Archive for June 10th, 2007
Honesty made me keep calling this Bob’s Blog.
I left for a week and you kept it going. Now it really is Bob’s Underground Seminar, BUGS.
So it is time for SysOps and Brain to change it.
I should be ashamed of myself! When I was in my early teens, my father insisted that real management meant that me and my siblings should be able to outwork every black or white worker on the brick plant without passing out.
They were tough but we had to be tougher.
I was put in the roughest places and I never “monkeyed out.” I was TOUGH. That made mercenary combat easy for me later.
I am impressed by that today. I say to myself, “WOW!”
Actually I say to myself, “WOW! That was really stupid! I am still suffering from the brain damage it caused, and my brain was a more precious resource than all of THEM put together!”
So I should be ASHAMED to OPENLY depend on Brain (sic) and SysOps.
I consider everything SysOps and Brain (sic) and Pain and Dave and the rest of you do to be what ***I*** do. After years of thinking about it, the old idea of management seems dumber and dumber to me. Instead of understanding the Wisdom of My Elders, experience makes me see it as stupider and stupider.
It AMAZES me that anyone should think that a high level manager should be COMPETING with The Talent.
But let me conclude on a somber note:
There is a nasty rumor going about that every time SysOp recommends something I say, “Yes, ma’am” and then grovel and whimper.
This is NOT true.
I NEVER whimper.
Honesty is Fatal, But Useful to YOU
Posted by Bob in Bob, Coaching Session on 06/10/2007
I said at the end of the last piece that, when you drift off in your balloon, you will not regret the time you spent with me. I predicted, insultingly, that you would eventually drift off in your own little balloon. Shouldn’t that offend you enough to make you desert the blog?
I remember once when a girl said to me, “I really thought a lot of you until you said THAT (I forget what it was).”
My reply was, “If your friendship is THAT easily lost, I’d rather not be burdened with it.” That was not my planned retort, it was my honest reaction.
I remember the last time Mark gave me hell, and I LIKED it. It took me a while to consider his POINT, because I was so pleased that here was somebody who didn’t need diplomacy. That will confuse most people because when someone gets the nickname “Sarge” one expects him to be Mister Nice Guy all the time.
No matter what balloon you eventually drift away in, the sort of brutal honesty Mark and I share is unique in the political/propaganda world. Many a person who has drifted away from me has expressed a nostalgia for the one time they were close to “an honest person who pulled no punches.”
Honesty is a lousy tactic. It is definitely not Shrewd. But the Shrewd people are all gone, and I’m still here.
Bubbles 2
Now that WE are Bob’s Blog, I can ventilate some. No longer is a Word From Bob Himself an excuse for someone here to desert us.
But this ventilating contains lessons. I have been in this game, determined ONLY to save my race, for fifty-five years. I have watched hundreds or thousands of people drift away from the cause in their little bubbles.
I THOUGHT I just watched AFKAN drift away in his bubble. My apologies to AFKAN. It was just Al Parker being cute. AFKAN will forgive me.
But my mistake would have been fatal before.
When this blog was just me, I was on a knife edge. People who swore they were dedicated above all to the survival of our race would get insulted and what they took as an insult to them or their pet bubble would cause them to instantly drop everything they had said they learned here.
I watch as Stormfronters leave our tiny group with our special mission to join a group collecting immigration petitions or hailing Ron Paul as Our Savior. There are MILLIONS of THEM, but our people deplete our tiny, historic ranks to get in on the Latest Big Thing.
I have spent fifty-five years watching one Latest Big Thing after another. To me the Jehovists who were saying that we could not plan for the long-term because if a Catholic were elected president in 1960 there would never be another election in America are as fresh in my memory as the Ron Paul for God crowd is now.
I know every bubble people drift off into from personal, raw, painful experience. From the obsession with uniforms of the man who founded WOL to the guy I described before I had worked with for half a century and who suddenly became a fanatical defeatist t those who would sell us out in an instant for the pope or their particular version of Jehovah and Traditional Values, I know ticking time-bombs when I see them. All of them have gone off in my face, repeatedly.
I was in at the founding of the Southern League, later the League of the South. Then it drifted off into a multicultural balloon. It had a Jehovist program. I saw that early and went along because I could use it until it blew away completely in its balloon.
I made my living off of the Goldwater-Reagan bubbles. I am fighting my fight on that money today. I get a little tired of people telling me Reagan was not the Real Revolution. I knew that going in.
I could tell you a hundred bubbles I watched people drift off in their balloons, and I could probably describe yours. But you will never regret the time you spent with me before your bubble took you away.
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session on 06/10/2007
I get so TIRED of pulling people back from dumb. This Ron Paul crap makes me wonder if I should just give it up.
Our problem is not immigration. Our problem is racial survival. I get so SICK f the usual dramatic, “Before it’s too late” line everybody likes to put in there. WOW! It gets your blood chilled, right?
The worst thing that could happen for RACIAL SURVIVAL would be a cutoff of immigration NOW. There are already plenty of coloreds to interbreed with and make us just another brown country. That’s what Ron Paul stands for.
How in the HELL do MY people get into this kind of “Yuck-yuck, see, I got everybody with me” crap? This is why I am so careful with the Mantra. That little phrase “assimilate (i.e., intermarry with)” is subtle and absolutely, PLEASE NOTE, absolutely critical to, everything I exist for. If you drop it you’re just one more antiimmigrationist.
Intermarriage is the Holy of Holies. The person who started WOL went back to serve in Iraq and our last argument was almost a fist fight over whether his black sergeant could have a white woman if he wanted one.
Yet here I have people panting after Ron Paul, who would fight for intermarriage as a libertarian harder than any liberal.
Join me or join them, but for God’s sake stop being DUMB!
The Yuck-Yuck Bit
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session on 06/10/2007
I get so TIRED of pulling people back from dumb. This Ron Paul crap makes me wonder if I should just give it up.
Our problem is not immigration. Our problem is racial survival. I get so SICK of the usual dramatic, “Before it’s too late” line everybody likes to put in there. WOW! It gets your blood chilled, right?
The worst thing that could happen for RACIAL SURVIVAL would be a cutoff of immigration NOW. There are already plenty of coloreds to interbreed with and make us just another brown country. That’s what Ron Paul stands for.
Only a minority white population will fight intermarriage. This is the opposite of the “too late” crap.
How in the HELL do MY people get into this kind of “Yuck-yuck, see, I got everybody with me” crap? This is why I am so careful with the Mantra. That little phrase “assimilate (i.e., intermarry with)” is subtle and absolutely, PLEASE NOTE, absolutely critical to, everything I exist for. If you drop it you’re just one more anti-immigrationist.
Intermarriage is the Holy of Holies. The person who started WOL went back to serve in Iraq and our last argument was almost a fist fight over whether his black sergeant could have a white woman if he wanted one.
Yet here I have people panting after Ron Paul, who would fight for intermarriage as a libertarian harder than any liberal.
Join me or join them, but for God’s sake stop being DUMB!
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