Archive for November, 2010

History’s Bus

There was a very interesting comment which discussed “busses,” meaning people on whom other people depend. For example, a small business owner is a bus on which all his workers and his family ride.

They pay their fare, but the ride can’t take place without the “bus.”

There is a lot of talk about “precious resources,” which usually means semi-retarded kids society is supposed to dump money on so they can “be all that they can be.”

But a society that concentrates on a kinder and gentler conservatism or such like is to that extent taking its mind off its buses. In Asia the society concentrated entirely on fawning over old men who sat around and said Wise Stuff while children passed out with hunger all around them.

The Wisdom Busses of China were broken down, and the society had lots of Wisdom and stagnation.

America has had a zero growth rate for going on two generations for the first time in our history. As Asia starved and talked about Wisdom, America has stagnated and talked about Social Progress.

We have long since discovered that the Social Progress we derived from our ideas of Nature, a society without the class distinctions and territoriality caused only by man’s unnatural acts, is in fact the opposite of actual nature.

In fact, China threw out its Ancient Wisdom for Marxism, which is based precisely on the idea that all class distinctions and property and territoriality is artificial. Now China has found that that was as bad a Wisdom and is trading it in for capitalism and Social Progress.

In other words, as I suspect it has done for three thousand years, the Orient is adopting whatever it gets from Aryans.

China, by the way, is not even all that ancient. White India developed aquatic rice, the kind China is based on, and Aryan India developed the gurus, suspiciously like Chinese Wise Men, after the truly early Aryan invasions.

I’ve never seen any of this, especially the relationship of White India to China, discussed anywhere else.

But history’s bus always seems to comfort those “Scythians” or that series of “Northern invasions,” now called eastern invasion, that kept coming in the Middle East.

So who can be called the bus of history?

The Middle East?


Or those people nobody can trace who keep coming into history and causing its next stage?



The Mensa Mantra Problem

Mensa, which is the Yiddish word for the German Menschen, is an organization you have to have a high IQ to enter. You may be familiar with the Nazi word Untermenschen, subhumans.

If a German organization called itself Menschen and limited its membership to high IQs the ADL would go berserk.

One thing that is noted by reporters covering Mensa meetings is that there is a fair sampling of blue collars and non-college grads there. Each of that fair sampling represents a far higher share of the high-IQ population, since very few workers or dropouts KNOW their IQ.

These are people intelligent enough to get through school and who hold responsible jobs, like repairing the subways all those college grads go to work in.

So if they are smart and if they are good workers, why couldn’t they make it in school?

I have told you here repeatedly that, if the University of South Carolina had not been the only institution of higher learning in America that let anybody in who made in the top quarter of the scores on the National College Entrance Exam — the old SAT — I would have been a high school drop out.

My grades were awful in high school. They also had a national test to compare students in high schools around the country as to how much they knew of the subjects they were taking or had taken. I ALWAYS got in the top five percent and often in the top one.

In fact, one teacher said I was quite a help in keeping Columbia High School high in the subject knowledge tests. In the course, she gave me a D.

It was general knowledge in the school that I was at the top of subject knowledge tests.

It never OCCURRED to anybody to be concerned as to why, if I knew the subject, I was making Cs and Ds.

I am not saying that no one could figure it out. I am saying that no one ASKED it.

I think we should label this a Mantra Problem. It goes in with not just understanding, but taking it for granted that no one in the education establishment is at all concerned as to why, if IQ scores were generally known, Mensa might have a majority of members who hold responsible jobs but lost out in the present school system.

A Mantra Problem is one which everybody knows about, everybody takes for granted, everybody may even take a moment to be amused at an example of it, but nobody THINKS about.



Fighting for Defeat

Many, many times I have taken on a whole roomful of people on race. Almost invariably someone came up to me and said they were on my side, often someone who had made themselves appear to be with the crowd.

Many of the pro-whites on Stormfront will be on line but would not take the side of someone who was fighting for us in the Opposing Views section which Lord Nelson tells us I helped depopulate.

The pro-whites who did not back us up usually claimed they don’t want to get into all that, or that the pro-white was doing OK without them or whatever else a shirker always says.

But I’ll tell you one area in which those pro-whites are not shirkers. If you point out where we are making progress, they will fight you every inch of the way, until dawn if necessary.

When it comes to arguing All Is Lost, no one has the kind of energy that defeatists on Stormfront have.

I was just informed that “A BUGster who is always on message” — quite a compliment, especially considering the source — had put the Mantra in his Facebook Profile and said, “The message is spreading and we are winning.”

They came down on him like an avalanche. No, not the anti-whites; the crowd that will fight to the death to say that they love our race but All Is Lost. I honestly believe they would take pills and stay up day and night to fight for All Is Lost until the ambulance came and took them away.

When Napoleon came back from his first exile and took Paris, one old British general went to a map and pointed at Waterloo. He said, “This is where he will be defeated.”

A lot of people thought he was a Prophet. He was probably thinking, “I’ve been in this damned war for over twenty years. But they’re astonished I know how it will go.”

I feel the same way, and a lot of you are beginning to. I didn’t spend all those years developing the Mantra and trying it out and then these years with Whitaker Online because I thought all was lost. I was hitting the flint for a spark that would catch, because I knew this spark could not be quenched once it caught a set of proponents like you.

And every inch of the way I battled those who want us to read their moans and groans in huge books and whose only goal was to have others to moan the Inevitable End with them.

First of all, let me say that I have been in this and related political wars for well over half a century. More important, I have WON some. Like the old British general, I an not a Prophet. I am just a bit surprised when someone doesn’t realize that I might have an idea by now of how these things go.

Not that long ago, I was fighting alone for the Mantra and the big voices on our side consisted almost entirely of Militant Defeatists.

You and I get sick to our stomachs when we see what I call “A Jewish Wet Dream,” a very black male with a very blond girl. Every other white and most blacks do, too. It is not uncommon to hear a black say “He’s too black for HER” when a black is out to get a mulatto.

What they are doing is not only wrong, it is sickening, and they have to have everybody agreeing that it is inevitable and you better take your Tums and like it.

Whites are not trying to sneak into brown countries. A black man who gets a white woman would never marry a person who looked like the daughters they will have. He is destroying what he is after. He is evil.

This is what they cannot allow anyone to SAY. It is a house of cards, and the Mantra hits at its base.

But those who sell tomes desperately do not want anyone to see that this is a house of cards. They want it to be something dramatic, an All Powerful Conspiracy of Geniuses only they truly understand.

Others of them are simply depressives, and this world view appeals to them because it is the ideal world of a depressive.

But the bottom line is that the world view they are fighting for is not TRUE. They will fight harder for defeatism than they ever would for our race. And many of them will hate you far more than they hate any anti-white.



Half Wits

I like to say I always wanted to be a real wit and I’m halfway there already.

The country is run by two sets of half-wits. Both sides say “Follow the money” but each follows half the money. Liberals are always talking about Big Business and Military expenditures but they never wonder about the titanic industries that taught them their own ideology.

Conservatives believe they are wiser about “the money.” They talk about land, labor, capital and management, but they never think of the biggest economic factor of all.

The minute you cross into Mexico you are in a place where the per capita income is, and always has been, a fraction of that of the United States. Is this land or labor or capital or management?

None of the above. It is the one thing a conservative cannot say and be respectable. I put it in a book in 1982.

Mexico is poor because its population is made up of MEXICANS.

If I were to give you a choice of places to invest, and I said “The only factor you have to go on is the color of the skin of most of the population,” where would you put your money?

And for all their exceptions and loud protestations that everybody is alike except for the Book they get their economic philosophy from, it will be an icy day in Hell before Forbes or any other conservative puts his money where his mouth is.

One of the basics that makes our society so irrational is that both sides are frustrated that they cannot get the other half to see the half that is obvious to them.

I was on the Education and Labor Committee staff on Capitol Hill. Conservatives told stories about the absurdity of OSHA, the agency that regulates safety at work sites. They got their complaints from employers. Democrats in general got their complaints from union officials and ideologues who declared their sympathy for The Working Class.

All I knew about work sites was the places I had worked and the working people I had talked to. On OSHA, I followed a course as simple as the Mantra and damned near as heretical. I wrote an amendment for John that required a cost-benefit, real accidents report on a work site before a regulation was passed.

Workers were stunned by this naiveté, but the only other choice was having no OSHA at all.

I worked on plants before the rules were made, and I was about the only conservative who didn’t oppose OSHA on principle. But OSHA was also the product of the other set of halfwits.

Follow the money. OSHA was part of those programs Mommy Professor naturally advocates as a way for Intellectuals and Idealists like themselves to run industry for the benefit of The Working Class. It was staffed accordingly, with budding intellectuals, not with the poor, simple-minded working class that they tell their students about.

There were some Democrats who actually had seen real live working people. We made changes, but the whole subject is so complicated and the results so partial that, believe me, you don’t want to hear about it and I am too tired to remember most of it.

But halfwits only see Capital, represented by corporation executives who come up through bureaucracy, and Labor, a bunch of people who must be protected, not least from themselves. Look at all those Wallace votes!

Millions of working people voted for Wallace, and no Democrat will ever admit that what he said should be listened to.

The years it took to get Republicans to get the Wallace vote, now known as Reagan Democrats, show that they had the same view of working people that their fellow country club members who were limousine liberals had.

A good example of the results of this kind of thing was OSHA. Either no OSHA or Mommy Professor’s OSHA.

The point is that the people in charge ARE half wits. But it is high time we stopped grieving over it and looked at WHY this is the case.



“Radical” Youth

Some ex-hippies have told me in no uncertain terms that my impression that hippies were anti-white was wrong. I find that very easy to believe.

In the faraway 60s I was driving across the South with a young English girl. We were watching a live TV show where young people were asked if they thought long hair on males was bad. She guessed almost all of them would say no.

She was barely older than the youngsters who answered, but it was, as I had predicted to her, about ninety percent yes. She had nothing to guide her but the American media and American commentators.

The Wallace Youth was huge, but I never saw a single picture of them until Wallace was shot and his stalker’s picture was among those wearing Wallace Youth hats. I don’t remember ever seeing a picture of even one Nixon Youth.

But Leftist Youth was on television nightly.

All Youth, then as now, was radical left. That is the reason the information about “youth” was produced.

At Kent State, the average age of the rock-throwers was higher than the average age of National Guard units who fired on them. By the way, the entire national media absolutely declared that no rocks were thrown. Now that it doesn’t matter, they admit it freely.

As Al Capp said, “It doesn’t take a college education to know that the easiest way to get yourself killed is to throw rocks at armed men.”

When the TV news interviewed students about the integration of the University of South Carolina, which had been delayed until me and my group left the school, one guy yelled, advocated violence, the whole bit.

Everybody knew that in this random sampling of student opinion, he would be left out. He was a student and he gave no doubt he had an opinion, but everyone assumed that it would be edited out. I like to go into that with people, precisely because they took it for granted.

When someone edits out offensive language, the decision is looked at closely. But we have become so accustomed to neatly trimmed news that we never THINK about the implications.

As one BUGS commenter put it, censorship is more about what is left out than about what is left in.
If that guy had been a LEFTIST radical screaming for violence, CBS would have featured him as “youthful dissent.” But I had to stick that under people’s noses to get them to NOTICE what they took for granted.

But this sort of unnoticed truth is what makes the world what it is. Not Conspiracies, not Big Money, but simply what the media are comfortable with.

It is important for me to repeat that right after the 1980 election, the media didn’t KNOW any of the people in the new Administration below Secretary level. They even put ME on the front page of the New York Times because my quotes were too good to leave out!

It took them a year to find out who was nice and who wasn’t. Can you imagine any other media in the developed world that wouldn’t even have a passing acquaintance with people who just took over in a landslide?

Compared to what is coming, Reagan was very, very mild.

The media won’t mention us until we are at their throats.
