Archive for March, 2005

Our Whole Point Here Is THOUGHT, Not Agreement

The old German gathering was called the Moot.

Nowadays lawyers and theologians declare that a point is “moot,” which means that they will allow us to discuss it.

To the old Germans and to a free-born American, EVERYTHING is “moot.”

That is the way this blog should be.

When I criticized pro-lifers, HS gave us the point of view of one who has been deep within the pro-life movement for years, but did not get furious at me or at the other critics.

I get slightly insulted when someone says, “Well, I don’t agree with everything you say…”

Who the hell do they think they’re talking to? That is like saying, “Please, don’t have a childish tantrum.” It is an insult to my entire tradition, from old Germany to being a free-born American.

And let’s get another thing straight. The chairman of a Baptist Convention some time ago said that God does not hear the prayers of Jews. The Convention apologized.

To a modern American, you have the right to discuss religion so long as you don’t take your doctrines too seriously.

When the Founding Fathers set up freedom of speech, they meant that people had the right to disagree SERIOUSLY.

According to modern Free Speech doctrine, you are allowed to say anything you want to, but you can’t say something that might offend somebody.

A SLAVE has the right to say anything he wants to as long as it doesn’t offend anybody. There is a word for the person who can tell you you are not allowed to have an opinion that offends him. He is called your master.

I want to compliment those who comment on this blog for keeping this firmly in mind.



Blog Software Upgrade – BoardOp note

The WordPress Blog software we use was upgraded to the latest version. The base template changed and when we have more time, we’ll be tweaking how it looks. We noted that the comment box overlays to the right too far (as seen on other blogs also).

It all appears to function correctly. The moderator is ESPECIALLY GRATEFUL to our upgrade tech as it will now be possible to eliminate any returns from spam robots that have been leaving (today is a record) 400 (and rising) comments (for each post we have) in a 24 hour period into our email boxes and onto the blog which had to be moderated one at a time manually.

Let us know ASAP if you’re having problems.


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She’s Still IN There!

“Pro-lifers” are ecstatic. They say that the brain dead woman they are fighting for is able to make some signs to people.

Others disagree.

Meanwhile, they are hogging all the time and money and publicity the father of that little murdered girl in Florida needs.

Somebody told me, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

So if I were lying there, unable to breathe on my own but able to make some signs, what would I want?

Her husband says that she told him she’s rather be dead.

But all life is precious, you see. As a priest told me, the last agonies of a person dying from spinal cancer should be prolonged as long as possible because all life is infinitely precious.

Pain, he told me, means nothing.

Life, he said, is Infinitely Precious.

I saw a movie about a young Briton who visited his father in the hospital. His father had been wounded in World War I, which was still going on. The doctors told him that his father had had his face blown off. He had no eyes, he had no hearing.

His spinal cord was severed.

His father could not move or communicate, but he was alive. The young man’s father was still there, but he was unable to know anything that went on around him. He was alone in a way you and I can never understand.

He would be that way for as long as medicine could keep him that way.

The son should have shouted, “Hosannah in the Highest! My father has Infinitely Precious Life!”

His son’s reaction was utterly at odds with what is now called a “Truly Christian” reaction. His son was so horrified he chose to be arrested rather than join the military.

His son decided that nothing could be worse than being in the condition his father was in.

President Bush says, “One should always err on the side of life.”

According to Right-to-Life, that son was evil. Instead of taking the Pope’s position that life was infinitely precious, no matter how horrible, the son decided he would far, far rather die than be in his father’s position.

He wanted to treat his father as he would want to be treated.

Someday I will face God. When that Day comes, I pity the Pro-lifers.



“Right-to-Life” Inertia

A nine-year-old little girl was kidnapped, raped and murdered by a repeat sex offender.

Her father, a good working man, is trying to get the Florida legislature to change the laws on repeat offenders to get them off the streets and save other little girls.

Well, there is legislative action going on, and there are tens of thousands out marching. The right-to-life bureaucracy is bringing out its groups to demand action to keep the feeding tubes from being removed from a brain-dead woman. Congress is in session right now for emergency action to do this.

The kids can wait.

There is this giant network of right-to-lifers who do knee-jerk stuff, and they have themselves a good, solid, knee-jerk cause. They are not about to worry about some nameless children getting murdered.

The days when the pro-life movement was totally dedicated to the saving of unborn children are in the past.

This week, while the people who call themselves pro-life are marching in the streets and Congress and the President are receiving the usual avalanche of letters from those who call themselves pro-lifers, hundreds more children will be molested by repeat child attackers.

That can wait. The “right-to-lifers” have themselves some raw meat and they want the spotlight. They are so powerful that the Democrats in Congress didn’t even dare challenge them. President Bush, smelling the votes, is poised to sign the bill.

It’s a cheap show of power for the so-called pro-lifers. The Democrats will fight any attempt to strip away the “rights” of child-molesters. The Trial Lawyers would make them.

That father’s attempt to get some people to march on the Florida legislature will be a secondary event, lost in the pro-life publicity.

All that “pro-life” power could have America’s children protected before the end of this week, while the nation’s dander is up.

But they have other things to do.

For this “pro-life” power, what do a few hundred nameless kids whose lives will be ruined and many killed, matter? Look how righteous one can be, look at the money one can raise by their exercise in shooting fish in a barrel? This brain-dead woman is a chance for that huge organization to grind into action.

If “pro-life” melded into the fight to protect children, it would lose its special name. Its leaders would become just one more part of a mass of honest citizens trying to do the right thing.

They wouldn’t be special any more.

Right-to-Life has become like the NAACP. The NAACP pays “black leaders” fine salaries to live in nice suburbs and yell about Confederate flags. Meanwhile the working people in the Nation of Islam patrol the projects in the ghettoes and God help the drug dealers they find.

On the right and the left, the pro-lifers and the NAACP are in the way, hogging the limited, precious publicity and time and resources serious causes desperately need.

“Well,” says the NAACP, “It’s really the same cause, driving drug dealers out of the projects and banning the Confederate flag.”

“Well,” say the people who call themselves pro-life, it’s really the same cause, keeping a single brain-dead woman what they call”‘alive” and cracking down on repeat child molesters who never stop until they are put away permanently.

The kids can wait.

No sane person believes that diverting all attention to pet, easy causes is the same thing as putting what little time and resources decent people have into overcoming the lawyers and judges who make it open season on little children.

The NAACP and the pro-lifers make a lovely combination. I wrote a book in 1976 entitled “A Plague on Both Your Houses.”

To the NAACP and those who call themselves pro-lifers, I repeat, “A plague on both your houses.”



3/19/05 Bob’s WOL Weekly Articles Weekly Articles

March 19, 2005
Loyalty to “American Principles” Is Treason
What the American Flag Means Today
A Stark Choice

Loyalty to “American Principles” Is Treason

Leftists hate white gentiles. But every one of them will tell you he is a loyal American. He says he is loyal to “the principles America is based on.”
The Constitution tells us the only principle America is based on:

“To secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and OUR Posterity.”

We the people are the only authority the Constitution is based on. OUR well-being is the ONLY purpose of America.

“We the People” – NOT illegal aliens. Legal aliens only have the rights they need to HELP US.

Respectable conservatives always respect this, “Loyalty to principles.” Many conservatives say they are loyal to Israel first.

This is treason.


If you are more loyal to other Catholics or other Jews or other evangelicals than you are to US, then you are a traitor. You don’t belong here.
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What the American Flag Means Today

African-Americans have overwhelmingly said in polls that they are about equally African and American in their loyalties. The first concern of most blacks is blacks.
Every political expert now agrees that it is stupid to expect Hispanics to be loyal to America. California Republicans lost the state by trying to take benefits away from illegal aliens. Hispanics voted overwhelmingly in favor of their brother Hispanics and against Americans.

Nobody puts it that way, because no one can be a respectable conservative and get on the national media if he says it that way. But nobody can deny that is the way Hispanic voters vote.

Only white gentiles are still droolingly loyal to the United States. So while we drool over giving freedom to Iraqis and proving to minorities we are goodies, our race faces genocide.

We are giving our loyalty away.

So white gentiles get exactly what they are asking for. They ask for nothing for themselves. They ask only to sacrifice to give to others. So they get nothing. They lose everything.

So far, so good. You get what you ask for when you declare your loyalty to a flag no matter what it does. But what upsets me is that, when white gentiles get exactly what they keep asking for, they get upset.

Your country is being overrun by the third world. Well, you keep saying you believe in a “melting pot” and a “nation of immigrants,” so they have as much right here as you do. In fact, they have MORE right to be here than you do.

You agree that America was stolen from the Indians. You agree that every attempt by earlier Americans to protect their race by segregation or to avoid rule by minorities by denying minorities the vote was wrong.

So now you celebrate those “victories.” Those are “civil rights triumphs” every conservative spokesman and conservative preacher raves about to prove he is anti-racist.

Your precious minority vote is exactly what those who tried to prevent minorities from getting suffrage said it would be. It is slavish bloc for leftism and anything that can hurt America and white gentiles. It is a slavish bloc for robbing productive people. And it is growing geometrically.

You got what you asked for.
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A Stark Choice

I am tired to death of dealing with “conservatives” who say their first loyalty is to Christ, by which they mean their version of Christianity. I am sick to death of soldiers who will kill Americans to enforce anything the court decides is the Constitution this week.
That is what media conservatives and preachers say the American flag stands for.

You know as well as I do that not one of the Founding Fathers would disagree with me. They had just gotten rid of blind loyalty of that same kind to their King and Country in Britain. The one thing they agreed to was that a blind loyalty to a flag was treason.

It still is.

Are you loyal to everything Jerry Falwell or Professor Nitwit or Judge Goldberg says your flag stands for or are you loyal to your own race, your own interests?

Loyalty to the United States is NOT loyalty to abstract principles like a melting pot or diversity. As I pointed out many years ago:

“By definition, a melting pot is nothing specific. Anybody who is deeply loyal to nothing specific is in desperate need of psychiatric help.”
Loyalty to “We the people of the United States of America and OUR posterity” is the exact opposite of loyalty to these manufactured “abstract principles.”

Faithfulness to “We the People” is loyalty to your OWN interests, your OWN preferences, your OWN beliefs.

And your OWN, your WHITE prejudices.

I am proud that our Founding Fathers dedicated a country to its people, and nothing else.

No Divine Right. No King in robes. No all-powerful judges in robes who can tell every state and every other branch of the Federal government what to do.

America was founded to be a nation which is made up of its people. No claims to perfection. No “rule by law, not by mere men.” No excuses.

That’s America.

Anything else is treason.


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