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Norfront and Al Parker Express My Opinion on Ron Paul

Posted by Bob on June 9th, 2007 under Bob, Coaching Session

Jun 8, 10:59 PM
Al Parker says:
I’ll tell you who isn’t one in a million: Ron Paul, who is promoted happily by Stormfront.

In response to allegations of racism, Paul said:

“Racism is simply an ugly form of collectivism, the mindset that views humans strictly as members of groups rather than individuals. Racists believe that all individuals who share superficial physical characteristics are alike: as collectivists, racists think only in terms of groups. By encouraging Americans to adopt a group mentality, the advocates of so-called “diversity” actually perpetuate racism. Their obsession with racial group identity is inherently racist.”

This doesn’t mean he simply opposes Sharpton and Jackson. It also means he would oppose white people deciding what is in their best interests as a racial collective. You all know he is another kind of Pat Buchanan — he is for “culture” and “America” uber alles. No, I don’t think they are being ‘respectable.’ I think they really believe it and would go to lengths to enforce it.

Someone should gently break this to Stormfront.

Jun 9, 5:15 AM
NorFront says:
“He is for “culture” and “America” uber alles. No, I don’t think they are being ‘respectable.’ I think they really believe it and would go to lengths to enforce it.

“Someone should gently break this to Stormfront.”

You’ll never find a popular white politician who believes in racial differences, that won’t change until the NWO empire crumbles. Ron Paul would stop the flow of illegal immigrants, and stabilize america for a few more years. Our perspective in Europe is that these conservative right wing politicans buy us time. They are like a dam to slow down immigration slightly, and give us more time to work with the people. There is no quick solution.

  1. #1 by Pain on 06/09/2007 - 12:08 pm

    “he is for “culture” and “America” uber alles”

    Both comments above are very good.

    The funny thing is, if we suddenly won racial freedom overnight, wouldn’t the Ron Pauls suddenly backpeddle and say they were always for the white race?

  2. #2 by danerebor on 06/09/2007 - 1:18 pm

    You know, the popular *support* for Ron Paul and against amnesty for the browns makes me optimistic.

    Ron Paul and the minutemen are not officially pro-white and who knows if they’ll ever be, but that doesn’t matter. What does matter is that many white americans don’t want brown people to live around us, *despite* all the PC crap. What matters is that they are willing to *do* something about it, even if it’s just calling their senators.

    They may not be willing to admit in public that it’s a racial issue, but their actions speak louder than words! No one would be complaining if millions of blonde norwegians were sneaking into America and we all know it.

  3. #3 by Ian Santiago on 06/09/2007 - 4:06 pm

    “We support a program of absolute catastrophe, because that’s what’s going to bring the system crashing DOWN.” — Gregor Strasser, June 30, 1934

    I agree with the above quote and that is why I hope that ooga wooga Obama wins in 2008. I am sick of cowardly conservatives who try and check the symptoms of the disease rather than cut out the cancer. Obama would be the perfect creature to bring about total destruction and discredit the system, forever. If we are lucky he will even try for complete gun confiscation.

    Bring on Weimar America so as to destroy the system, so we can have are racial revolution, sooner rather than later! We can only do away with multiracialiam after the present political system is destroyed and a leftist, half-nigger like Osama Obama is the perfect choice to achieve that.

    Viva La Revolucion Blanca!!
    Viva la Raza Blanca!!

  4. #4 by Sys Op on 06/09/2007 - 4:10 pm

    No, Ron Paul would not backpeddle. We’ve been working with him since the mid-90s when we found that he and not EVER the ones we helped elect voted with and for us on most issues. They were all LAW based and original constitution-based ones. The crappy propaganda theory of evolution was first and foremost, by design, ported over to law and now you have judicial review based on the “evolution of law” and having the choice of which case you happen to like. This scenario only “naturally follows the evolution of people…” only people aren’t/haven’t evolved any more than murder, theft, fraud, lying, etc., have. The “living constitution” is a NON-constitution, an anti-constitution; it’s dictatorship enforced by gunpower.

    Dare I slaughter this: The “living constitution” is a code word for constitutioncide.

    Most of the current anti-immigration groups are NOT race oriented because most of them are married to or have children/grandchildren, in-laws, or other familial relationships with other races. I am finding that most people I know (and that’s a lot) have other races now in their families, and they’ll fight you to the death over the issue. This is a BIG problem. Adoption via the churches of ONLY colored babies is key.

    I just heard last week that Lou Dobbs is married to a hispanic lady… I have never tried to find out if that’s so or not.

  5. #5 by Sys Op on 06/09/2007 - 4:50 pm

    Ian: I agree with you. Only with much more pain and agony knowing what that means looking at history. Our technology is 2007. The preparations for it are being made primarily by government-funded and sanctioned enemies of white people. I am leaning to the theory that the UN forces will be first to back all enforcement and you all can imagine in your own minds what it will be like. The forces fighting the U.S. in Bagdad are more resolved than any American (or whites I’m aware of) can understand unless they’ve fought in guerilla warfare.

    It’s all a big guess except running the numbers we already know.

  6. #6 by shari on 06/09/2007 - 7:30 pm

    People who have familial relationships with other races will fight you to the death over the issue. Here’s the problem. They will also be in a no win fight with the non-white family members. For instance, I have a cousin , who lives in Texas. His wife is a school teacher. When their older daughter was still in high school she got pregnant by a black, who promptly dropped her. They accepted him as her boyfriend. She had a daughter, which she kept. Her parents couldn’t believe he dropped her like that. Now what can she say to that girl, “don’t do what I did?” Serious divisions among those “family members” will happen before she’s grown.
    I know some other situations that are very, very, precarious although they don’t know it yet. What people will fight for now, is not to have their blindfold removed. Too painful! But,it will get ripped off anyway.

  7. #7 by Sys Op on 06/09/2007 - 8:24 pm

    Yes, Shari. You either get a grimace and “(s)he’s ours…” or silence… or happy-happy we’re soooo happy, “this is how to make things right and it’s rough going against all those racists out there,” whom they cannot identify. Then the child grows up not fitting anywhere or taken over by a more controlling group–one of several choices they have now. The whites that have done pretty well with their white/black children are the hardest. They have put their all into making the best of a horrid situation and they love those kids. When it all falls apart along racial lines, it’s going to be hell. Only a very few don’t already know the truth, the blindfold coming off is “too painful … and WILL get ripped off” one way or another. They will be deadly enemies and unless people are privy to family history, you won’t know where that “shot” came from.

    I am thinking of several situations I am close too and it gives me pits in my stomach because the children are very sweet… now… and they will be caught in the “cross-fire” — especially the Asians.

  8. #8 by AFKAN on 06/09/2007 - 10:35 pm

    in reply to SysOp:

    you wrote:

    I am thinking of several situations I am close too and it gives me pits in my stomach because the children are very sweet… now… and they will be caught in the “cross-fire” — especially the Asians.
    *end snip*

    This is an issue that has bothered me for decades, since my friend in college married a member of another race. I said, “What about any children you might have? Have you ever thought what future THEY will be facing?”

    His answer shocked me:

    “They will make the most of it; they will be the model for the rest of society.”

    I only had one thought:

    That he believed SO MUCH in the moral rightness of what he was doing, he was committing the functional equivalent of human sacrifices for the sake of the approval of his peers, and his faculty members.

    Needless to say, this marriage did NOT go the distance, and, remarkably, three lives suffered horrifically as a result.

    Incidentally, his wife (and daughter) was permanently disowned by her family.

    And when I say permanently, I MEAN “permanently,” and this includes her extended family.

  9. #9 by Mark on 06/09/2007 - 10:45 pm

    Half black children have a tendancy to turn against their white family members and take up the “I’m black and I’m oppressed — down with whitee” mantra. Halle Berry (sp?) is a great example. Her black father ran off and left her pregnant white mother to raise her but all Halle can say is, “I’m black and I’m oppressed by the whites!” I wonder how her mother feels about all her anti white talk, or is she even realizes the broad strokes her daughter is painting when she attacks the white race?

  10. #10 by Mark on 06/09/2007 - 10:50 pm

    Okay, out of character for the resident agnostic, but I think the words of the Psalmist says it best in connnection to our looking to rulers for help:

    “Do not put your trust in princes, Nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help” (Psalm 146:3)

    Okay, sure, I’m taking it out of context, but it fits, ok? Sort of, anyway…

  11. #11 by Tim on 06/10/2007 - 9:44 am


    The only thing recessive about an Aryan is on the OUTSIDE. Halle Barry might sound black and proud but she is dating a white nordic model and probably pregnant with his baby. Furthermore, the mulatoes will all be black and proud in a WHITE country. They will never be black and proud in a Black country. When designer babies come out. The world will find out just how White the Halle Barrys of the world really are. Race is real and it matters……In the future, when western civ starts consolidating and the “differences” start hitting hard. You will see the direct opposite. Halle, will be so happy she had a white mother and designer aryan babies…..

    (I sat next to a ‘halle barry’ in school and she was whiter than anything on stormfront……on the inside. She will have tons of White babies when given a chance. In fact, our biggest problem in the future will be all the new designer aryans wanting into Western Civilization)

  12. #12 by shari on 06/10/2007 - 1:21 pm

    I think that Mark’s quote fits, anyway you look at it. The German people turned to Hitler, but Hitler failed them, it being too big for a mere mortal anyway. I don’t believe that Jesus Christ will fail us, but of course I have to take that on faith.

    A psalm that I often mull over is psalms 2. It’s such a picture. The two big projects right now are race replacement and world government. Both are straight out of the pit.

    Meanwhile, we have to make sure that we are on the right side. Being churchy sure won’t do it.

  13. #13 by Alan on 06/10/2007 - 3:36 pm

    Racial identity is all that matters,culture is the off shoot that developes as a society evolves, it is not racial specific. The White Race IS a special group, our skin color is unique, yet we have diversity in eye and hair color, language and creativity. We are a beatifull race. Brown is brown, brown is ugly and thats all it will ever be, only racial mixing produces features that are allien and physically gross in the dark races.

  14. #14 by Sys Op on 06/10/2007 - 4:25 pm

    Speaking of Ron Paul, and the civil politic — I was up on SF looking for some specific data (to see if it’s there) and came upon this new thread, top and center: [log-in member only access]
    Re: Law School… here I come!!
    LadyCeltic, you scored 178 out of a possible 180? You freakin’ rock, girl!


    This is awesome as far as *I’m* concerned. But I’ll add the caveat that home schoolers are scoring perfect scores on ALL the SATs and their derivatives. The Oregon boy who scored 100% + (got the extras also) was one of many children living in a motor home with his parents working odd jobs in different places so they could stay ahead of the “law” and were setting up in large library parking lots. Their story was phenomenal, but most looked askance at this not-so-attractive group and would say they were weird and would have taken those children away in half a millisecond.

    I don’t follow all the different National competitions for various things, but there are not a lot that are not won (all top finalists) by home schoolers.

    These people are all regular white folks, it isn’t “rocket science” it’s GETTING THE HELL OUT OF THE SYSTEM and keeping minds and bodies and spirits intact.

    The Ron Paul types are the only ones who GET IT. Without highly intelligent, high-charactered (squeaky-clean personal and business lives) men under a rock-solid constitution adhered to by a judiciary that takes EVERYTHING back to the prime principles of original intent-oriented case law and enforcement of same… the system WILL fail. Bob taught constitutional law and forgot more than I know. But at least I know the best of the basics.

    This poor lady will learn NOTHING of law the way it was meant to operate, but maybe she can get by long enough to get her piece of paper and her education on what’s right on the side from the best. It’s all available through home schooling sources. Any degree, any field, any level. Do you know about MIT…?

  15. #15 by Al Parker on 06/10/2007 - 5:36 pm

    Tim has an interesting comment but VERY controversial comment. Remember when I talked about non-whites whom I felt had assimilated? How do we know she isn’t a creatively stagnant psychopath?

    Shari brought out the difficult reality of things in her comment. That’s why people like hacman promote the idea of taking what’s left and moving it somewhere to a safe place, like the pacific northwest. (Where is his comment by the way?)

    Bob is more realistic and so he puts his stock in the white designer baby idea. However, that future may not be popular with many folks in the ‘movement’ because it doesn’t involve wholesale slaughter.

  16. #16 by Sys Op on 06/10/2007 - 5:42 pm

    people… promote the idea of… a safe place, like the pacific northwest –Al Parker

    That “place” does NOT EXIST. That statement is PURE FANTASY, silly Lord of the Rings type stuff. It wastes precious time, thought process and action energy — not to mention being completely unnecessary and useless.

  17. #17 by Bob on 06/10/2007 - 10:53 pm

    Sic ‘im, SysOps!

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