people who believe in equality. That’s practically all of the White world.”

    Yes, but are you asking this because you have experiences of difficulty in dealing with anti-whites when they bring up equality when you’re engaging them, or is this simple an idea (theory) about a potential problem with the mantra?

    J Locke

    @dungeoneer “If you don`t want to use the mantra then don`t,but don`t clog up our working area devoted to helping people who DO.”

    I’m thinking of the people you can’t reach, which are the majority of anti-Whites. If you consider that clogging, I think you’ve got the wrong idea.

    @PeterWhiterabbit said it: “You won’t convince anyone who takes the political correctness religion seriously”

    They all take it seriously.

    “If you think it is “not a big deal” if White people are Blended out of existence, then nominate a non-White people to blend out of existence. You can prove you are not just Anti-White by picking a non-White country where you would like to replace the present population with a new one. ”

    “are you asking this because you have experiences of difficulty in dealing with anti-whites when they bring up equality when you’re engaging them, or is this simple an idea (theory) about a potential problem with the mantra?”

    Anti-Whites don’t see it as replacing a population with “a new one” since they believe in equality. “A new population” suggests a population with important differences, which anti-Whites are spurned for ever considering. I have difficulty awakening some who believe in equality. The mantra still works on some people when they think they’d be violating the rights other races by replacing them. But after mulling it over for a time, they rationalize it with “equality.”

    If and when the mantra is dissected by the mainstream media, the media will “remind everyone” of their “programming”, that there is no such thing as replacing a population with a new one since all races are equal.



    Can you please remove my accidental post above with swarm links,and also runners`s anti-mantra comments from this thread.



    @runner If they really believed in equality, they would be against genocide. Their “equality” is nothing more then a codeword for imposing conditions that have been calculated to bring about the destruction of all and only white children. It’s genocide. Don’t let them tell you any differently. “Anti-racism” is a codeword for anti-white.

    Daniel Genseric

    Equality is THE social construct. Not our people.

    Equality breeds the perceived anti-white Need for DIEversity. We all know that diversity is only achieved when there are NO MORE WHITE CHILDREN LEFT…

    anti-racism is a code-word for anti-whitism


    Those of you who do Facebook may know about an app called status shuffle. It suggests various statuses for you to post on fb. You can also put your own suggested statues into the shuffle. The more people who use your status the more often it comes up in the shuffle.

    I have put in Snti-racism is just a code word for anti-white several time but so far no one has used it and it just stops at 106 views. I would like to figure a way to game the system so it will come up more often. Anyone more computer savvy than me have any ideas?

    Henry Davenport

    For shaking off anti-White stalkers or trolls, LN wrote,

    “keep asking and repeatedly asking them about the people who created the Anti-White beliefs that are inside their heads. They will deny it and try to change the subject but don’t let them. KEEP pushing! Offer to send them links to the ‘Frankfurt School’ etc.. where they can learn more about the people who programmed their minds.”.

    Love it!!

    J Locke

    I have an idea, compliment the non-Whites with things you would be flattered by if a black person said it to Whites. This can throw the anti-Whites off their game plan immediately and result and them attacking White genocide for you. It helps by proving that opposition to White genocide is not “racist”.

    We would likely be complimented if a black person said, “I love your people and I’m very thankful for all the things you Whites have achieved. Whites have uplifted humanity greatly. You should be proud to be a White.”

    Proof that it works: On a thread where a Jewish lady was calling me “racist” for talking about the genocide against Whites, I responded, “I love your people and I hope you won’t always feel threatened by advocation for White existence. Respect is a two-way street. Sorry about your genocide.”

    From that comment she immediately turned around and opposed White genocide: “i agree with you about mass immigration into europe and the US. i don’t understand why or how it occurred but as a country we are losing our identity. i used to vacation in southern france every summer. hubby and i haven’t been there in almost a decade….it’s been overrun with north africans who pray in the streets and crowd the markets. it isn’t “france” anymore.
    i believe one of the reasons europe and the US , canada etc have been targeted is the non-replacement population growth.
    as far as whites flooding africa, china, asia…do you really want to live there? ”

    Here is a link:

    (And thanks to Larry and whomever else posted in the thread. The swarm is full of witty, brilliant retort-artists like yourselves.)

    Daniel Genseric

    After sifting through all the “hits” I received in my inbox within the last two months: Praise from the not-so-praiseworthy, but it’s a start

    There aren’t any “flash mobs” comprised of solely White people roving the malls looking for non-White victims.
    There aren’t any news stories being edited in order to hide the identities of White criminals in the name of Political Correctness.
    There aren’t any non-Whites crying about their children being beaten and worse by a bunch of blood-thirsty White people.
    These Progressives and respectables say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-White
    Anti-racist is a code-Word for anti-White
    TheGenseric 2 months ago

    @TheGenseric that is seriously one of the best ways I’ve seen the “black plague” summed up.
    MrDjSeamless325 8 hours ago

    @MrDjSeamless325 That’s because I used something called simple truth to describe the situation. It is something I just recently learned. It really is less common than one might think, especially in this age where the cult of Political Correctness and Mommy Professor reign supreme. She says she is anti-racist while she brainwashes our children into a state of perpetual guilt. What we, as a people, are starting to realize is that THEY are anti-white.
    anti-racist IS a code-word for anti-white
    TheGenseric 1 second ago
    White and normal folk are starting to catch on to logic again. They are looking for answers. The time is NOW.

    Video Reference:

    Henry Davenport

    An anti-White posted:

    “Romania, Russia, Poland Hungary just to name [a few] are “white countries” that experience little to no immigration. Whites are just as free as people from other races to live in any continent they want.”

    Gavin’s perfect suggestion for a reply:

    “Ask them if they support Poland, Russia etc… as a homeland for White people and would advocate against non-White immigration into those countries.”

    Daniel Genseric

    I just wanted to note somewhere on BUGS that, after scouring Jewslinks for a while, the blokes over at News & Jews are ramping things up. I am seeing guys I have never heard of over there talking about dropping Mantra 500-pounders all over the place. This one in particular, White Dude, is dropping Full Mantra’s wherever he can. Also, he reports regularly over at Swarmfront. Couple this with the BNP development, O’Reilly dropping “anti-white” thrice on Friday the 9th of March and our momentum seems to be building.

    And they are doing it in NEWSLINKS too! I think Donnie HATES that. In my estimation, that’s why he conceded the hard-to-find (out of sight/out of mind) Swarmfront area. yeah. That’s right. I want a CORNER (field) office. So what? hahahahahahahahahhhhhhhhhhhhh!

    Swarmfront has served a purpose at long last. REAL RESULTS. Yes!


    Anti-Whites are always trying to portray the genocide of our race as some sort of “natural” thing that no one is really in control of, rather than a state policy that they are implmenting.

    They don’t want to be held responsbile for what they are doing.

    Point out that they are responsible for what they are doing.


    I’ve been using the term “Disinformation-education”. As in:

    “Come on, we all know you anti-Whites get a pro White-genocide disinformation-education from someone…so who did it?”

    What do Bugsters think?


    Seems like its worth a try Gar. I am really liking the “Who programmed you to be so anti-White? Which freaky little cult was it?” line

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