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Bubbles 2

Posted by Bob on June 10th, 2007 under General

Now that WE are Bob’s Blog, I can ventilate some. No longer is a Word From Bob Himself an excuse for someone here to desert us.

But this ventilating contains lessons. I have been in this game, determined ONLY to save my race, for fifty-five years. I have watched hundreds or thousands of people drift away from the cause in their little bubbles.

I THOUGHT I just watched AFKAN drift away in his bubble. My apologies to AFKAN. It was just Al Parker being cute. AFKAN will forgive me.

But my mistake would have been fatal before.

When this blog was just me, I was on a knife edge. People who swore they were dedicated above all to the survival of our race would get insulted and what they took as an insult to them or their pet bubble would cause them to instantly drop everything they had said they learned here.

I watch as Stormfronters leave our tiny group with our special mission to join a group collecting immigration petitions or hailing Ron Paul as Our Savior. There are MILLIONS of THEM, but our people deplete our tiny, historic ranks to get in on the Latest Big Thing.

I have spent fifty-five years watching one Latest Big Thing after another. To me the Jehovists who were saying that we could not plan for the long-term because if a Catholic were elected president in 1960 there would never be another election in America are as fresh in my memory as the Ron Paul for God crowd is now.

I know every bubble people drift off into from personal, raw, painful experience. From the obsession with uniforms of the man who founded WOL to the guy I described before I had worked with for half a century and who suddenly became a fanatical defeatist t those who would sell us out in an instant for the pope or their particular version of Jehovah and Traditional Values, I know ticking time-bombs when I see them. All of them have gone off in my face, repeatedly.

I was in at the founding of the Southern League, later the League of the South. Then it drifted off into a multicultural balloon. It had a Jehovist program. I saw that early and went along because I could use it until it blew away completely in its balloon.

I made my living off of the Goldwater-Reagan bubbles. I am fighting my fight on that money today. I get a little tired of people telling me Reagan was not the Real Revolution. I knew that going in.

I could tell you a hundred bubbles I watched people drift off in their balloons, and I could probably describe yours. But you will never regret the time you spent with me before your bubble took you away.

  1. #1 by AFKAN on 06/11/2007 - 10:39 am

    I don’t do Covington analysis here; there’s plenty of opportunity on another website.

    Defining ALL political issues on the foundation of RACE takes a lot of experience, and painfully gained experience, at that.

    We have all fallen for the belief that “If only I could tell people the Truth, they would understand, and join me. We could change the world!”

    This is giving more people more credit than they dare deserve.

    I just don’t watch tv; I was horrified to watch “Oprah” one day, and see these women – young to middle-aged White women – just cheering her on and taking in her patent medicine as if it was being delivered by Christ right out of the Tomb.

    At THAT moment, I pretty much gave up on about 90% of my nominally racial brethren, who will need to feel a lot more heat (ie, 1929-1941), before they see the Light.

    Even then, the fact that more than HALF of the Adult population in America is on one form of prescription tranquilizer or another, because their Mind can not tolerate what their senses are telling them. So, they shut down their tool of survival, for a season.

    The fact remains that RACE is the only order that creates a sustainable social order, and creates the foundation for that RACE to express its Talents, if any.

    Thus, a mandarin from more than a millenia ago could take the Analects, dust them off, and govern Chinese society without skipping a beat.

    The only words that I use that seem to get through are “White Genocide.”

    The times for niceties are pretty much past; it’s time to take on the intellectual equivalent of brass knuckles, and accept the fact that we will be Outsiders for some time to come.

    That’s the price we pay for Freedom.

    Simple as that.

    When I stopped being invited to family reunions, I had a few sparky words with my relatives. I said this:

    “You don’t want me here because you don’t like my defining all of the social problems you like to discuss in terms of RACE, writ large, as the Living Bridge between Family and Culture. It reminds you of too many inconvenient truths, and of the many compromises you make, daily, in the name of keeping peace in the valley.

    My focus is on laying the foundation for the world our grandchildren will inherit.

    I don’t give a damn about anything else.

    And, I can assure you of this:

    If the rest of you don’t work like trapped animals by adopting the RACIAL practices of our hereditary RACIAL Enemy – practices that WORK – then your grandchildren will be third class citizens, in a Second World country, and will live lifetimes of indentured servitude.”

    The last words I had with them were clean, and honest:

    “If you’re not talking about RACE as the Foundation for any Solution, don’t talk to me about your problems. What you see as problems are the ‘SOLUTIONS’ to your previous problems, that you defined while deliberately ignoring a RACE-based Solution.”

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