And those are only the ones I happened to HEAR about!
Here is how a group of twenty or so of us caused a panic in New Jersey and NYC:,tucker,76913,2.html/full
The secret is that the mass of Americans are as alien to the “Elite” as they are to us. They are ALWAYS terrified that the masses are going to come get them.
Stop bitching about THEIR power and USE their fear of US!
#1 by AFKAN on 06/15/2007 - 11:00 am
the positive use of Anger:
I have written in the past about how useful Anger – sheer, damn, RAGE – is, to clearing away the fog of the lies in which we live our lives.
Scientific proof is here.
Above all, anger is a tremendous motivator, harnessed and channeled properly.
Just drive through the colored sections of town, and see, for yourself, the Future the Elites have chosen for our RACE!
#2 by danerebor on 06/15/2007 - 11:42 am
That picture is priceless! They are obsessed with us.
#3 by Ian Santiago on 06/15/2007 - 11:55 am
The elites are evil and cowardly but they sure are not very bright. When it all kicks off, the minority vermin will simply see them as Whites, to rob, rap and kill. We will rightfully see them as filthy race traitors with the blodd of White women and children on their hands. They are firmly between the rock and the hard place and their fate will be well earned.
I suspect, that soon, some of the more sane and bright among the elites will try to get in front of or co-opt White Nationalism and White Rage. They probably think that if we expend our ammo and fury on the animalist minorities that we will leave them alone. That assumption will be proven incorrect. 🙂
Viva La Raza Blanca!!
#4 by shari on 06/15/2007 - 12:40 pm
It is IRONIC that elites, such as Tony Blair and w. Bush look down on us. Someone said that Blair openly calls us “wankers.” That is the initiation practice for one of their elite clubs. They are stark raving crazy.
#5 by Dave on 06/15/2007 - 1:11 pm
This Village Voice piece was fascinating because it says so much about our times.
Like the NYC press in general, it never rises above a junior high school social clique tonality where conversation invariably revolves around the fulcrum of the defamation of others and pretences of social standing.
News Week and Time Magazine are cut from the same cloth.
These NYC publications fully reflect the wanting social and spiritual development of their authors and editors, those persons being products of the cesspool of dereliction, humiliation, and indignity that is the true state of social relations in NYC.
Their claims are of high moral principle yet they never offer any recognition or solutions to the dereliction, indignity, and humiliation suffered by all races in NYC.
I wish I had a nickel for every time a derelict has told me he loved God. I would be a rich man indeed.
The rubber never hits the road with them and they fop off any proposal to redress the truth of their circumstances as unworthy of their thought and time.
According to them, any important decision in the organization of their own or anyone else’s life affairs should never be given real thought and consideration, such thought and consideration being, according to themselves, “against the faith”.
Accordingly, they rely heavily on defamation and general purpose lying in coping with their circumstances.
And their greatest crime isn’t their racial attitudes; it is their advocacy and tolerance of dereliction, implicit in their world outlook and everything they say.
And it is logical and to be expected that they find the thoughtful, able, responsible and sober among us to be a threat.
Derelicts are like that. That’s how they are hardwired.
Welcome to NYC.
We shall defeat them.
#6 by danerebor on 06/15/2007 - 2:29 pm
You’re right: they’re crazy!
That’s why we’ll beat them in the end. It’s only a matter of how many of us they take down with them.
#7 by Al Parker on 06/16/2007 - 1:03 am
Listen to Maria Luisa Tucker speaking freely in the audio section of the article page:
“They’re just normal every day people”
Also, Maria Luisa was concerned her “heritage” would be outed. If she honestly does not have a problem with her heritage, she should avoid disparaging those whites who stand up for their heritage.
This is a snippet from her autobiographical article linked from that SF thread:
An old Mexican man came up to me and asked, “Your name is Maria Luisa? Are you Hispanic?”
“Yes, but my father is white,” I answered.
“Well,” he said, pausing to touch my pale hand.
You can draw your own conclusions.
All in all, an amateur article full of silly observations — though some of them are funny because they are not entirely inaccurate.
#8 by Alan on 06/16/2007 - 4:37 am
The Elite protect the statis quo, they attack those who wish to deviate from the established and accepted wordist trend. This is why twenty white Americans can create fear in the elite by pointing out the race traitor genocide against fellow whites. The elite worship words, they are conformist, the truth we spread amoungst them lies in their inability to handle the truth, to stear away from the beaten path. To sum it up, the elite are ignorant, wordist who follow a herd mentality, the attack what they fail to understand. The poison they spread is not what they believe but what they fear, never rock the boat is their established mantra, a Pavlov response.
#9 by Papillon on 06/16/2007 - 4:57 am
I came across a website — — which the Internet home of a group of people in Pennsylvania who organise near-weekly protests against illegal immigration. They are definitive respectable conservatives, who fall over themselves trying to show that their cause is not racial despite the fact that non-Whites are invading White countries and ONLY White countries; but I say good on them for being active, if nothing else!
Anyway, I signed their guestbook: and ‘personalised’ the mantra as advised by SysOps and co. It will be interesting to see what, if anything, comes of this. You never know, Bob’s words might start coming out of loudspeakers in downtown PA!
#10 by Papillon on 06/16/2007 - 4:59 am
PS: I had included paragraphs but their guestbook ate them when my comment was posted.
#11 by The Dude on 06/16/2007 - 7:58 am
All that fun and I never got a postcard….
I may have to cancel my subscription to the VOICE….
#12 by Marwinsing on 06/17/2007 - 6:15 am
White bloodlines that do not become racist will perish for eternity.
Therefore racism is our only hope for lasting survival.