I saw the old site address for the old Anti-Mantra discussion on Stormfront.
To many, it is naturally infuriating to have the Anti-Mantra Pro-Whites using exactly the same arguments against the Mantra that anti-whites do. Resenting that is basis, but what is more important is a SUB Basic.
The subBasic here is that here is a discussion, maybe a hundreds pages long, which keeps going back to the point Stormfront is famous for ignoring: “What are you DOING for our race?”
This is what frustrated Lord Nelson and me and the other original BUGSERS about Stormfront:
No one would even DISCUSS any strategy except marching with a torch in The Final Revolution. Discussion of fine points of Doctrine were so endless that even a theologian would have been bored.
Also, it was funny. Every AMPW assures us that he spends every waking hour “arguing with anti-whites in private, making converts one by one,” If all that bullshit could be gathered, there would never be another failed crop anywhere on earth.
But the subbasic here is that we old BUGSERS can testify, the whole question of taking the battle into the public arena would never have been mentioned. All Stormfront seemed to be devoted to is chest-beating by people who demanded that everybody ELSE take to the streets and fine points about Hitler’s mustache or how all pro-whites had to be the writer’s version of a True Christian.
Some AMPWs asked whether it was some kind of triumph by BUGSERS to have “white genocide” endlessly ridiculed. No one who has any experience with real, practical politics would even ASK such a question.
All revolutionary ideas begin by being ridiculed.
#1 by Rose on 04/13/2015 - 2:33 pm
I mentioned before the truth in 3 steps:
First, ridiculed.
Second, violently opposed.
Finally, accepted as self-evident.
We’ve made our concept well known enough to be ridiculed now.
Which took at least a decade, as you said.
Is it once we’ve made it past the ridicule stage that the AMPW’s will come out as secret BUGSers who were with us all along?
Do revolutionary ideas have to make it to the second step, violent opposition, before revolutionaries even notice?
#2 by Electric on 04/14/2015 - 11:52 am
There are already fake BUGSers scattered all over twitter. Are the pro-Whites that Jooo! talk all day going to do the violent opposition? Or am I misunderstanding you?
#3 by Tom Bowie on 04/14/2015 - 1:22 pm
Electric: Some of the Not-So-Pro-Whites who call themselves in the Movement or White Nationalists will be more than willing to attack along with the Anti-Whites. The Mantra is destroying their dreams of RaHoWa.
In a similar vein: Not just Twitter from what I’ve seen and not just PWAM.
Ever tactic is being used by AntiWhites as well.
A nice young mother of two young boys clicked on a link provided by a source that had screen name appearing to sound like somebody from BUGS. Believing it was a from a trusted person that only promotes healthy values, she clicked upon the link in front of her young boys. It was in fact a link to Interracial Porn. The mother had to have the birds and bees talk with her sons that night and explain what they’d seen. She is now somewhat paranoid about clicking on links from anywhere; I can’t say I blame her.
I’ve clicked on such a links myself and seen what I’d rather not see. The pretenders sometimes don’t just pick a BUGS like name, sometimes they go so far as to imitate a name with a slight change in spelling that’s not noticeable unless close attention is paid to every letter, number, symbol, and space in that name.
I’ve already been accused of providing bad links of a different kind. I’ve stirred up a hornets nest of Not-So-Pro-Whites and the rejects from Nimbusters.
I’m posting so you’ll not be taken by surprise if/when this happens to you. You’ve got the AntiWhites on the run and this deception is just their latest counter move.
It should be noticed that only one group is drawing such resistance and attention. Front line soldiers always take the brunt of every new offensive. It’s also true that such soldiers often get others who’ve never even fired a shot pretending to be them; nobody pretends to be somebody who has had latrine duty.
#4 by Electric on 04/14/2015 - 3:17 pm
Thanks for warning me Tom. Doesn’t surprise me how low these filthy anti-White freaks are whiling to go.
#5 by Denounce Genocidists on 04/14/2015 - 9:40 am
And it`s beyond the imagination of these chuckleheads how much less hilarious it would be for the anti-whites now if Stormfronters had picked up the mantra baton when it was first offered.
But they can at least make themselves useful and stick #WhiteGenocide in amongst their outpourings of doom and gloom
#6 by Bob on 04/14/2015 - 12:09 pm
Let me posit here that it is true that revolutions take the three steps Rose mentioned:
First, ridiculed.
Second, violently opposed.
Finally, accepted as self-evident.
But my specialty is how you get to Step One!
#7 by Electric on 04/14/2015 - 7:20 pm
Here’s an example of a FAKE BUGser. Recently with my encounter with an anti-White he jumped in and replied “half ape family” to the anti-White.
Now If I am not mistaken, we don’t do this stuff. We try to appeal to an audience NOT scare them away. I think he’s most defiantly an anti-White. When I politely corrected him in a PM. He took that as ‘criticism” and was very sour about it LOL.
#8 by Secret Squirrel on 04/14/2015 - 11:26 pm
There’s a fake pro White that creates a new account every couple of days, after it is banned by Twitter. His tactic is not to post tweets, but to remain at the top of your followers section, to scare off more respectable people. I block him and he always returns.
#9 by Benjamin Newells on 04/15/2015 - 9:42 am
If I’m not mistaken I’ve gotten into arguments with that imbecile before too. He’s not a real Bugser and he’s possibly an anti-white.
#10 by Electric on 04/14/2015 - 7:22 pm
I am assuming this is his other account. https://twitter.com/jreb_14/status/588116707635499010
He’s either a stormfronter pro-White or just another anti-white troll.
#11 by Electric on 04/14/2015 - 8:07 pm
Never mind. Cleared things up. I thought he was an actual BUGser.
#12 by jo3w on 04/15/2015 - 7:46 pm
A prime example of a twitter pissing match. There is tailgating then there is the twitter pissing match. Both are equally effective at ending White genocide. I used twitter for about 2 days before I let someone draw me into a pissing match. Coach talks about having the discipline of a sniper, the twitter pissing match is the opposite of that. I had to take a break from having several pissing matches going on at once (all vs anti-Whites, but pissing matches none the less). When I get back to twitter, I’m going to use the block button and move on quickly. Maybe I’ll just stick to you tube and news comments sections.
#13 by Secret Squirrel on 04/14/2015 - 11:06 pm
“Some AMPWs asked whether it was some kind of triumph by BUGSERS to have “white genocide” endlessly ridiculed. No one who has any experience with real, practical politics would even ASK such a question.”
There’s an anti-white that uses a self ridicule tactic, to inject his memes into the heart of his opponent’s comment sections.
The anti-whites are not frightened of getting laughed at. They use it.
#14 by Henry Davenport on 04/15/2015 - 3:33 am
Partly as a joke, I recently ran a true/false poll at SF:
“Meme repetition is ineffective in fighting the anti-whites’ program of White Genocide”
No one got the joke of course, even after I mentioned twice that the poll’s wording contained “a wry comment,” and offered as a prize to anyone who could spot it a free meme that they could repeat over and over in the mainstream. No one showed any interest in either of those comments or in the explanation when I gave it.
They’re only interested in “the News” and are not interested at all in anything we’re doing. I think most of our readers at WGP are much the same.
I live in a world whose inhabitants I no longer understand.
#15 by Henry Davenport on 04/15/2015 - 3:45 am
In case anyone missed it, the joke was that the statement of the poll would have met with objection, ridicule, etc. at SF several years ago, but today goes uncommented upon since our efforts have made its wording customary there and even somewhat standard.*
You can’t teach SF’ers much, except by the same methods we use to teach the masses who SF’ers feel so superior to and lament the stupidity of.
*Or maybe we just wore them out.
#16 by Secret Squirrel on 04/15/2015 - 4:00 am
“They’re only interested in “the News” and are not interested at all in anything we’re doing. I think most of our readers at WGP are much the same.”
That behavior is not exclusive to SF. Its exactly the same outside the pro White scene as well. Everyone just laps up the news and scrawls their opinion of it. Its a bizarre social ritual.
#17 by Henry Davenport on 04/15/2015 - 4:51 am
It IS bizarre! (And yes, it’s a social ritual. I hadn’t quite seen it in those perfect words). It’s always the same news, you only need to check in on it every 6 months or so.
Maybe it’s like I enjoy listening to the same old country music song over and over every day sometimes.
But gobbling up news stories every day would be like listening to the same rap song over and over…I HATE the friggin’ news, I don’t WANT to know who shot who over what, and what politician told what lies today…all that stuff murders the soul much more than the porn that pro-whites yammer about…it IS porn, it’s a fetish that delivers lascivious thrills day after day.
I admit, if bill and hillary get back in the White House I’ll probably tune in a little more, since that’s going to be high-quality porn.
#18 by Daniel Genseric on 04/17/2015 - 10:28 am
It’s a good thing we have such a Supremely Clever Ally working for BUGS and at the White House
Time for some spring cleaning
#19 by Benjamin Newells on 04/17/2015 - 10:36 am
Genseric, you’re the only person who tells the truth at this place.
#20 by Henry Davenport on 04/17/2015 - 10:54 am
Benjamin, all the rest of us are liars, or hold back important truths? If so, what are those truths?
In what way do you feel Genseric tells the truth better than the rest of us? Let’s get down to brass tacks instead of generalities here.
#21 by Benjamin Newells on 04/17/2015 - 11:36 am
Nothing a Bugser tells another Bugser should be taken personally. But it should be taken seriously.
You’ve done some seriously good work at Bugs. Maybe Genseric overlooks that. But he knows you have done good things. He’s urging for people to get tighter with their work.
The paltalk morons need to get off their high horse. 9 hours sessions debating with one same psychotic anti-white about how “America is a White country because the US constitution says so” is the pinnacle of failure.
As soon as I began criticizing these retards (because that’s what these idiots are) about their paltalk failures, they start magically talking about doing twitter better in other threads yet won’t admit they’ve been wrong. (Though they still suck at twitter and think that twitter is a “whole new beast”).
A lot of Bugsers can’t swallow their pride when they get criticized successfully. F swallow your pride. We’re here in a battlefield.
As for you Jason, I’m f sick of your Sh. If Genseric criticizes Henry over the last few years, even unsuccessfully, then why should he be blamed for Henry POTENTIALLY leaving Bugs? If Henry ever leaves Bugs, it will be 100% his fault. This is warfare against the anti-whites. No time for “politeness”. If Henry can’t handle it, then he doesn’t belong at Bugs. Bugs is for those who can handle it. Can’t handle it? Then leave. Bugs is for the pros who can take a hit on the chin. Even if the hit is undeserved, it shouldn’t be enough to “drive you off” from Bugs. Henry has proven he can handle it. And he’ll keep doing it. Bugsers are always 100% committed.
Jason and some others perhaps are promoting a crappy “be polite and nice or you’ll drive off potential bugsers” bs. No we’re a ruthless unit and we’re here for business. (And we’re certainly not here for 9 hour paltalk sessions with one psychotic anti-white about how “USA is a White country because US constitution says so”. Go to twitter or do some “stuff” in a university toilet instead…. Do I really have to say this? LOL?)
#22 by Henry Davenport on 04/17/2015 - 5:22 pm
Benjamin, except for the paltalk stuff which I know nothing about and have no opinion on, everything you say in this comment points 180 degrees in the wrong direction.
I don’t have the energy now to respond, but if I still give a crap by next month, I’ll finish an article I started a couple of weeks ago,
Straight talk about the BUGS cult
I’ll respond to your points in that article, which I assume BUGS Central will post, since they are so solicitous of everyone here having their completely free expression.
In the meantime, as far as posting at BUGS, count me out, since I take no pleasure in being the mole in an endless game of whack-a-mole.
#23 by Jason on 04/18/2015 - 5:29 am
Benjamin, you have to troll better than that.
#24 by Henry Davenport on 04/17/2015 - 10:48 am
“It’s a good thing we have such a Supremely Clever Ally working for BUGS and at the White House”
If you are referring to myself and this is a sincere compliment, I thank you very much, Daniel, even though the praise goes much beyond what I feel I’ve earned.
“Time for some spring cleaning”
What are you thinking of exactly?
#25 by Jason on 04/17/2015 - 4:29 pm
Daniel, you accused me of being a traitor. This is now the FOURTH time I’ve asked what you meant, to either back it up or admit you were off your meds.
You are running from answering. You put on a tough-guy act, but when called out for the statements you make, you hide under a table.
#26 by Henry Davenport on 04/15/2015 - 6:24 am
“…the point Stormfront is famous for ignoring: “What are you DOING for our race?”
The reply of many there is to point out how may comments they’ve posted on SF. I believe they see SF as the SPLC-recognized spearhead of the white movement.
#27 by shari on 04/15/2015 - 3:50 pm
It’s not that I’m so upbeat. I tend not to be, but it looks to me as if the “news” is heading straight for a head on crash with “anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.” AND it will be remembered.
I can still remember ad jingles from the 60’s. Most people my age can. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white will be SOOO much more glaring. It’s also TRUE unlike an ad jingle.
#28 by Henry Davenport on 04/15/2015 - 4:55 pm
Have TV ads still included jingles for the last several decades, or did that become too unsophisticated? When I mention at SF that all of us in the late 1950s knew the jingle “Winstons taste good like a cigarette should,” which shot Winston sales to the top of the charts, I rarely get a response, even when I add that we’re spreading the jingle “Winstons taste bad like the worse cigarette you ever had.”
It’s like they’ve never been exposed to this way of driving messages into a population. Pointing out what the r-word has accomplished makes no dent. They just are not interested! Some of them obviously regard us as effetes who are doing silly, cute things with words when there’s a revolution to be waged.
If I get irritated enough to keep pushing the Winstons example in their face on a thread (I just don’t know any more recent examples), I’ll get back something like, “That appealed to an appetite, while the Mantra…blah blah” What, a natural appetite for Winstons over Camels? It’s like they’ve never had to think either, to have thoughts and then examine the thoughts to ask themselves if the thoughts really do the job. Did these people ever study anything in school that they had to work a little bit to understand? I had assignments in high school that I actually had to think about. I don’t recognize these people as being anything like people I’ve known all my life.
#29 by Henry Davenport on 04/15/2015 - 5:05 pm
Angelo Gage at NYF responded to an email from me with a very generous offer to pitch in strongly with his team to help us get our meme messages up at the White House at the beginning of the month. Good news! 😀
#30 by Yankee Rebel on 04/16/2015 - 1:11 pm
The way I have been interacting with anti-Whites on the web is to keep responding to them with memes, mostly copy/pasted from Bugs Buddy Web helper, until THEY give up in frustration. lol. As long as I can keep the conversation flowing with more memes, I think the effort is worthwhile. I have gotten some great practice using the Mantra and our memes by this method.
#31 by time for freedom on 04/16/2015 - 6:01 pm
Henry Davenport…I don’t try and teach people the usefulness of the Mantra regardless of whether they are anti-white or PWAM types. Rather, I have simply learned to USE the Mantra on them as if they are ALL anti-whites. Whether, I am talking with a PWAM or an anti-white there is always an audience of healthy normal Whites listening/watching the discussion; This is always prime opportunity to make mantra point after mantra point.
These PWAM types are just plain stupid and to my mind even less respectable than real anti-whites, but they can still be used by us in a limited way to get out the White Genocide perspective contained in the Mantra.
I look at it this way…If I’m with another soldier in the field fighting the enemy…The last thing I’m gonna do is teach him how to use his rifle, rather, i’m just gonna start shootin with my own rifle and kill the enemy; and if that demonstration isn’t enough to convince him to use his own rifle to accomplish the same thing then in my opinion he is as bad as the enemy and has to be removed from his post and be treated just like the enemy.
I hope that makes sense.
#32 by Henry Davenport on 04/16/2015 - 6:45 pm
You’re right tff, and after three years of ignoring this advice, maybe I’m finally in my dying throes of trying to explain Mantra to pro-whites. That email I posted on the working thread last night that I sent to Gage may be my dying gasp of that sort of thing (which I think probably accomplishes nothing aside from causing offense, no matter how it’s done), because when I read the article on NYF today about their “defend your people” fliers at that little college, I felt real bad over the forfeited opportunity, but then thought, well, that’s just the way it is, and all we can do is try to expose them to so much Mantra that they start copying us without even thinking about it, or, they suddenly realize the opportunity of pro-whites getting on the same White GeNOcide message everywhere. I guess it’s a process that can’t be hurried.
Thanks for giving me an additional helpful nudge in the right direction.
#33 by time for freedom on 04/16/2015 - 7:17 pm
Exactly HD.
#34 by Henry Davenport on 04/16/2015 - 7:38 pm
“I guess it’s a process that can’t be hurried.”
Or maybe it could a little. 😉
How about a thread here at BUGS to which leaders of pro-White groups would have a standing invitation to post their latest actions if they wished, for critique by BUGSer standards:
BUGS Training for Pro-White Leaders
Invitation wouldn’t be explicitly made, but mention of the thread could be made now and then until word gets around…I bet in time just out of curiosity it would get some response.
Gage says that listening to Horus’ podcasts changed his approach completely. So not all the pro-whites out there are closed minded and unwilling or unable to think about our methods. I’m not willing to give up on rational thought completely, so long as we make the ordeal of rational thought voluntary.
In the context of such a thread, criticism could be offered without causing nearly as much offense as otherwise.
Imagine…all the pro-White leaders…(hum along)
#35 by jo3w on 04/16/2015 - 8:37 pm
Am I the only one who thought there was a T in BugsTer? Like BUGSter.
#36 by Henry Davenport on 04/16/2015 - 8:57 pm
No, jo3w, I once thought that too. 😉
I used to write it with a “t,” but finally I shifted to the way of writing it that Bob was using (I haven’t noticed if he still does), as I began to notice that he always chooses phrasing that’s as far from being a cliché as possible. So that as little about us as possible can be just shifted into a familiar pigeonhole and dismissed. But maybe I’m stretching a point. Plus Bob’s typing can’t always be relied upon.
But what about my idea? Isn’t it sterling?
Our training course will be overbooked I’m sure. In about 15 years. If we start now.
#37 by Henry Davenport on 04/17/2015 - 10:53 pm
“BUGS Training for Pro-White Leaders”
If that title for our training thread seems presumptuous, or even arrogant, we could soften it with a diplomatic sub-heading,
“For pro-white leaders who’ve become enlightened enough to see that they’re just stumbling around in the dark.”