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Tim Hits the Bullseye!

Posted by Bob on February 21st, 2006 under Comment Responses

The title is my reply to Tim’s comment on abortion:

I always get asked about abortion. I always say: “It depends on who is getting aborted”. This draws anger and awe. The usual reaction is shock. The oddest thing is that EVERYONE knows what I mean! This has come as a surprise to me. You would think someone would ask for a further explanation. It has almost never been the case. I think Katrina has solidified a few things for us Mr Whitaker. I have seen more folks interested in my remarks. I have also seen and heard WAY more folks who are much more receptive to the title RACIST. I see folks more and more that do not bat an eyelash at this stuff. Now we just have to get more parots like me. Interesting to note, folks that grew up around areas like I did (heavily minority areas) are converted already. The Suburban folks are in general stupid and naive. I see why the politicos have no respect for the masses (I hate to put it like that because it may make me seem unconcerned toward the common man–which is obviously not true –or I would not be here on this blog). The suburban soccer moms are feeling the fire and getting more protective—mother ducks are becoming LESS STUPID and Naive. Thank Gawd. I was wondering how many Haitians living next door to a person in the burbs it would take to get through to them. Lenin had White people pegged when he stated:”Worse is Better”. These stupid immigration policies may be seen as the saving grace for our race.

  1. #1 by Derek on 02/21/2006 - 1:26 pm

    I completely agree about the suburbanite comment.

    I grew up in the city and there was a lot of racism. I was raised by a single, liberal woman so racism was wrong. It was talked about openly in the city. When we finally got enough money to move to the burbs it was a closet issue.

    We had one black girl in our school in the burbs and everyone knew that she was using black history month to get out of class because the other months of the year she used illnesses that no one would question. Our white majority was afraid of offending the single black that was there.

    I was indoctrinated into this. It got worse in college. It wasn’t until I worked for the government and was forced to see the atrocities of PC that I became who I am today.

    I was angry for many years because of it. My whole life I had been lied to.

    I am a little older now so I am a lot more calm. I can see how the anger didn’t help. I think that this is how a lot of us are. We aren’t angry or mad anymore. We’re just tired of it. Maybe that is enough to get this thing going.

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