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If Whites Had Gay Rights – Recap

Posted by Laura on June 2nd, 2015 under Coaching Session

Bob has given us a very practical model here which I think needs to be discussed further. I found this article online – STRATEGIES OF THE HOMOSEXUAL MOVEMENT: “The Overhauling of Straight America”, it may be useful for us? We want to go after anti-whiteism just as the Gays demanded straight America they be accepted, now even promoted.

By Bob

Years ago Pat Boone, a celebrity in the know but pro-white, announced that Gay Lib had a special power which was denied to every other minority group, even blacks and women’s lib:

While every non-white male group has enormous power AFTER a movie is shown, only Gay Lib Representatives were allowed in to cut anything they didn’t like BEFORE the movie left the studio.Pic for BUGS

Gays are now beginning their campaign to have gays kissing on television.

TV shows have begun gently poking fun at the fact that gays don’t really kiss on TV. Most series have the obligatory part where a black male falls SINCERELY in love with a blondish white girl.

It is NEVER just a black guy wanting a white girl because she’s prettier or to prove he’s a man despite being black, no, sir, every time he is deeply, genuinely in love and there is a deep French kiss to show it.

The Dexter series included that required scenario and so did the House of Cards series and most other series since 2000.

Gays, despite their superior minority power, are still just beginning their campaign because they face religious opposition and a public that can still be openly turned off by SOME things.

But we all know gays will get their way in time, so we should ask why this is true?

And what is NOT true about Gay Power or, for that matter, all of the minority power that we run into every day?

Did the gays or the blacks or the Hispanics gain all this censorship power by a Massive Torchlight Parade that Overthrew the Government on Der Tag?

In the Real World, the Real way the real power we face every day was developed is totally alien to the News and Jews approach.

The way Gay Lib will get its French kisses in daytime TV and the way blacks have achieved their dream of French-kissing between white women and black men is utterly alien to the Torch Light Parade types and totally familiar to BUGSERS:

Gay Lib never lets a single remark which can possibly be interpreted in the most paranoid way as saying something they don’t want said about gays get by without raising hell.

Sound familiar?

It certainly wouldn’t sound familiar on the pro-white side with one single exception:


ALL of the minority power we are buried under began by a consistent message.

ALL of the minority powers we now face met a puzzled public in its day: the New York Times routinely called homosexuals “queers” a few decades ago.

Gay Lib crushed the crusade to CURE people of homosexuality. We face a similar, and even crazier and more outspoken, program, to “cure” people of being whites, that “cancer of humanity.”

The responses we got on March Against White Genocide on the Spring Equinox were totally familiar to an old history junkie like me:

“What is this?”

“DUHHH! What is white genocide?”

The response to the beginning of every message has always been “What are they talking about?” aka “DUUUH!” and, always, INSULTS.

We are exactly where all the power we are up against began. This is a FACT, a memory, it is NOT identifying WITH them.

I have finally realized what kept bouncing around in my mind all these years when I kept mentioning – not fully understanding – my own statement that revolutions occur when the established party in power and the only real opposition – finally cease their dual control, as Conservative and Labour did in Britain and the two-party system does in America.

Everybody is predicting that whites will become minorities in today’s white countries. But it will be a long, LONG time before whites cease to be the overwhelming MINORITY.

White rule lasted longest in low-state South Carolina and in South Africa. All white areas have always been notoriously anti-white, like Minnesota electing Senator Humphrey, or New York, electing Javits.

Minorities rule. And whites are on their way to being a minority.

The shrinking white population will be many times as large as the most inflated estimates of our gay population.

All the powers that be began exactly the way we did.

Audio Bob

Original Article for Comments re-read

  1. #1 by eyeslevel on 06/02/2015 - 10:07 am

    If whites had gay tactics, they’d have gay rights.

  2. #2 by time for freedom on 06/02/2015 - 5:09 pm

    This was what I was saying on one of our Paltalks about 7 months ago. My position was and still is that everything–ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING–is anti-white, and, EVERYTHING–ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING–is geared toward achieving White Genocide. I remember saying that ‘there is absolutely nothing that is not anti-white. And that is the attitude and mindset that we must take into every single conversation that we enter into. This ties into the fact that every single conversation that people enter into must always have an agenda to accomplish. For me, it is to accuse something or someone of being anti-white and desirous of White Genocide, regardless of what the ostensible subject of the conversation is seemingly about.

    • #4 by Jason on 06/02/2015 - 9:52 pm

      Get those who signed THAT petition to sign our White Genocide petitions!

  3. #5 by Jason on 06/02/2015 - 9:54 pm

    Did the gays or the blacks or the Hispanics gain all this censorship power by a Massive Torchlight Parade that Overthrew the Government on Der Tag?

    No. The dream of an Imminent Street Revolution has sidetracked a real pro-White movement for 60 years.

  4. #6 by Henry Davenport on 06/02/2015 - 11:28 pm

    I just got to the part in the long attached article that recommends beginning with billboards that had a message of general appeal, like,


    but, “each billboard will be signed, in slightly smaller letters, ‘Courtesy of the National Gay Task Force’ – to build positive associations and get the public used to seeing such sponsorship.”

    So I’m thinking….would we find it easier to get up billboards that had, say, the message,


    or even


    and in smaller letters underneath, maybe in the corner, “” or “White GeNOcide Project.”

    What do you think? I like the second one best.

    Do you think it might be easier to get one of those up? Or something of the same approach? You see what I’m aiming for.

    Gays had the advantage (as the two billboard slogans the article mentions exemplify) that American attitudes had already been reshaped to the form the gays needed…could we in similar manner think of some currently prevailing American sentiment that we could put on a billboard, but with the small print just mentioned, make our point?

    But the advantage of the two particular messages I suggested above is that they are really one of our memes that we repeat a lot. Good to stick to our memes if we can.

    • #7 by time for freedom on 06/02/2015 - 11:36 pm

      How about:

      “How is Forced Diversity not a genocide?”
      Sponsored by

    • #8 by time for freedom on 06/02/2015 - 11:37 pm

      “Forced Diversity IS genocide”
      Sponsored by Fight White Genocide Today

      • #9 by Laura on 06/05/2015 - 11:31 am

        This is certainly something we are able to start doing!

        With the billboard in Arkansas we have the opportunity to put whatever we want on that board. We actually just decided recently that we would have as the call to action on the board. This will be the first time one of these boards will be claimed. And then every 6 months they are going to get a new message.

        Recently we have been talking a lot about modeling, like Gay Rights for Whites and Perot’s campaign. Another perfect model we now have is how this pro-white in Arkansas was able to secure a lease agreement on these two boards for 5 years. He went around and located unused/run down billboards, then approached the landowners to see if he could secure a lease agreement. He spoke with many landowners before he got lucky.

        We need as many people as possible, across ALL states, to start looking for unused/run down billboards in their region and then either they or I can contact the land owners to see if there is any potential to secure a lease agreement. This is the ONLY way we are going to be able to get these billboards up now.

  5. #10 by Henry Davenport on 06/02/2015 - 11:56 pm

    Around the middle of this month, we hope to have the first “Anti-White of the Month” action:

    I’m suggesting keeping this project pretty much focused on White anti-whites, and principally on academics, and after this first time out, let’s aim for ivy league academics, which should make a bigger stir.

    I’m hoping we’ll also see a way to tie it into Bob’s campaign.

  6. #11 by Jason on 06/03/2015 - 2:00 am

    One difference is that most Gays saw themselves as a beleaguered group who were targeted for abuse by the system. Believe it or not, most Whites are in denial about this.

    They are getting there but I run into so much denial.

  7. #12 by Jason on 06/03/2015 - 5:23 am

    I wonder if Gays had to deal with a large number of Gays who didn’t want to “rock the boat”? Did they shame them into action?

    Blacks used to call those Blacks who weren’t down with the cause “Uncle Toms”. Do we need some similar phrase to attack White Anti-White Toadies – or even the large mass of Whites who just sit and watch without taking a side?

    • #13 by polydoros on 06/03/2015 - 8:31 am

      IME (in my experience), in face-to-face encounters what has terrified White anti-Whites the most is to “reframe” what is going on now, by saying that in decades to come people will look back and see how ridiculous the system was.

      The anti-Whites’ eyes go wide open and they even stutter in doubt. It troubles them, and it surfaces again later.

      I think this comes back to the nature of White anti-Whites (as Bob diplomatically refers to most people, the “Chicken-Shit Majority”). They can be called sheep to their faces for thousands of years and they don’t complain about it. They are herd animals, who find it pious to be fleeced (and the sheeple will even offer up their children/lambs to be killed by the shepherds).

      So they don’t mind that, but they can’t stand being isolated from the herd…

      Thus a good tactic is to show them that their herd will soon change direction and that if they continue with the present way they’re going to be isolated and considered ridiculous. Amazingly, of everything else they’ll tolerate, they can’t stand THAT.

      • #14 by polydoros on 06/03/2015 - 8:36 am

        PS: Having come across Jason in the field, it’s impressed me how he replies to others’ Mantra-posts with a comment on how the anti-White system will burst.

        • #15 by Jason on 06/03/2015 - 8:52 am

          I don’t think I was even aware I did that. I hope it’s a good thing!

      • #16 by Jason on 06/04/2015 - 7:57 pm

        That is an interesting tactic. Yes, most people can’t stand the idea of being out-of-step with the herd. If we can create the impression that a new worldview is on the horizon they may at least start to hedge their bets.

    • #17 by Secret Squirrel on 06/03/2015 - 11:19 am

      “I wonder if Gays had to deal with a large number of Gays who didn’t want to “rock the boat”? Did they shame them into action?”

      What if >Pro< Whites had Gay Rights?

  8. #18 by Hidden In Plain Sight on 06/03/2015 - 9:29 am

    This article is truly a treasure. It’s uncanny how closely it fits the prowhite cause as it stands today.The Mass Resistance website also carries an excerpt of a full length book that the same authors had written, expanding on the ideas put forth in the original article. in this he focusses on the idea of rehabilitating “the homosexual” as a figure or an image; presenting them as hyper normal, patriotic individuals with a preference that they cannot help, which leads them to be viciously persecuted by bigots. This figure, whom the author even admits is largely fictional, was to be at the centre of a strategic campaign of “desensitization, jamming and conversion”(concepts that should be somewhat familiar to follow the white rabbit listeners).
    It seems to me that a focus on the image of the ‘pro-White’ has been somewhat neglected in the annals of BUGS. Like gays then, prowhites now have an image problem as willfully uncooperative, eccentric and antisocial. (Having just read a history of the modern racialist movement I can say its not hard to see why). In the interests of furthering this angle I have begun work on some memes about hyper normal teenagers, adults and grandparents who live in fear of coming out as prowhite. They simply have a preference that white societies should continue to exist, a feeling within themselves that they just cannot deny, yet coming out as such will produce ostracism, anxiety, family breakup, job loss etc…One should expect that this approach will be as confusing for our opponents as the gay campaigns were for the religious conservatives.

    • #19 by Secret Squirrel on 06/03/2015 - 11:18 am

      What if >Pro< Whites had Gay Rights?

      • #20 by Hidden In Plain Sight on 06/03/2015 - 2:14 pm

        Exactly, its not so much whites that need ‘gay rights’, and a rehabilitated image, its us Pro Whites in particular. If we can do that then we’re pretty much done, aside from taking a strip out of the anti whites, which would complete the process(i.e. the “Conversion” process alluded to by the gay authors)

        • #21 by Jason on 06/03/2015 - 6:05 pm

          It would be nice if more pro-Whites could update their image. So many pro-White Twitter accounts and blogs have symbols from 70 years ago. They aren’t trying to be effective, they are just having fun.

        • #22 by Henry Davenport on 06/03/2015 - 9:59 pm

          This may also relate to polydoros’ point just above.

          2 or 3 years ago another bugser and I for just for a few hours experimented with implicitly appropriating the term “White” to mean White and normal, i.e., pro-White, in our interaction with a couple of anti-whites. We said things like,

          “Whites don’t support the flooding of ALL White countries and ONLY White countries with non-whites, and forcing whites by law to integrate with them so as to ‘assimilate,’ i.e. intermarry and be forced out of existence.” Or,

          “Whites don’t support massive immigration and forced assimilation in all White countries.”

          If we were doing the experiment today, we could say,

          “Whites don’t support chasing down White people and assimilating them until there’s no child left White.”

          Anyway, after a few statements of this sort, the two anti-whites we were interacting with went berserk. “I’m White! Etc. etc.” (Suddenly it became very important to them to be considered White!)

          I would just reply, “You’re just an anti-white who supports White Genocide. White people don’t support their own genocide…etc. etc.”

          The other bugser and I had a blast and considered it a very promising tactic, but other things intervened and we never got back to it.

          I still think it’s worth experimenting with. And not just in swarming, but in every situation, we could implicitly appropriate “White” to mean White and normal, i.e. pro-White.

          This would be a radical innovation, and even if I had the time now to think about it, I wouldn’t do it without making sure it was okay with Bob to try it out. (There was some confusion about that at the time we did it…I knew that Bob had said it was okay to try it, but some others were certain he had not. By the time the confusion was cleared up, we’d moved on to other things).

          • #23 by Henry Davenport on 06/03/2015 - 10:16 pm

            This tactic made being White more than just biological; it added a moral requirement.

            If the two White anti-whites we were engaged with were any evidence, it was also very effective in drawing out Whites’ unrecognized inner feeling of being White, which in my understanding is one of our main goals.

            • #24 by Yankee Rebel on 06/04/2015 - 1:13 am

              I like your idea, HD. When a White anti-White says, “How can I be anti-White? I AM White.” A response might go like: “A White person would not support the genocide of White people.”

              • #25 by Henry Davenport on 06/04/2015 - 1:53 am

                I think that’s powerful. I hope others here will take a moment to give it a thought, in regard to:

                1. Making White anti-whites go berserk.
                2. Drawing out Whites’ unrecognized inner identification with being White (it sure had that effect on the White anti-whites we tried it on, and I believe it’s one of our hoped-for effects long term in using “White Genocide”).
                3. Projecting a new image of Whites, and implicitly, pro-Whites, that stands atop the moral high ground. (Re Hidden in Plain Sight and Jason’s remarks above).
                4. Projecting a new image of White anti-whites as being so contemptible that they don’t even deserve to be called White (re Jason’s comment below in which he quotes the gay article, “… we intend to make the antigays look so nasty that average Americans will want to dissociate themselves from such types.”
                5. Planting the seed that the white herd is heading in our direction. (Re polydoros’ remarks above).

                The tactic we’re discussing is to implicitly appropriate the term “White” to mean White and normal, i.e. pro-White. Please see my long comment just above for details of when it was tried in swarming.

  9. #26 by RobRoy on 06/03/2015 - 10:35 pm

    Paranoia means attacking the passive aggressive anti-whites too, because Silence Is Consent.

  10. #27 by Jason on 06/05/2015 - 7:52 am

    “… we intend to make the antigays look so nasty that average Americans will want to dissociate themselves from such types.”

    That’s what we need to do to Anti-Whites.

    It’s exactly what they did to pro-Whites for decades.

    • #28 by Henry Davenport on 06/05/2015 - 8:59 am

      I just added this to my updated list above of likely effects of appropriating “White” to mean “pro-White”:

      4. Projecting a new image of White anti-whites as being so contemptible that they don’t even deserve to be called White (re Jason’s comment below in which he quotes the gay article, “… we intend to make the antigays look so nasty that average Americans will want to dissociate themselves from such types.”

      What you suggest will also be a goal of the “Anti-White of the Month” project (which won’t necessarily have that same name every time…one target is slated to be “Winner of the ‘Chasing Down Whites’ award”), although we’re going to start with a very mild tone until we have a little feel for what we’re doing.

  11. #29 by Bob on 06/05/2015 - 3:44 pm

    I’ve given this idea of saying whites who are anti-white are not white a lot of thought.
    My experience tells me it’s just theory, not practice.
    When I was cleaning out the “Opposing Views” in Stormfront, anti-whites would brag about about how many whites were ant-white and it showed they were right.
    My answer was, “”It’s called treason, dumb-dumb, and it happens all the time.”
    Keep it simple.

    • #30 by Henry Davenport on 06/05/2015 - 5:11 pm

      “I’ve given this idea of saying whites who are anti-white are not white a lot of thought.
      My experience tells me it’s just theory, not practice.”

      Myself and the other bugster who tried what we tried were very clear to never ever actually say that, as I described in my longer post above (so I’m not certain if you are speaking to the implicit statements I described above as well as to your experience in OV). In the several hours practice of what myself and the other fellow did try, we had wonderful success.

      Ha! Bob, I suddenly remember that when confusion over this topic arose 2 or 3 years ago, you invited me to talk with you on skype about it! I had no skype then, and my skype is down now for awhile, but when I get skype back, I’d like to accept your invitation of several years ago! 🙂

      You and I have a terrible record of trying to understand each other just through comments, and I just want to be sure that we are talking about exactly the same thing. Once I’m sure of that, if you nix further experimenting with it, I have zero problem with that. Of course I’m also very interested to hear some of the other thoughts you’ve had about it.

  12. #31 by Bob on 06/05/2015 - 5:34 pm

    HD, give me this much credit:
    Even if you gave me the power to “nix” an experiment, you know I would never discourage any kind of experimentation a BUGSER feels might be productive.
    Try it if you find the time.
    Report on your trial if it gets results, good or bad.
    Senior BUGSERS are WAY past needing my sanction.

    • #32 by Henry Davenport on 06/05/2015 - 6:09 pm

      Okay, Bob, and thanks.

      The first trial got excellent results, but before proceeding further with it I would still really like to talk with you about it (I should get my skype back sometime in July), as well as a couple of things about the White House meme messages and the “Anti-White of the Month” project.

      And btw, it’s very unlikely that I would spend my time on something you think is a poor idea once you’ve had a good think on it. Give me credit for being smarter than that! 😀

      • #33 by Denounce Genocidists on 06/06/2015 - 6:50 am

        There is nothing your “white questioning” tactic can do that Anti-White already has not done immensely better.

        With the added bonus of having the magical words themselves repeated.

        This was explained the first time you offered it to the group.

        And we`re way off the subject of making white rights the obviously superior and more worthy thing than boot-licking Gays and Coloreds.

        • #34 by Henry Davenport on 06/06/2015 - 2:11 pm

          There is nothing your “white questioning” tactic can do that Anti-White already has not done immensely better.

          I agree, and I shouldn’t have put the ambiguous “new” in a couple of my points. But judging by the brief experience we had, it deepened the effects of “anti-white.”

          With the added bonus of having the magical words themselves repeated.

          Actually, it expanded the conversation and offered additional opportunities to use “anti-white”:

          When the two anti-whites responded to our implicit (never explicit) appropriation of the term “White” by angrily proclaiming their own whiteness, we replied with statements like “So you’re a white anti-white traitor who supports White Genocide.”

          If anti-whites get so caught up in it that it begins to be a diversion, it can just be dropped: “I don’t care if you’re proud to be a White traitor who supports White Genocide or not. You’re an anti-white who supports chasing down White people and assimilating them until there’s no child left White. You’re an anti-white who supports White Genocide.” If they persist on the “I’m white” theme, then maybe reply, “I’m impressed with how important being White is to you. So why do you support a future with no White children?”

          What the other bugster and I discovered is that the tactic uncovers an important and useful contradiction…white anti-whites actually feel very White inside! (I knew that would be the case. All whites feel that way IMO). The tactic brings that into the light of day, and the exchanges on it should IMO bring the same inner feelings in the White audience more into their own consciousness.

          • #35 by Denounce Genocidists on 06/06/2015 - 3:22 pm

            “There is nothing your “white questioning” tactic can do that Anti-White already has not done immensely better.

            I agree..”

            Then it should follow that it`s a waste of time.

            “Actually, it expanded the conversation and offered additional opportunities to use “anti-white”

            There is never a shortage of opportunities to use Anti-white except when we dilute the exchange ourselves. Very unprofessional.

            “When the two anti-whites responded to our implicit (never explicit) appropriation of the term “White” by angrily proclaiming their own whiteness,…”

            Like they do all the time when they pretend ignorance of anti-white Treason, so again, it`s redundant.

            “If anti-whites get so caught up in it that it begins to be a diversion, it can just be dropped..”

            Let`s not even give them that opportunity.

            “important and useful contradiction…white anti-whites actually feel very White inside!”

            Which is already fully encompassed by Anti-White.

  13. #36 by Bob on 06/05/2015 - 5:50 pm

    HD brought up Skype.
    Any BUGSER is welcome to my Skype contact and I would welcome it. But it has to be limited to us.
    Yes, I get spammed too much on Skype, too.
    If you are in contact with, say HD or Minny Erva or Horus or others and they know you are one of us, contact them and get my Skype address.
    Written Skype is perfect for me. I am used to typing, I can see whatever I said, I can reply when I feel like it and I don’t have to hear.
    I abhor any other form of communication.

  14. #37 by Jason on 06/06/2015 - 5:12 am

    On Societal Property Rights for Whites, this Mini on Twitter does well:

    White people have a right to the societies they’ve built

    Please try variations and see what kind of response you get. Anti-Whites really don’t respond but I notice a lot of retweets from pro-Whites and conservatives.

    Waking up White people to the fact they have collective rights in the society they and their ancestors built is huge.

  15. #38 by Tom Bowie on 06/10/2015 - 8:57 pm

    One small step.

    Naturally “It’s not about Race!” followed.

    Good pandering to the squeaky wheel overall, just needs more practice.

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