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We are Fighting Nothing, and That is HARD!

Posted by Bob on November 21st, 2013 under Coaching Session

The article below was about exposing frauds that have no funds, no logic, nothing but the passive support of the People of Reputation who say it must be OK since other People of Reputation also say it must be OK.

Not one of the Persons of Reputation who let Enron happen, who thought Ponzi must be OK, who were consulted about Grant and Ward, ever lost an iota of their Reputation for the mistake.

No Sovietologists ever lost any reputation because not one of them even hinted the USSR was a goner. No Futurologist is ever checked later about his predictions. The only thing that ever happens to a Recognized Expert when a disaster occurs in his area of expertise is that he gets promoted and paid to advise on the Crisis he failed to warn against.Image Hosted by

Who is going to do the exposing?

Here is where we run head on into the problem of fighting Nothing.

No publisher is going to risk the court costs of pointing out thousands of Persons of Reputation, which means people who can sue for damage to those reputations.

And there is no payoff. The people ruined by Enron and the endless list of other Nothings will not be grateful for being warned off.

Let’s bring this down to the level you deal with every day.

One unmentioned rule of fundraising is not just that your cause must be exciting,  but that your ENEMY must be exciting. The Enemy must be Communists or Evil Capitalists or the ever-popular Military-Industrial Complex or an evil, cackling group of long-nosed JEWS who meet in the Oval Office at midnight to become the Secret Government.

You expose brainless, spineless moral cowards who have no trace of real intelligence.

Today’s Intellectualism is a Ponzi Scheme.

But do not expect gratitude or recognition for exposing an Enron or a Ponzi.

Fighting Nothing takes true heroism.

  1. #1 by The Asgardian known as Michael on 11/21/2013 - 12:30 pm

    Yea…I’ve had this feeling before.

    The best way I can describe it is like getting into a fight with a imaginary person with other people watching on, saying what the hell are you fighting against?

    In short it’s like fighting a shadow.

    • #2 by Jason on 11/22/2013 - 2:16 am

      Yes, that blank, confused look. On the part of the people you are working to save!

  2. #3 by The Asgardian known as Michael on 11/21/2013 - 12:34 pm

    Note…it’s nothing FOR NOW because:

    1. A lot of white people do not understand that what’s happening to white countries is not natural.

    2.Sadly if you ask a lot of our youth they actually assume white countries were ALWAYS this way.

    Once the genocidal scheme is exposed THEN it will change from nothing to SOMETHING.

  3. #4 by jo3w on 11/21/2013 - 10:04 pm

    The “RED THREAT” was so exciting that there were movies, books and video games made about the subject. Maybe a big part of the reason we are incorrectly labled as white supremacists is because that is an exciting enemy. Movies and books are made about them too. The most excting enemy of all time would be the NAZIS.
    I really believe that part of this dynamic is the “underdog” role. Put an underdog up against an exciting overprivlidged enemy and im sure the funds never stop flooding in.
    They are tithing to their god.

    • #5 by The Asgardian known as Michael on 11/22/2013 - 1:16 am


      I have said this before, anti whites act as if they are this “gritty street level rag tag band of rebels” fighting against a “evil empire” “White people”.

      It’s quite amusing actually because they are part of a trillion dollar machine.

      It’s kinda like the guy who spent a CRAP load of money to look like hobo.

      The machine needs to be exposed. Large venti mocha decafes and all.

    • #6 by Jason on 11/22/2013 - 2:20 am

      Yes, spot on. And BUGS is the first pro-White group I’ve ever seen that could present Whites as having any kind of real moral status. Never, never, never lose the moral high ground. This doesn’t mean being weak or appealing to the courtesy of those who want to wipe you out. Rather, it means calling out GENOCIDE for what it is.

  4. #7 by -Dave- on 11/21/2013 - 11:51 pm

    Some of us notice the stuff missing within us that becomes a forge, often a forge for those of us who have trouble accessing a paying job.

    Sovietologists had no interest in having their humiliation exposed and also losing their jobs.

    At least they were ahead of the typical Marine who enlists to avoid the humiliation of having no job. We are not supposed to notice this lest we admit that the Taliban enemy notices it and that would not be good for the General, who suffers his own humiliation issues.

    The “NOTHING” we are fighting is humiliation.

    I watched a Marionite lieutenant execute his own corporal right out in the Beirut street for supposedly failing to clear captured buildings. All I could think was the lieutenant’s wife told him to do that shocking thing.

    Doing what your wife tells you to do to avoid humiliation is the worst possible course of action a man can take.

  5. #8 by Simmons on 11/22/2013 - 9:48 am

    Here is an example of the pro-white fundraiser types battling it out over exciting enemies

    I mentioned to them to set aside their egos and call for free speech for whites, but I have no doubt that they will set aside their differences to call BUGsers assholes.

    • #9 by Jason on 11/22/2013 - 8:22 pm

      Yep … it is the MESSAGE that matters not some magic set of leaders. There is nothing wrong with people wanting to be leaders (we need public faces), but we shouldn’t be naive about what motivates some of them to be in front of a camera.

      And your point about the life histories of AMPWs is true: they get some infamy, then go on a show and tailgate or get some type of utterly predictable public humiliation. It’s been done a dozen times that I can think of.

  6. #10 by Simmons on 11/22/2013 - 9:52 am

    The pic of Obama reminds me how this article relates to the conservative hacks who fund raise off this guy.

    IMO he is a cult figurehead whose cult is ripe for destruction since basically the left’s cult is one step ahead of a space alien cult, albeit one with large amounts of money. I keep hammering the respecticons that the soft point of a cult is the cultees themselves, but there ain’t no money in attacking the mopes of a cult.

    Obama is cash money, Jews are cash money (much less though, its a much tougher bizness)

  7. #11 by The Old Man of the Mountain on 11/22/2013 - 2:09 pm

    We are fighting against nothing!

    The anti-whites have no culture, no present, no past, and they offer no future.

    We are fighting against nothing, and against the nothingness of extinction.

    We must not loose this fight.

  8. #12 by Karlfried on 11/22/2013 - 7:32 pm

    That what is happening in the world is like a big game with different players who have their roles and their aims. One group are the “do-gooders” who have nothing to offer but hot air. But their number is very big, and therefore they are harmful. You cannot fight them with arguments because they have no real arguments. But they are backed by: newspapers, politicians, the school system, churches. All these organisations follow the same “Zeitgeist” (spirit of the time). Only because they are backed and supported so heavily, they are able to speak out their insane ideas loudly and proudly. — How can we fight them? My suggestion: avoid long discussions, speak out clearly that their aims (for example Multi-Kulti, that is flooding Germany with negroes and Turks and Arabs and gypsis and Afghans and so on) mean terror and genocide, despite of their “mild and peaceloving” speaking. Make a clear sentence: “You are actively promoting and commiting genocide and I do not want to be a partner in this action. Good bye.”

  9. #13 by shari on 11/22/2013 - 7:52 pm

    Good work Simmons.

  10. #14 by Jason on 11/23/2013 - 5:28 am

    I don’t how I missed this but PLEASE read the first 7 sentences Bob wrote in the following article. It sums up American history and what “conservatives” and “liberals” fight about today.

    I reckon it helps me accept the flood of “minorities” coming into the country now a bit easier. Maybe we can move on to the next stage.

    • #15 by Wm White on 11/23/2013 - 12:29 pm

      You have found another of Bob’s gems. My observation from the article is this: America has had a history of different top dogs, but at present an alien elite, the ‘joos,’ are still in control of America (i.e. Obama’s “unbreakable bond with Israel” statement) but they (joos) are now hated by the minorities they ‘used’ to gain that control.

      As you already know Jason, the mass immigration of non-whites is just another tool used to destroy white countries but I’ve often heard it said, “that to free yourself from a prison you must FIRST recognize you’re IN a prison” … and Second (my addition), know who put you there in the first place.


      Good work on the find, you’ve now got me going back through past Bob posts.

  11. #16 by Karlfried on 11/23/2013 - 11:45 am

    My thought is: the do-gooders are “nothings” in many regards. But they are part of a proceeding thing, and that thing is the attack on and the later fading away of the white race. Both by their doing and speaking as well as by their suppressing the truth (coverage with silence) they are helping to genocide the white peoples. And that connection I make clear in the short conversations that I occationally have with some do-gooders.

  12. #17 by Wm White on 11/23/2013 - 12:01 pm

    Bob often mentions “fundraising” as an example of true deceit in action –in our present society. Here he uses it again to show the deceit and contempt our elite and intellectuals have for people in general –yet we (white people) continue to accept the shower of crap thrown at us, as if it were manna from heaven . . . given to us as a ‘gift’ by our present alien elite rulers.

    “A leader does not reach out for supporters. When the winds of change lay the groundwork, people in need will seek out their leader. There will be NO revolution before its time.
    –Robert Frenz, 17 November 2000 (deceased)

    We use the Mantra to form the groundwork of the coming revolution.

  13. #18 by The Asgardian known as Michael on 11/23/2013 - 12:25 pm

    “There will be no revolution before it’s time”

    That’s great WM, it helps ME alot.

    Because I am human and I tend to look for the “raising of the flag” that signifies the coming revolution, I think that is natural but needs to be suppressed because it will only hamper our progress.

    We are laying the ground work and that will have to suffice.

  14. #19 by Bob on 11/24/2013 - 8:22 am

    Sorry, old buddy, but real political battles don’t give you a Victory Date like membership organizations do.

  15. #20 by Daniel Genseric on 11/24/2013 - 8:23 am

    Why BUGS’ numbers keep dwindling:

    Fighting “nothing” is exhausting.
    Risking $everything$ to do God’s Work is insanity (to Respectables and AMPW’s).

    However, covering EVERYTHING is paramount.

    • #21 by Daniel Genseric on 11/24/2013 - 8:29 am

      So, we few have learned that

      It is nearly impossible to Risk Everything to Fight Nothing and be Complete about it.

  16. #22 by Simmons on 11/24/2013 - 9:05 am

    Victory parades bore the hell out of me. My ego demands I hear my own voice being repeated back to me as if the person saying or writing those words thought of them themselves.

    I actually get ticked when someone thinks of my meme before I implement it. In South Africa a nice young Boer man used the word “genocide” to describe their situation, and while I was pleased as punch I cannot honestly claim that it was BUGs or myself that delivered that meme to him and others like him.

    We don’t need to be a large number of people to change the meme. Using the evil Left as an example, my best guess is that maybe a few dozen people gin up their memes and soundbites the rest of their cult then is involved in policing themselves and spreading the “word.”

  17. #23 by -Gavin- on 11/25/2013 - 3:03 pm

    They are like zombies. Repeating the same things over and over and over. Can you really consider a person to be human when everything they say is comes from a tape recorder playing in the back of their head?

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