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Dave and USING Criticism

Posted by Bob on January 3rd, 2009 under General

Dave wrote two long and thoughtful pieces.   My reply to the last of them was, “So you are saying that if you risk your life in uniform you can do Mantra thinking?”

In any regular classroom, if the professor said that it would be a CONDEMNATION, not a CRITICISM.  The professor is there to teach you the True Faith and to head off any deviations from it.

What I said was a criticism, which is the opposite end of the world from a condemnation.

On the football field my coach would say, all too often, “Feel around you, Whitaker, maybe you’re still in bed.”   That was a CRITICISM.   On the football field you had better pay attention or you’ll get carried away.

Since other people wanted my position, the coach could have said, “Get off the field, Whitaker, and let somebody play who can concentrate.”  THAT is a CONDEMNATION.

Like my old coach, I am not very subtle.  But if I am worthy of being a coach — and coaches DO get fired regularly – what I say is a demand for you to address something.

As you would expect from any guy in his dotage, I am about to regale you with a tale of the Good Old Days.   Thirty years ago the editor of Analog – not Bova, the real one – said that he READ every submission.

That was when on writer gave this advice to wannabe writers: “READ you rejection letter.”  Most writers just saw rejection and tossed it.  BAD mistake.  Back then you had a chance to read a CRITICISM from the horses’ mouth, from the person who decided your fate.

No more.   Now you get a Screw You letter that says they only consider articles submitted by Qualified Agents.

I READ my rejection slips.  I do not know what an acceptance from Analog looks like, but this did a lot of good as a writer.  Now you can’t even get a useful rejection.

Now science fiction is just another bureaucracy.  It is vetted for accuracy by a “qualified” agent.   Like 30s history, scifi was wildly popular in the 70s.  We couldn’t save the space telescope NOW because that whole scifi base of support is gone.  Like history, scifi is now aimed not to offend Opinion.

My comment was aimed at getting Dave away from what I CONSIDER to be a sort of World War II Generation concept of Suffering as the key to Wisdom.

  1. #1 by Dave on 01/03/2009 - 2:12 pm

    Now I am running into a problem that I know that BW is very familiar with and that is using the wrong example.

    I am not saying anything about the value of wearing uniforms or being under fire. If you know something about the truth (not the TRUTH) of those experiences, you know there is no value in them.

    What I am saying is SOMETHING ESSENTIAL about Mantra thinking.

    Acquiring the capability for Mantra thinking is about letting go. It is about leaving books and entering the world. It is about taking off the epaulets, not putting them on. It is about throwing yourself into the ocean, not walking on the shore.

    It is about the hope that your opponent is not as vulnerable as you think he is. That is my hope for Pain and I keep picking on Pain because he is a good foil. Pain thinks you get from A to B by acquiring an identity.

    Not true! You get from A to B by losing an identity. You get from A to B by growing up enough to know that God is none of your business.

    Then go out into the world and put the effort into really learning something about it. THAT’S WHITE PEOPLE! That’s exactly what makes us different from the other races!

    To hell with social clubs.

    Now William Buckley has, even in death, A FULL FLEDGED IDENTITY. All his life his IDENTITY was fully intact. The whole intellectual pursuit was SO EASY for him. He was always a celebrity.

    Contrast him with Robert Whitaker. Robert Whitaker’s life has been about having his IDENTITY shot to hell. There is nothing that is really intact about Robert Whitaker. Probably never was.

    BUT, Robert Whitaker’s intellectual work will endure, and William Buckley’s work certainly will not!


    Do you think it is easy to know how fate is driven???

    A scientist spends thirty long hard years in the laboratory to learn just a little bit of something about what is real.

    While for the Pain’s of this world (and Buckley’s) IT IS ALL SO EASY.

    That is why I alone, DAVE, am the only participant in this seminar that is qualified to extend Robert Whitaker’s work (other than Robert Whitaker himself).

    That is because **I** am the only one putting REAL EFFORT into it.

  2. #2 by Simmons on 01/03/2009 - 3:06 pm

    Yeah right. Plenty of people pay the price then walk around in a daze the rest of their lives, no guarantee of performance there.

    I will admit my sacrifices have not been great, but so what? Any fool can spout off in the trivia contest that is politics and be scorned for life and fired and left for dead.

    My simple goal is to destroy liberalism and set whites back onto their evolutionary path that various isms and vanities have pushed them off. I would rather be Screwtape than brave Siegfried anyday (Wagner’s). Matter of fact to put it bluntly that is all we can do, all anyone can do. To think that one person or one ideological movement can save white people is ludicrous, WE EVOLVE we live in constant peril, we bring it upon ourselves, it is part of the Faustian bargain we made.

    Bob created a large populist movement that displayed huge hatred for Communism (the ism that makes white people stupid and unproductive). That movement was so large and so militant that TPTB in our nation’s capitol NYC could not surrender to their cousins in Moscow without risk of being killed. So the Plutocrats accepted the American version of world dominance not Moscow’s, and President Ted Kennedy could not launch the Peace Initiative of 1982 to help the USSR overcome decades of hostility and poverty inducing arms races.

    History or better yet Evolution did not stop, there is no rest time for us nor magic pill or magic words. So now we are onto destroying anti-white liberalism.

    My part is not to beat my chest in front of six internet posters my part is to destroy liberalism, and frankly it is going better than expected. Maybe not pure Mantra yet (the ultimate goal), but the field is being tilled and prepped.

  3. #3 by Pain on 01/03/2009 - 4:14 pm

    “You get from A to B by losing an identity.”

    Exactly. But that’s something someone is unable to do and he becomes upset whenever anyone talks about losing ego.


    Dave, when you changed your login pseudonym from Mark to try to protect your identity, were you afraid what others think about you?

    We do try to protect your feelings here, but I don’t think you should be so vulnerable. Fortunately, when we are unable to protect your feelings enough, Bob will step in for you. Good. Now look at Shari; Bob can say all kinds of things to her but she never takes offense. Her skin has become thick, like a good frontier woman’s.

    But remember, as “Mark” you hollered (and even seemed to weep) and told Bob you were never going to post here again when he would not do what you wanted. But you are back and still saying the exact same things.

    And I must say that you are still obsessed with the “alpha male.” You are obsessed with me. You have made me the alpha male. You cannot write anything without advertising me. This is odd because I have only encountered this kind of obsession from people who were “funny” (yet I accept it when you tell about all your arguments with a wife and daughter).

    Dave/Mark, Bob in this article carefully tells you that his criticism of you was meant to be constructive. Who else here has been given such a disclaimer? Why don’t they need their feelings protected?

    However, this is only a blog. There is nothing to gain here but a knowledge of truth. If some one of us sidetracks Bob toward personal contests, we lose his mind 😉 .

    Don’t take things so hard. Life is too short.

    All my best.

  4. #4 by shari on 01/04/2009 - 8:16 am

    I don’t want to argue religion,but I notice that Dave talks about growing up to realize that God is none of our business, and then a few lines later referes to how fate is driven. I think this is something else about white men. They scorn magic and witchcraft. But they also can’t function under dialectical materialism or atheism. To my mind, this is because God chose them. They are the default race, as Bob stated. The world can’t survive without them, at all.

  5. #5 by shari on 01/04/2009 - 11:05 am

    Something very interesting about this site is when you think it’s breathing it’s last,it revives. I never put together Dave and Mark, but it makes sense, with references to the JW’s,Mark’s famous line,unofficial wife,etc. I really HOPE the suffering subsides this year. Yes, suffering has it’s place in clearing ones mind, but it’s cheerfulness that revives and gives energy to DO. I have had problems with social clubs too. And when it affects your family and what they think of you, you hurt. A comment my daughter made when she was about 13yrs. was that I was the most boring person she knew and complained of my hunkering down. It cut, but I couldn’t solve it. And I’m not a man.

  6. #6 by Bob on 01/04/2009 - 1:10 pm

    “Now I am running into a problem that I know that BW is very familiar with and that is using the wrong example.”

    Dammit, Dave, feel around you. Maybe you’re still in bed!

    I couldn’t resist. It feels so good to say that to somebody ELSE after all these years,

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