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Join the BUGS Team! Post on the internet along with us to fight White Genocide!


Posted by -backbaygrouch- on April 1st, 2015 under Coaching Session

White Genocide advocates have access to a well stocked arsenal of infernal devices. They think nothing of destroying careers and bullying any institution that stands in the way of any of their means of destroying civilization. Latest example, the coordinated, contrived attack on Indiana and Governor Mike Pence for reasserting the the free right of religion, a piece of legislation unheralded when two dozen other states enacted it.

Media designated pit dog is Mark Emmert head of the NCAA. He is using his position to enlist that service organization to expand its role of promoting intercollegiate sporting events into a greater task of corrupting the moral values of our people.

The devastation of the family structure of the White race is a form of Genocide. Forcing Christians to participate in gay weddings is clearly covered under the United Nations’ Genocide Convention which criminalizes “acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group.”

Mark Emmert is guilty. He can and should be held to account.

There is precedent for the successful naming and shaming of this sort of anti-White activism and abuse of institutional/corporate power. About two years ago Adam Smith tooled into a Chick-fil-A and abused the staff for working for a “bigoted company”. His video of the staged encounter went viral. He lost his very good job. He now lives with his family in a RV and feasts off food stamps because no one will hire him and the royalties from his self-published tome are meager – total sales – 17.

Last weekend this story brought tears of joy to my eyes.  photo tomahawk.jpg

Schadenfreude is fun.

Leading the pack of coyotes against Governor Pence is the NCAA’s head, Mark Emmert. The NCAA is a membership organization. Half the states have laws similar to Indiana’s. Laws can be introduced mandating a withdrawal from the NCAA if it does not mend its ways and give Mark Emmert the bum’s rush. No forgiveness.

Contact your state legislators today. If you are an alumnus of a religious school, let them know your check depends on their withdrawal from the NCAA. It will not take much for the NCAA to cave. Help send Mark Emmert to a welfare office to finance a new minimalist lifestyle.

The BUGSER movement and its growing cohort of allies need a few scalps to be taken seriously. When tossed a hot potato the best strategy is to toss it back. When many of our ancestors arrived on these shores they found savages who scalped their victims. In part they triumphed, not by cringing in horror, but by adopting the practice.

It is time to take down a high focus anti-White. It will concentrate the minds of many other well paid apparatchiks who mindlessly bow to Political Correctness and go along with White Genocide out of personal indifference and lack of race loyalty.

The White Christian majority has left too many of their wounded on the battlefield. Winners leave foes dead in the rubble. We need some scalps. Especially if you live in a state that has a religious freedom restoration law, contact your legislator to put teeth into it by pressuring the NCAA by having all state schools leave that organization. The sporting event clearinghouse can easily be replaced. No games will be canceled. But a race traitor will lose a cushy job.

It is a small donation to the cause of Liberty. It will send a loud message.

The war on White Genocide is being fought on many fronts. Our assailants are coming from all sides. Our defenses and counterattacks must be equally varied. We fight wherever they come over the horizon. The guns are blazing in Indiana. Return fire.

What is being suggested to you does not require a large commitment of time, effort or even an invitation to public scrutiny. Any happy laptop warrior can join the fray. Even you. The bugle calls. Hit the keyboards.

Think of how warm and toasty you will feel reading about how pathetic Mark Emmert’s life will be after the bank forecloses on his McMansion.

If you are a newbie here, please read the Mantra. It is our propaganda Nuclear Bomb, a proven, effective political WMD.

  1. #1 by Jason on 04/01/2015 - 5:39 pm

    Gay Marriage is silly. And most of the people who support it are Anti-White.

    But I’m worried about the White Genocide message being hijacked and/or diluted. All over Twitter I see people who usually tweet Mantra points suddenly saying “Whites and Christians” are being targeted.

    Not everyone opposed to White Genocide is a Christian. Whites have all kinds of religious and philosophical beliefs.

    This sounds like those who wanted to mix abortion talk with the Mantra a while back. These are all separate issues. If a person feels strongly about abortion, gay rights or whatever, why not have a separate account and not mix it with the Mantra?

    This is White Genocide. Not Christian Genocide. Not Heterosexual Genocide.

  2. #2 by Henry Davenport on 04/01/2015 - 6:52 pm

    Yes, BBG, I just barely have heard of this issue, but it seems like a good place to start with our new “#AntiWhiteHateWatch” initiative that IMO should be a strong new part of BUGS from now on.

    If we take a strong lead, we can end up focusing some of the chaotic energy of the variety of pro-white sites into (in addition to whatever else they’re doing) an organized email response to every major anti-white action we put our finger on.

    I’m sending Stalwart/Presidential Adviser reminders right now, but afterward I’ll read up on this issue and unless someone else has done it already by then, I’ll post something both at WGP and SF: “#AntiWhiteHateWatch: The NCAA etc. etc.”

    Each time we pick an anti-white issue such as this one, we should have articles or posts with headlines “#AntiWhiteHateWatch: (the issue)” at BUGS, WGP, FWG, and any other sites we can do it at (I or better Tom Bowie if he wants can do it at Malevolent Freedom) explaining that we’re building a focused force among all pro-White sites to respond to these calls, and presenting the issue and giving them our White Genocide response that they can use as their email too if they wish…note that this exposes all these pro-whites to Mantra over and over at the same time we’re calling them to action.

    On the present issue, after I write it up, I can send it to Andrew Anglin at DS and to Angelo Gage at NYF, unless someone else here has actual connection to them and wants to do it.

    I may not get all of that done before tomorrow evening, but I’ll try to do it this evening.

    We need to organize ourselves at least loosely to contact all of the larger pro-white sites each time we pick an issue and do this. I can probably do SF, WGP, and contact Anglin and Gage, for example.

    We can’t control what people do with Mantra, but if we take a strong lead with pro-white organizations in calling on them to join us in calling out anti-white organizations, actions, etc. as Bob recently described in his audio , that will keep OUR explanation of White Genocide, and OUR phrases, as prominent as possible in the entire effort.

    Just my hurried thoughts of the moment actually!

    But I think pro-White sentiment is ripe for this. Whether we want to try to use it should probably be discussed…I think we should, but I think I could probably also make a decent argument that we shouldn’t.

    • #3 by Henry Davenport on 04/02/2015 - 12:16 am

      Something came up with the White House messages and I didn’t get to ANY of all that. Hopefully tomorrow, but if not, Friday if it’s still a news story and I’m able.

      I wonder if others of you think my remarks point in the right direction in general in this new undertaking, or miss the mark.

      I’m excited about the possibilities. I think a fair number of pro-whites are psychologically ready to be part of a concerted effort if the effort seems to them worthwhile, not risky, and almost effortless. 😉 I think we could shape this largely that way. Reducing the risk as they perceive it will be the challenge. Mailinator email boxes are created instantaneously with no information required, but a huge number of people who might otherwise assist will fear that their IP addresses will be recorded.

  3. #4 by -backbaygrouch- on 04/01/2015 - 8:06 pm

    Re: #1 Jason.

    Thank you for your observations. You are, of course, right. It is best to stay on message.

    Now let me backtrack a bit. First, I did not intend to comment on gay marriage, just the genocidal proclivity of those in the media who seek to suppress any opposition to it. Second, White or European Christian is used broadly as the cultural background, not modern practice, of the vast majority of the White race towards whom the genocidal proclivity is aimed. I probably could have been clearer on these points.

    Occasionally we do a bit of recruiting here by piggybacking on a hot topic du jour. It is not aimed at the Pros, like yourself, who get into the weeds. Think of the post as a lookee-see for potential recruits

    Back in the day when military service was mandatory many of my friends joined the Navy – To See The World as the posters proclaimed. After three years they were wont to note that endless water vistas look exactly the same in all Seven Seas. Consider me a recruiter trying to get a kid on the bus to the Great Lakes Training Center. Another job starts there.

    • #5 by Jason on 04/02/2015 - 8:40 am

      Thanks for the response and it reminds me of something else you alluded to: People are finally sick of the Church of Political Correctness and that certainly is connected to White Genocide.

      I’m hoping the overconfidence of the PC crowd will lead them to overplay their hand just as a backlash starts to brew.

  4. #6 by Bob on 04/02/2015 - 10:20 am

    BBG, you are a Senior Staffer and may post without my permission.
    Am I being too stringent?

    • #7 by Henry Davenport on 04/02/2015 - 10:43 am

      ??? I won’t bother to read up on the particular issue of this blog and understand exactly what it’s all about then. I assume it smacks too heavily of an issue that is too far from our concern, and isn’t an example of the sort of anti-whitisms we want to respond to as part of our #AntiWhiteHateWatch.???

    • #8 by Benjamin Newells on 04/03/2015 - 5:33 am

      Rewrite your message. It makes no sense.

  5. #9 by Bob on 04/02/2015 - 12:06 pm

    Please don’t me too seriously.
    I sure as hell don’t.
    I have kept a strenuously strict reign on ANY activities that may be the least outside our Mantra drumbeat.
    This strenuousness is open to debate from BUGSERS.

    • #10 by Henry Davenport on 04/02/2015 - 2:10 pm

      Bob, I’d taken your audio that’s attached to the preceding blog, “If Whites Had Gay Rights,” as floating a new way of extending the reach of the Mantra drumbeat, just like your vice presidential run is.

      And the two means of extending Mantra delivery could possibly work together…as VP candidate, if you could pronounce on prominent anti-whitisms as they pop up in the news, and we were able to have an organized email force on hand, our emails to editors, whomever about the issue could be framed in terms of your candidacy which might be a News hook.

      And those emails that are from bugsers would of course be composed in Mantra terms, and that Mantra template for the emails would be distributed among the (hopefully) larger email force of non-bugsers who would be encouraged to use it, and who at least if nothing else would be receiving the Mantra drumbeat themselves in the template.

    • #11 by RobRoy on 04/02/2015 - 10:26 pm

      If we’re not talking about white genocide we’re Stormfront.

      • #12 by Benjamin Newells on 04/03/2015 - 2:18 am

        It’s a good opportunity to hijack other causes.

        • #13 by RobRoy on 04/03/2015 - 3:43 am

          We’ll get hijacked if we’re not careful.

          • #14 by Secret Squirrel on 04/06/2015 - 6:01 am

            If you’re not careful, you will end up outside SPLC HQ, with no message/Christian flags, looking like conservative idiots. Then writing essays six months later, about why no one in “WN” goes to demos.

            • #15 by RobRoy on 04/07/2015 - 8:55 am

              I don’t do Wordism. My objective is to force a discussion on white genocide. PERIOD.

            • #16 by TheSeeker OfTruth on 04/07/2015 - 2:56 pm

              When the anti-Whites took power they had very few organizations dedicated to their agenda. We are in that boat now. If we were to join some organization and consistently stay on message we may be able to get those people to use our terminology. Like the organization’s president to which you are referring.

              • #17 by Daniel Genseric on 04/07/2015 - 4:23 pm

                You mean you’re not actively doing that right now?

                I’ve been welcomed by the Tea Party with open arms. I’ve hinted that the NRA will likely be just as receptive, if not more so. These organizations, along with certain sects of Christianity, are HIGHLY receptive to our message. The pundits are even stoking the flames. Coulter put out the call to Christians the other day. All of these are implicitly white institutions.

                These are our people. What are you guys waiting for?

  6. #19 by Denounce Genocidists on 04/02/2015 - 3:34 pm

    I read this article as: Throw some mantra tomahawks at anti-whites such as Mark Emmert head of the NCAA.

    BBG might not speak in strictly mantra terms (he has told us before he`s not a mantra warrior but one of our auxilleries -like some of the folks on Twitter) but there is no doubt where he`s coming from.

  7. #20 by TheSeeker OfTruth on 04/02/2015 - 8:14 pm

    It is interesting that BBG would choose the title that he chose.
    The tomahawk was introduced to the Indians by the French. It is a direct descendant of the francesca a throwing axe used by the Franks and other Germanic peoples. However, the Frankish propensity for its use gave them their name.
    The way it was used was that the Franks would charge an enemies line and about twenty feet prior to reaching them they would throw the axe at the ground in front of the enemy causing it to flip wildly through the air at a low level. This in turn would cause the well disciplined enemy to jump back in fear of getting hit below the shield wall and would open open the line making them vulnerable to the charge.
    Bob has mentioned many many times that the Romans conquered the world with discipline. That is correct. The Germans found a way to break that discipline. The Franks specifically perfected it.
    Make no mistake, our enemy’s discipline is eroding. Now is the time to hasten that process and charge.

  8. #21 by Jason on 04/03/2015 - 4:15 am

    It might be useful if Bob elaborated on what our orientation toward other pro-White groups should be, now, and in the future. BUGS does something very basic, more basic than party politics.

    We spread memes from which other pro-White movements may grow. We destroy memes that get in the way of a pro-White movement.

    **Cold Water Warning – I’m going to be a Downer**

    I am always lukewarm about the latest Name to emerge. I don’t want to see BUGSERS give up their regular work to follow the latest Face who creates a party, gets a webpage and picks up a few Mantra points. It is great when anyone uses BUGS memes. But most of them aren’t that great as politicians, and if they were, they would probably be doing something more mainstream. David Duke is an exception. He really did have great TV skills and yet stayed pro-White (well except the last few years, not sure what he calls himself now).

    ** My Middle Class Colors Showing**

    That doesn’t mean these groups aren’t productive. Perhaps the way to think of them is as shock troops, people who are willing to go out and expose Anti-Whitism. When I think of them that way, I see more potential.

    But I don’t think any of these current pro-White groups will have thousands of followers marching in the street behind them. As far as conservative groups … well, if they are willing to quote the Mantra, great! I think we just keep pushing our memes and let them pick them up. I see no reason for anymore cooperation.

    My background is not street activism or party politics so I would appreciate the experience of others. To me, the gameplan remains the same: Push the Mantra.

  9. #22 by Benjamin Newells on 04/03/2015 - 5:31 am

    “The BUGSER movement and its growing cohort of allies need a few scalps to be taken seriously”

    Do you mean that if we achieve some scalps, the public will begin to take our message more seriously? Also, it is not our group that must be taken seriously, it is our message.

  10. #23 by Simmons on 04/03/2015 - 5:47 pm

    The left is our best ally, I love them

  11. #24 by -backbaygrouch- on 04/04/2015 - 12:56 pm

    Re: Benjamin Newells

    If we take a few scalps the public will get to hear us because the apparatchiks throughout the media will be fearful. No one wants to be next in line at the abattoir.

    Jesse Jackson did not become rich because anyone cares about his ragtag demonstrators. Breweries, retailers, etc., are afraid that national media attention will hurt sales. If we could take down one high profile do-gooder a lot of those in similar positions will keep their mouths shut and/or would mention us, positively or negatively, when certain issues are on the table.

    Bob has mentioned how his tiny activist advisory operation [a staff of 2 or 3] was written up as a powerful, huge national network [army?] of reactionaries. This is the principle that George Washington Plunkitt* propounded when he advised would be ward healers to bring a friend to headquarters and announce that your club would support the candidate.

    Most power is no more than the perception of power. The publicity attendant to humiliating a CEO of Emmert’s stature would cause a lot of corporate executives to sit in a puddle if they crossed us.

    A scalp or two would allow us to be heard. It would open the conversation on White Genocide in the Arena. Once heard we will be taken seriously. But we have to be heard first. Functionaries cannot be forced to love, but they fear lickedy split.

    As for the group/message dichotomy, that is the eternal chicken/egg controversy. It can be well argued either way.

    * A Series of Very Plain Talks on Very Practical Politics by George Washington Plunkitt. It is very brief and readily available, likely free on the Internet. Read it. Reread it. Plunkitt was a 19th century Tammany Hall hack. A noble precursor of Robert Whitaker. Don’t recall Bob ever mentioning the slim volume but I will take anyone’s wager who is willing to bet that Bob hasn’t read it.

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