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Reply to Pain: How Mantra Thinking Makes You a Highlander

Posted by Bob on January 2nd, 2009 under General

I added up the years in Bob’s bio, and despite his physical appearance, he is actually 98 years old. Bob, are you the Highlander?


I sure as hell FEEL 98. I just wish I looked as good as Connery does.

People will say they are older than I am but THEY still have energy for this and that.

My reply is, “It ain’t the YEARS, it’s the MILEAGE.”

But this is the sort of count up that could make trouble for me on Wiki. The list of things I did, if they had been consecutively, sound unbelievable. But in real life, the more unrelated things you do, the more you get into.

I was on any assignment I volunteered for. To me, fighting Shining Path stuff in South America or African Liberation Movements was part of the same movement where I met with George Wallace or knocked out a cop in Louisville.

Pain’s comment reminds me that I have always been a Mantra Thinker. Who else but a Mantra Thinker would connect the “small time” politics of Governor Wallace with the fight going on so far abroad?

I studied Soviet economics under the man who broke the CIA nonsense about how well Centrally Planned Economies did. I SAW the collapsing economies when PC was bragging on their efficiency.

But it was as lonely thing, because nobody in one of my worlds could see what I was doing in another. Try explaining to someone who is risking his life helping the Contras that that coalition I was promoting was part of the same fight.

Col. North would understands that perfectly NOW, post-Reagan. But can you imagine trying to explain it to him in the early 70s, when he was engaged in a “REAL WAR?”

I was essential because I was on SO MANY fronts. I saw the whole fight, as I do today.

Mantra Thinking.

In fact, more of my life has been spent learning to explain what I was doing than doing it. Being in South America and Africa did not take that much time if you are not making a career of it. Saving the space telescope and preventing the IRS from imposing racial quotas required that I know a lot about space technology AND that I knew the grassroots movement at the anti-busing and private school levels.

I also knew the Soviet economy was a fake. It was all part of the same fight. Reagan’s SDI Star Wars broke them because it EXPOSED all this. I knew espionage and I knew that the whole Soviet Science bit was fake. They stole everything they had.

Soviet Science (The Sputnik Syndrome, AFKAN can explain that history) and Soviet economics were their weaknesses.

The USSR never got to the moon. The USSR never came NEAR the moon. Suddenly they were faced with project of that size which only the American economy and American science could handle.

I was part of ALL of that, and it took a lifetime for most people to be a part of any phase of it. No one who helped mobilize 400,000 telegrams had any idea why my Wallace side was a part of what they were doing.

If you are not a Mantra Thinker you naturally think I spent a lifetime in each of these different roles. But I saw espionage, grassroots marches, living in space movements, Capitol Hill politics, Soviet economics and all the rest as part of ONE battle I could not explain to anyone else.

And now that the Soviet Empire is gone, everybody knew it all the time. The BASICS I tried to explain in my different roles to people who thought THEY were the real fight while they stared at me like moo-cows are now what everybody knew all along.

Meanwhile, back on Planet Earth, nobody but your Ole Prof Bob could teach Mantra Thinking then and no one else can do it now.

  1. #1 by Dave on 01/02/2009 - 4:33 pm

    The thing that took me a long to figure out is why money doesn’t matter in the end in politics.

    Now that is something BW has pointed out time and again. But it is a head scratcher to discern the real reason why.

    Which gets us back to Cuykendall’s Brilliant Line: “Those who own the present own the Future. Those who own the present NEVER have any serious relationship to what is really going to happen.”

    It is something so obvious nobody sees it: It has to do with the fact that if you are properly compensated for the risks you are undertaking you are never forced into awareness of how the (political) stars are actually aligned.

    In contrast, if you are not properly compensated for the risks you are undertaking, the raw situation you endure forces you into an awareness that damages your identity.

    An example of this is our infantry soldiers in Afghanistan. Day after day, and some cases year after year, they are forced out into patrols where they are exposed to enemy fire. They are a handful, surrounded by hostile or potentially hostile millions. You cannot maintain your identity (as Marines, Rangers, ect.) under such circumstances. The raw pressure of the situation exposes the real political plumbing. As a result, their identity is damaged (the military lies about this and strenuously denies it) and their identity dies and merges with the enemy. This transforms them (the smart and aware ones) into real players.

    It is not rocket science to predict that it is these returning veterans (boots on the ground trigger puller types, not generals, not the politically connected, ect.) that will drive the next political cycle in America. You see, money had nothing to do with it, except its absence.

    This is history repeating itself. But you have to understand the real reason why the uncompensated exposure to risk matters regarding awareness (of basics). It has to do the ability to separate the serious from the non-serious and to be serious about what is serious. There is no classroom or teacher that can teach that.

    This is precisely the quality that is missing through most of the establishment. This is precisely the quality that is missing in the public at large, a public that has no ability to properly weigh anything (which is why democracy doesn’t work).

    BW says he is the only one who can successfully teach Mantra thinking. I am not so sure about that.

    You can only learn Mantra thinking by undertaking real risks. It is not a classroom thing at all.

    This is what somebody like Pain cannot comprehend. He seeks a hidey-hole (the seminary) and calls it bravery. How typical. How PC.

  2. #2 by Bob on 01/02/2009 - 4:48 pm

    Dave, so if one takes risks in a uniform he can do Mantra Thinking?

  3. #3 by AFKANNow on 01/03/2009 - 1:15 am

    in reply to Bob:

    Dave wrote (in part):

    In contrast, if you are not properly compensated for the risks you are undertaking, the raw situation you endure forces you into an awareness that damages your identity.

    in reply:
    The bold above has been added for well-deserved emphasis.

    This is a remarkable point that, ironically, I have been working on in the ideas of my alt-history biography of the late Dr. Sam Francis.

    And, it will tie into Wordsim, in time!

    you wrote:

    An example of this is our infantry soldiers in Afghanistan. Day after day, and some cases year after year, they are forced out into patrols where they are exposed to enemy fire. They are a handful, surrounded by hostile or potentially hostile millions. You cannot maintain your identity (as Marines, Rangers, ect.) under such circumstances. The raw pressure of the situation exposes the real political plumbing. As a result, their identity is damaged (the military lies about this and strenuously denies it) and their identity dies and merges with the enemy. This transforms them (the smart and aware ones) into real players.

    in reply:
    I have often argued that the social systems in general, and the military, in particular, work to manipulate the human soul into accepting “good enough for government work” as being “good enough.”

    In the Greater Reality, “good enough” is NOT “good enough.”

    Yet, the muted Initiatory experiences of Basic and Advanced Training work to merge the Initiatory Event, and thus the Soul of the Initiate, INTO the Temporal Authority.

    The power of this can not be underestimated.

    A Marine D.I. at Parris Island came in drunk, took his recruits through a horrific march in the swamp, where several of them drowned.

    This story is told near the end of D.I. training, to emphasize the incredible responsibility of the D.I., and, indeed, of ALL Marine Officers.

    Another lesson is NOT taught to the D.I.’s.

    After word of this made the newspapers, Marine recruiting INCREASED.

    This PROVED to the Young Men, on the verge of Adulthood, that the Marine Experience was an authentic Initiatory Event – DEATH was possible, and ALL had to be risked, so ALL could be gained.

    The newly formed foundations of their Adult Persona were merged with their identity as a member of the Corps of Marines.

    Something DIFFERENT seems to be happening with the Iraq/Afghanistan Veterans, just as with their Soviet counterparts.

    I’ll address that in the next section.

    It is not rocket science to predict that it is these returning veterans (boots on the ground trigger puller types, not generals, not the politically connected, ect.) that will drive the next political cycle in America. You see, money had nothing to do with it, except its absence.

    in reply:
    What has happened, in my opinion, is largely this:

    The Corporate Other that you bonded with at Parris Island, or Her3eford, or Ryazan, is totally absent in these situations, and you are literally reduced to a bit more than “who you were before your father met your mother,” with one important difference:

    There is an Adult EGO in place that suddenly has the scales of organizational loyalty fallen from their eyes, and these scales include everything short of RACE, writ large, as the Living Bridge between family and Culture.

    This Adult EGO can be the foundation of a new Adult Superego, that can accept the Patriarch state of Consciousness, and can identify with something much greater than the mere organization he was a part of.

    (I think something like this must have happened to Rockwell. Nothing else could explain his positive focus on the Life Work that was obviously Chosen for him.)

    you wrote:

    This is history repeating itself. But you have to understand the real reason why the uncompensated exposure to risk matters regarding awareness (of basics). It has to do the ability to separate the serious from the non-serious and to be serious about what is serious. There is no classroom or teacher that can teach that.

    in reply:
    “No classroom, no teacher that can teach that,” and no uniform that can supply it.

    What is needed is raw masculine Energy, and Patriarchal guidance in it’s development.

    AS a character said in John Steinbeck’s short story, “Flight,” “I have known boys of forty, because they were not around when a man was needed.”

    In a social order that deliberately gelds its potential Warrior Caste, we can expect to see a dramatic shortage of Men, now and until things get bad enough.

  4. #4 by Simmons on 01/03/2009 - 10:39 am

    Well I kind of agree with Dave, it does seem the latest group of plutocrat attention hogs are Child/men. As successful as they are none of them exhibit any positive masculine traits that would cause any man to look at him, point and tell his son, “that is a real man.” Even Trump screwed up his legacy with a show aimed at women and metrosexuals. Maybe Jews idolize such, but beyond that they are harem enuchs with too much power in the minds of gentiles.

    Thank god the GGs had a great economy to placate them into a life of hedonism. Which is a 100% accurate assesment of them since I knew literally dozens of GGs, they were 21 year olds going to Vegas, they never grew up. (FTR their parents were much much better) Now the Korean War vets I knew were killers, I sometimes think if their older brothers were not such patsies waiting for the next Hollywood movie to idolize them one more time these Korean War vets would have gone to Selma and fired till the barrels melted.

    As for Vietnam vets, non-uniform types (Bob mentions) I have no clue why they have fallen into despair and uselessness, maybe just enough bread and circus, I don’t know.

    The Iraq/Afghanistan generation uniform or not is surely not going to be compensated anywhere close to what they deserve or think they deserve.

  5. #5 by shari on 01/03/2009 - 11:45 am

    Thank you for this piece. I had never heard of you before WOL. It’s incredible that you are still alive and can teach. I know that in the 70’s it would have been impossible to make people aware, that it’s ALL ONE BATTLE against us whites. All the “issues” really were aimed at the genocide of whites. You and Pain are the only ones who are CONSISTENTLY comprehensible, to me anyway. Well, “grouch” is always direct when he says anything too.

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