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  • meawhiterabbit

    This thread is encouraging. The penny will drop for them eventually!


    Coniglio Bianco-Don’t take this the wrong way but pretty much all your posts on here are very pessimistic. Why’s that?

    in reply to: Are you new to BUGS Swarm? #15358

    Hello new Bugsters! This is where the fun starts for you guys and remember, there is nothing better for a White and normal person to do right now than to get on a consistent message!


    I think Swarmfront is a dead end. Stick to Bugs. When my SF ban is up if i ever post there again i won’t be posting anything Mantra related. I’ll use that pace for N and J information. Thats what its good for.


    I posted this reply in Lord Nelsons other thread…..

    I’ll be honest and i didn’t want to say this before but part of me thinks aligning with SF is not a good idea. There are so many negative connotations with that site that it will give the anti-Whites more ammo and reason to start using the white supremacist smear. I seriously things its best to dump Swarmfront and stick to Bugs. I have a feeling it will end up doing more damage than good. Think about it, we don’t mention the J words for that very reason!

    LN is spot on. We want to get the White and normal people on our side and speaking out against genocide.


    I’ll be honest and i didn’t want to say this before but part of me thinks aligning with SF is not a good idea. There are so many negative connotations with that site that it will give the anti-Whites more ammo and reason to start using the white supremacist smear. I seriously things its best to dump Swarmfront and stick to Bugs. I have a feeling it will end up doing more damage than good. Think about it we don’t mention the J words for that very reason!

    LN is spot on. We want to get the White and normal people on our side and speaking out against genocide.

    in reply to: Crazy Ideas For Spreading The Mantra #15154

    I was thinking………………those cat videos and dog videos get a LOT of views. Is this a NUTS idea? Set up a profile and upload a lot of cute animal videos. Get the subscribers up and then BANG hit them with White genocide videos? Yay or neigh?

    in reply to: Anyone checked out the Anti-White forums? #15096

    Not suggesting us Bugsters should use get bogged down with facts when debating race deniers (as we know it turns into tailgating) but my god this thread is brilliant.

    A race realists posts in their opposing views, hands their asses to them and the thread ends up in the bin. Worth if you want to get more clued up on the science behind race for your own knowledge.

    Again this is a good thread for helping predict their “arguments” and strawmans.

    in reply to: Anyone checked out the Anti-White forums? #15089

    This thread is worth reading. Simply idiotic. A SF poster posted a list of questions for them (mainly regarding mass immigration) Check out the responses. We deal with a lot of this type. This is a good way to do homework on the anti-Whites.


    HD-Generally there is a very friendly tone around here (particularly yourself HD!) but from time to time some posters can be overly curt-although i think this has improved. I was pointing this out because it seems like we have had a drop in voices of about 62% from the first where did you post the mantra thread to the new one. That to me suggests there is something that happens when people do join the Swarm that turns them off. I could be wrong but i am just putting this out there. I had concerns when the numbers were rising slowly and i voiced these a few months ago. I let it fly then as on the surface it did seem like we were gettng new recruits. However when i did my own research i discovered we were actually loosing people. This number of voices in the new thread seems to confirm my suspicions. Bottom line is it seems like our retention of Bugsters is awful!

    Regarding “civic nationalism.” I do not agreee HD. Over in the Uk the Scots are against the English, The Welsh against the English, North and South Ireland fighting, The Catholcs at the Protestants from all over the UK are at each others throats and everyone complains about white immigration and Muslims all day long. BUT few apart from us points out those are all distractions to keep our eye of the real issue-White genocide. It all seems like controlled BS tp me. The media controls the energy flow and i just KNOW that there are posters over on SF who are shills controlling the energy flow also. I can sense it. Look at their history posts. They are the EDL lot. Look for the trends. Anyway to be honest i am not wasting energy with them anymore. FYI the guy Raffles over in the Brit Forum is a true White Nationalist and agrees more or less 100% with me.


    Edit-video already linked (didn’t see it!)


    Happy New Year to all Bugsters

    Okay here’s the honest truth. Look at the amount of voices in the first where did you post the Mantra. Now look at the second. Something is not working here. My opinion? Bob is wrong to imply that Bugsters must “give the others hell” when they don’t march TOTALLY in step with the rest. The premise here is try it out and report back if its working or not. Well i am reporting back. Being overly curt to fellow pro Whites (and MOST importantly fellow Bugsters) is NOT working. We need 300. We have 30 (31 including me as i haven’t posted in the new thread yet.)

    There will always different personalities and some that rub each of us up the wrong way but the “yes sir, okay sir” approach is not helping us gain numbers.

    HD-I am not sure your approach will work. Is worth a try but i think it might put people off. Remember the manta is to browbeat anti-Whites. Just convese normally but thread in some talking points and use our terminology.

    PS-30ish is about right. I actually went through the original thread a couple of months ago and counted all the names i regnoized as current mantra posters. It was about 30ish. I didn’t want to post that at the time.

    in reply to: Are you new to BUGS Swarm? #14633

    G-I think the Tram Experience has worked out well for us. The mantra swarms on those videos, coupled with the European White Genocide Movie (currently 17k views) and the Tram Experience-Mantra Response (currently 10k views) has got the Mantra AROUND! I am sure there are more people dropping bits of the Mantra than we can imagine right now.

    in reply to: Debate advice and style first 909 posts #14545

    Cheers Peter i’ll have a look for it. The “love” line is one of my slight stumbling blocks still.

    They way you describe Bobs article reminds me on a comment i heard a man make one time. Upon seeing a White woman with what he used to call a gray baby (i like that expression) he said

    “A few minutes of pleasure
    A few hours of pain
    And i life time of hell!! ”

    We could adapt that.

    in reply to: Debate advice and style first 909 posts #14542

    OB-That second pic is remarkable. Notice how she is holding the non White children and the little blonde kid is on her own with an older woman? Poor little girl. She looks adorable but will probably grow up to be crazy.

    Off topic but was Klum PAID to do this or something?! Honestly i know its been discussed to death over on SF but i never ever ever ever will get my head round it. Even as far as Black men go Seal is incredibly ugly, i mean INCREDIBLY ugly.

    in reply to: Debate advice and style first 909 posts #14537

    OB-Thanks for the comments. Not sure the Ugly line flies though. I have been shocked occasionally to here even pro White people say “oh i know but sometimes black kids can be very cute!” I of course jump on them and ask “Cute as in a blond blue eyed tiny girl or a koala bear!?”

    I have also had members of my family go with the “ohh but all gods children are beautiful and to its mother it will be beautiful” line. As i said when discussing this with family members its hard. Sometimes even harder because you can’t outright Mantra them! I am Just preparing myself in case this comes up over dinner haha

    in reply to: Debate advice and style first 909 posts #14534

    “Love” you know that comment. “oh but you can’t stop people from falling in love. People will fall in love with whoever they like”

    Its a tricky one. Especially if you are talking with a friend of maybe a family member who you know isn’t anti-White just brainwashed a little by the media. What the best tactic? Explain race mixing propaganda? The problem with that i have found is they find it hard to accept unless you sit them down and go through all the examples on line. However there is also the issue that race mixing was occurring for years before TV and newspapers and that kinda of weakens the media argument. Anyone got an nice little mantras for this?

    in reply to: Debate advice and style first 909 posts #14438

    OldBlighty-Good advice. You are right.

    in reply to: Debate advice and style first 909 posts #14412

    Non-white anti-whites. Do you guys treat them as a normal anti-white or point out they are non-White? This one is actually mixed race. Seriously persistent anti-White though.

    in reply to: Also calling Anti-Whites 'Genocidists'? #14199

    Peter-Good point regarding the exceptions to the rule. I usually laugh when they come up with a couple of African countries that have a handful of non Africans, point out thats only TWO from a possible FIFTY Plus and then swing back into but ALL WHITE countries……i wonder if listing them would be more powerful.

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