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Posted by Bob on February 21st, 2006 under Comment Responses

In his on target comment, Tim includes the following:

“Interesting to note, folks that grew up around areas like I did (heavily minority areas) are converted already. ”

Tim, this is the story on race. When I was young, Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota was the leader on “civil rights.” At that time Minnesota had next to no blacks. Swedes and other Europeans were frothing at the mouth about civil rights. They were all-white.

It was, in fact, a well-known rule of thumb that the less blacks an area had, the more integrationist it was.

My first multicultural experience was when I was sent to an all-white segregated school. I was raised almost entirely among blacks.

You may notice my enthusiasm for integration was never very great. I’ve hinted that here several times.

When my fiancee came back from South Africa to take her degree at the University of Vienna, no one would listen to her onthe subject of race. They said that, having lived and worked in Sout Africa for several years, she was prejudiced.

This puzzled her a little, but I assured her that I was used to it. Prejudice means to PRE-judge. So if you have actual experience with non-whies, you are PREjudging them. If you never met one until you were in your teens, you are not prejudiced.

Of course, those who have been there are POST-judging, and those who spin theories around the absense of minorities are PRE-judging.

As whites are being chased down in every corner of the world, us POSTjudgers are becoming ever more numerous.

  1. #1 by Tim on 02/21/2006 - 9:39 pm

    I have concluded that minorities can do our job for us—-alot quicker. If folks have never been exposed to any turd worlders. They think they are the cutesy, whitty lawyer on TV who gets to sleep with all the blondes. Nothing like Realty to bust bubbles. And nothing does it quicker than the Somali with an IQ of 60 and a machete in hand. It is like a powder kool-aid mix for RACISTS.

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