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This is IMPORTANT: Bob is Not Smarter Than God

Posted by Bob on June 4th, 2007 under Bob

C.S. Lewis said that prophets do not come among men to tell them NEW truths, but to remind them of truths they already know. I am far below a prophet, and most of what I say is basics.

If Jesus had believed that the Old Testament and the Law had all the truths needed, he could have stayed in the Temple. He did just the opposite.

Most of the Parables are warnings against depending on Authority. Considering what his audience thought of Samaritans, it is amazing that the Good Samaritan didn’t get him lynched on the spot.

One of the two people Christ specifically consigned to Hell was a High Priest who, Jesus said, had followed the Law perfectly.

A lot of people seem to think that people who do the evil things I describe in the name of diversity, for example, will get away with it on Judgment Day because the Pope and all the leaders say it’s all right, and they just hadn’t thought of it the way I put it.

I was never afraid to die because I do not permit myself to be for anything that stinks. I know it stinks, THEN I analyze why.

I am telling myself a truth I already know.

If a preacher united two people whose children will be mixed and probably ugly because the two are “in love,” he knows he is wrong.

I do not know WHY mixed-blood countries are all places children raised there will be miserable, but I know it, and so do the “Christians.”

I am an experienced old bird when it comes to figuring out what people REALLY think, and I am fully aware that vanishingly few of preachers, including the fundamental ones, REALLY believe they will be judged.

When Pat Robertson said that intermarriage would reduce racial tensions, he knows he is supporting pure evil. But a lot of people think he will attain salvation anyway because he hasn’t heard the Mantra. He is innocent because he hasn’t heard ME.

It doesn’t work that way. Jesus said over and over and over that the Law and Authority won’t protect you.

If you think someone will get by Judgment Day because I have something to say that God hasn’t already figured out, think again.

  1. #1 by shari on 06/04/2007 - 7:11 pm

    That’s right, and whenever someone who isn’t a small child is deceived, they are not entirely innocent. While, perhaps, not as guilty as the deceiver, there is always something that stinks that is ignored.

  2. #2 by Sys Op on 06/04/2007 - 7:16 pm

    I wish that C.S. Lewis were alive today for no other reason but for you.

    As in his best-known simplistic book Mere Christianity I agree you are right that every person will go through Judgment Day and “the Law and Authority” will have nothing to do with the outcome as you describe above. Jesus Himself will have already choosen every one who enjoys eternity and clearly communicated criteria for that (Moses being one of His choices, often quoted by Him and demonstrated in what was recorded in the New Testament — and he was no perfect prophet, nor smarter than God either).

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